Robin Davis  

Nov 272020
Name:  Robin Davis

Born:  13th July 1947

Date Joined 1993.

Personal Bests:
Winning 2 bronze medals at Southern Counties Vets 10 mile road race. And 1 I.A.C medal for 5 mile road race in my age group pos. 60-65.

First Club Race: Southend 10K. 

Favourite Race: Cabbage Patch 10 mile road race. Essex Way

Notable Performances:  As above

Biggest Disappointment:  Having to give up Skiing and running because of problems with my knees.

Typical Weeks Training at your peak . Tue/Thursdays on the track with Freds group other days on the road, Weekends up at Chigwell either on the country or road.

Favourite Sessions:  Back Lane 10 on Saturday then repeat it on Sunday in reverse way.

Favourite race distance 10 mile

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country Cross Country races always finishing at the back.

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters Enjoy your athletics then you will improve and obtain your personal goals.

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:  

Pam Jones

How would you improve the sport To get more people involved with coaching, track officials, club officers etc. Without these roles being filled there would be no events

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  Jonathon Sexton captain of the Ireland rugby team.

What other sports do you follow: Road cycling, rugby union.

Best Country Visited Napal for the high mountains.

Favourite Food & Drink : Anything as long as it does not contain peppers. A good Scottish single malt.

Favourite TV Shows:  Emmerdale.

Last Film Seen : They will not grow old 2018

Last Book Read Ernest Bevin Labours Churchill by Andrew Adonis.

Favourite Band Singer:  None

Last Album Bought or Downloaded  Too long ago to remember 

Last Concert Attended: George Melly jazz and blues singer in the 1970,s

Any Pets:  Dog names Brodie.

What are your aims for next season To come out of lock down and resume a normal life what ever that will be.

Tell us a Joke: Never known to telling jokes.

I have never been a great athlete but I have always been about from making the tea to helping out where needed.



Why did you initially join Ilford AC ?

I  had just started road running, it was Kay Franklin, who introduced me to the club,
I knew her as we were both Justice of the Peace sitting at Stratford Magistrate’s Court, and the rest is history.


What injury happened to your knees that stopped you from running and skiing ?

The problem with my knees was wear and tear over a long time which I ignored, until I was told by an orthopaedic surgeon that if I did not alter my lifestyle I would need knee replacements within a year.


What do you do now to try and keep fit ?

I walk Brodie our dog twice a day


Favourite Park Run and Why and PB ?

My favourite Park Run has to be Hackney. It was where I started Park Runs, long before Valentines started my PB there was sub 26.


What School did you go to and were you Athletic at school ?

I went to Park Modern School for Boys in Barking, it is now Barking Abbey I was not athletic at school.


What was your full time job and did that help or hinder your training ?

Until I retired on health grounds I was a Funeral Director / Business Manager looking after 36 funeral homes in North East London, I started in the funeral industry when I left school in 1963. I missed training and races at times because I was on out of hours call a lot. I am now back working part time.


Favourite Cross Country course and Why ?

My favourite Cross Country Course has to be Claybury, it is a challenging course with hill, mud and more mud, also I trained over there as I live close by.


Taken into account, other than your knees, what is your worst injury and what did you do to recover ?

I never suffered from any long term injury, apart from having a hernia operation in late January then against advise I ran the London Marathon in the April.


Did you ever train with any of the ‘Market boys’ that Jimmy Huddart told us about?

The only market boy I knew was Stevie Farmer as he ran on a Sunday at Chigwell, also he knew my then neighbour.


If you could tell your 16 year old self anything (doesn’t have to be about sport) what would it be?

I would tell my self at 16 that school work and exams  are more important than working to obtain my Queen Scout Badge I did obtain the badge and became only the second scout in my troop to gain it.


You are probably known more for being a reliable guy who is always there helping out, giving encouragement, giving lifts etc than you are known for being a runner. Would you agree and are you comfortable with that?

I am comfortable with what I do for the club, its my way of me putting back into athletics and Ilford A.C., for the enjoyment that has been a large part of my life since 1993.


Who would be at your fantasy dinner party and what ‘signature dish’ would you serve them?

My fantasy dinner party would be: Harold Macmillan, President Charles de Gaulle, Ted Heath, Boris Johnson.The meal would be Beef Wellington, medley of local vegetables followed by a cheese board of English cheeses and biscuits.


Are your medals on display at home?

I have kept my marathon medals, Southern Counties bronze medals and the one Ilford medal they are kept in a draw.


What was your trainer of choice?

My preferred trainers were Asics DS., bought from Roger Mills at Athletic East running shop in Wanstead.


Like myself you must have seen many runners who started with the club at our Wednesday Harriers group, many of whom had very little confidence in their running abilities when they first came and introduced themselves, then go on to race 10k’s, Half Marathons, Marathons, Cross Country events etc. This must make you very proud?

When Martin, Sally, Pam and myself started the Harriers we felt that there was gap between people out running and the traditional athletic club, The Harries filled that gap by offering the opportunity to improve and gain confidence in their running, this has progressed to runners joining the club . Now we see runners at the Harriers who want more than just a weekly Park Run joining us on a Wednesday evening. Again if you look at the results these days a lot of our club members have come up through the Harriers or Park Runs. We have had many success a few disappointments over the years. This has given me a lot of satisfaction over the years seeing runners obtaining their personal goals.


I will be back making the tea on a club night once we get back to the new normal life.


  Jimmy Huddart  

Nov 232020
Name:  James Huddart

Born:  3.6.1947

Date Joined 1982 Re-Joined 2013

Personal Bests: 

3 miles Victoria Park, 17 mins 25 secs
5 miles Victoria Park 27 mins 30 secs
10k Walthamstow A.C 36 mins 09 secs
7 miles Woodford Green A.C. 42 mins 31 secs
10 miles Bishops Stortford  57 mins 06 secs
Half Marathon Roding Valley 1 hr 19 mins 27 secs
Marathon Canvey Island 3 hrs 12 mins

First Club Race: Ilford 4 mile X country

Favourite Race: Chigwell 10 miles road races / Orion 10 miles road races

Notable Performances: 
1st Veteran 40 Barkingside Half Marathon 1986 (8th overall)

Being awarded Silver & Bronze medals Essex X country league 2019 & 2020

Biggest Disappointment:  Not breaking 3 hours for a marathon

Typical Weeks Training at your peak

Monday rest,
Tuesday a.m 5 miles road tempo, p.m 4 miles Hainault Forest,
Wednesday 6 miles tempo,
Thursday a.m 5 miles p.m 3 miles speed work,
Friday rest,
Saturday 5 miles X country H.F. Worked the hills,
Sunday 8 miles X country Hainault Forest easy running.

Favourite Sessions:  6 miles running around Victoria Park at different speeds

Favourite race distance 10 mile

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country Road running and Cross Country

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters
Enjoy your running, work hard towards your goals & listen to the advice given by your coach.

How would you improve the sport
Schools to encourage youngsters to take up running

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  Paula Radcliffe

What other sports do you follow: Fishing and football

Best Country Visited U.S.A

Favourite Food & Drink : Steak, Egg & chips & glass of shandy

Favourite TV Shows:  The Sweeney, Inspector Morse, Strictly come dancing

Last Film Seen : Bridge too far

Last Book Read 75 years of history of Ilford A.C

Favourite Band Singer:  Rod Stewart and Mowtown music

Last Album Bought or Downloaded  Rod Stewart singing soul music

Last Concert Attended: The Tina Turner musical, Aldwych Theatre

Any Pets:  No

What are your aims for next season To get fit so I can run The Elvis Road races &’park runs

Tell us a Joke:

 “What do you call a man with a seagull on his head”

  “NO not cliff”

   “His name is poo face”





Why did you initially join Ilford AC and then leave and then rejoin again in 2013 and what happened in the intervening years ?
I initially joined Ilford A/C to run round Hainault Forest & to be a member of a running club. After 12 years of competitive running I was working 6 days a week & with pressures of work I couldn’t commit myself to training 5 days a week. Therefore, for a number of years I only trained couple of times a week to keep fit & gradually drifted away from the club which I regretted. By chance I bumped into Gerry Pells who encouraged me to rejoin the club in 2013. I started to run park runs.

Favourite Park Run and PB ?
Raphaels park run. P.B. 27 mins 45 secs. To date I have completed 110 park runs.

I see you like Rod Stewart, when was the first time you saw him live and where and did you see him with THE FACES ?
First time I saw Rod Stewart was many, many years ago in 2 East London venues. 

Worst Injury ?
Worst injury was when I severely twisted my ankle on a tree root around Hainault Forest & ended up having a week off work. 

What was your job and how did you fit training around that ?
I was fruit porter in Spitalfields Market worked early mornings & finished lunchtime so I was able to train from midday onwards. I was also a London Cab Driver.


Did you get a big trophy for winning First Vet 40 at Barkingside half marathon and where is it now ?
I received a gift voucher to spend in Athletic East in Wanstead & I spent it on Ron Hill vest & shorts, which I outgrew.

Favourite Race ?
Favourites – any 10 mile road race


Where were you born and what school did you go to and did they encourage athletics for pupils?
Born in Newcastle & came to London when I was 5 years old. I went to Daneford Street secondary school. We did go to Fairlop Oak playing fields for various sports. Run 100 yards sprint on sports day.

Some impressive times Jim especially as you seem to be carrying your glasses during your runs. I am amazed that you enjoyed the Orion and Chigwell 10s as they were very tough, hilly races especially Chigwell, which I remember as always being on a hot day. I bet you wouldn’t run a marathon in a heavy sweat shirt these days, it would weigh a ton. Well done mate, inspirational

I really enjoyed the Orion & Chigwell 10 mile races. Although they were tough courses. My plan was to run the North Weald 10 as that was a flat course, which would help me to break the  60 mins. I would wear lightweight kit now.

Did you run the Orion 10 when runners under an hour were awarded a commemorative Orion wall tile?
Yes, but Yvonne definitely won’t let me display it on the bathroom walls.

When was the last time you ran a marathon?
My last marathon was the Brighton in April 2018. I was at golf fund raising event which my nephew Phil organised to raise funds for The Renal Unit at Gt. Ormond St. Hospital as a few years earlier he donated his kidney to his 15 year old daughter, Charlotte. £31,000 was raised at this event.  Nurses from G.O.S.H attended & mentioned to Phil they had 2 tickets for this marathon. He came over & asked me to run with him & be part of the transplant team. Of course, I said yes & with only 10 weeks training we completed the marathon to raise further funds. It was a tough course & the hardest marathon I have ever run. I finished in 7 hrs & Phil finished in 5 and a half hours. I would not recommend running a marathon with only 10 weeks training. It was a great & emotional experience to be able to run with Phil for a charity which is so close to his heart.

I have heard many tales of the ‘Market boys’ or ‘Barrow boys’ (?). Can you tell us more about this and the other members?
I was approached to organise a run to raise money for a sunshine coach. To be presented to Toynbee Hall youth club, Spitalfields to mark the 300 years history of Spitalfields Market. 8 of us run to Southend Pier & back to Spitalfields Market. We run relay of 10 miles each. We raised £3,000 towards the cost of the coach. The group expanded to 40 members from various London wholesale markets & that is when I formed Spitalfields Market runners. Of which a number of us were members of Ilford A.C. 

You have been known to give out certificates on occasion. When did this originate?

Early 1980’s.  The certificates were given to the members for what they had achieved by running half marathons & marathons & recently I gave certificate to my great niece for her first 5k run who started running during  pandemic whilst working on Covid ward although she not fully qualified nurse yet. Also, certificate was presented to a member who has completed over 450 park runs.

Runners today have fancy performance boosting trainers, expensive watches and all kinds of gels and dietary advice yet your generation was so much quicker on average (you describe your 56 min 10m PB as good, but nowhere near the top Ilford runners at the time). Have you any theories as to why this is?
If a member chooses to buy this hi tec equipment & it gives them confidence & makes them feel better, that’s fine by me. I personally only pay £50 for my trainers when they are in a sale. I still wear my faithful Casio running watch, but if hi tec watches were cheap enough I would probably buy one.  I do not feel qualified to make judgement on past & present runners, but there is no reason if they are dedicated & train hard enough that they shouldn’t achieve their goals.

Joining when you first did you must have met some of the clubs original founders and members. Have you any stories you can share about them and the time.
When I joined the club Edgar Moon was one of the original members of the club. I can recall Big Jim (Jimmy Pollock) and I went  up the club to run 5 miles around Hainault Forest & he got us to load a 5 ton trailer with bundles of paper, which took us 3 hours & the money from the sale of the paper went into the club funds. Dear Edgar & Betty invited the Market boys for cream tea in their garden at Chigwell & also at their home in Shenfield. I apologise to all those older members who have not been mentioned in this write-up.

The club must have changed enormously since 1947 when you first joined. Apart from being in Black and White what are the big differences you can see
To put the record straight, I was born in 1947 & joined the club in 1982. With the Harriers group & with the coaches & run leaders if we can encourage more park runners to join the club it can only help the future of the Club.






  Mel Jones  

Nov 102020

Name:  Mel Jones

Born:  11/3/68

Date Joined October 1988

Personal Bests: 


200m – 27.00,
300m – 41.2 sec,
400m – 59.9,
800m – 2.23,
1500 – 5.01


5k – 21.05
10k – 41.36
10 miles – 1.12.14
Half marathon – 1.31
20 miles – 2.44.5
Marathon – 3.47.16

First Club Race: Southern league 1979 Essex Beagles 800m  2.40.2

Favourite Race: Stebbing 10

Notable Performances:  Being selected to run for Essex after achieving 7th in the Cross Country championships as an 11 year old

Winning Masters medals after hitting 40

Biggest Disappointment:  

Being disqualified from winning the Essex 400m title due to a clerical error

Losing on the TV series Gladiators as I did not win the holiday, car and money

Typical Weeks Training at your peak . 

It has been so long ago since I was at my peak and able to train 6 days a week but here goes when I was 17

Monday – 6-7 Mile road run
Tuesday – Track session 20 x 200m intervals
Wednesday – 5 mile road run
Thursday – Track session 10 x  400m
Friday – Rest day
Saturday – Fartlek over Hainault forest
Sunday – Track session easy 150m x 8

Here’s what I did before I stopped competing in 2016

Monday – Weights and pilates
Tuesday – 6 mile run
Wednesday – Weights
Thursday – Intervals on the road
Friday – Rest day
Saturday – Swimming
Sunday – Long run over Hainault

Favourite Sessions: 

I loved the fartlek over Hainault as you really felt that you were pushing your anaerobic system and those type of sessions really improved your fitness.

Favourite race distance 10 miles

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country Cross country

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters

As I trained far too much as a youngster and are now paying for it with an arthritic knee, make sure you avoid too many hard surfaces. Avoid running every day, combine strength training, flexibility training and some other form of endurance cross training like cycling and swimming so you don’t pick up overuse injuries which I have suffered with the whole of my running career.

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:
Well I did train with all the gladiators when I was on the show in 1995, does that count?

I also somehow ended up at the elite start for the first London 10km in 2014. Everybody was talking about having a letter on their number indicating their start time or wave. I didn’t have a number for some reason. Then I received an email giving me the information about the elite start times. Of course I turned up in the elite start tent with everyone looking at me, because I was certainly should not have been there. Mo Farah started the race which was down the Mall and everyone just cam running past and I found myself completely on my own until the first wave of runners came along and lifted me off my feet. 

How would you improve the sport 

It’s important to get kids interested in running early on by combining it with fun activities rather than just to run. It needs to be tackled at grass roots level. My job as a PE teacher is frustrating as something happens to kids when they start secondary school. At primary they are encouraged to take part in a mile a day run. When they get to me, they hate running and simply cannot be bothered. Unfortunately, the drop in numbers over the years in races has confirmed that it is difficult to keep children in the sport during after their teenage years.

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  

Jessica Ennis-Hill, what a sports woman and how on earth did she not crack under the pressure during 2012

What other sports do you follow: 

So these are what I take part in over a typical year

Open water swimming (still going even in the winter when Boris lets us)

Rock Climbing
Scuba Diving

Best Country Visited 

I have been very fortunate as a teacher to have had the holidays to travel. I have to say Peru having completed the Inca trail, Machu Picchu and the amazon twice. Once on holiday and once as part of a school world challenge.

Although I have also been to Borneo twice on a World Challenge and recently had the pleasure of seeing wild Orangutans as we were planting trees to help restore some of their natural habitat

Ooo not it might be Nepal due to seeing Everest

Favourite Food & Drink : 

Ooo, not sure probably between pizza and curry. I do like a flavoured gin and tonic

Favourite TV Shows:  

Anything to do with nature, I love David Attenborough 

Last Film Seen : 

1917 before lockdown

Last Book Read

“Killing for Company” which was about Dennis Neilson the serial killer

Favourite Band Singer:  

Cold play

Last Album Bought or Downloaded 

Can’t remember (that’s sad)

Last Concert Attended:  

David Grey 2005 I think

Any Pets:  

No but would love a dog but travel too much (well used to before COVID)

What are your aims for next season 

My aim for every season is to try to run in some shape or form. I was diagnosed with having osteo-arthritis in 2016 having struggled with a knee injury for several months. I’ll never give up trying to run, however it’s getting harder the older I get. So, I cross train to keep fit and have now taken up open water swimming since lockdown. I would like to enter a few 1km swim races next year.

Tell us a Joke:  

OMG really!  Here goes. A man goes into a pet shop and sees an octopus for sale. He decides to buy it, but before he leaves the shop the shop owner briefs him on how to look after him. “what ever you do, do not put him on a flat surface when you clean the tank”. So the man took the octopus back home. Several weeks later when he couldn’t see the octopus as the water was so minging so he thought about cleaning the tank. He took off the cover, lifted the octopus out of the tank and put it on the table. Straight away the octopus spread out his tentacles across the table and became stuck fast. Only then did the man remember the shop owner’s last words. Crap he thought and went to the shop to get some advice. As soon as the man walked into the shop, the owner said to him “I bet you took him out of the tank and put him down somewhere flat” Well of course the man had to own up that he forgot the advice given to him weeks ago. “Hang on” said the shop owner and then came out with a shovel to which he handed over and said “try this”. 

On his way home the man could not come up with any ideas of how to use the shovel. When he got home, the octopus looked at him with a knowing eye. The man tried to use the shovel to prise off its tentacles. Finally, it was no use and the man went back to the shop. This time the shop owner came home with him, picked up the shovel, raised it above his head and then attempted to hit the octopus on the head. The octopus seeing this was going to happen put all of his legs on top of his head to avoid the blow. 

This joke is so much better with a human impression of the octopus putting his tentacles over his head.

Sorry did try!



Are you still in contact with Vivian Grisogono, the knee specialist physio you used to see for your injuries? Mel’s knees are in  one of her books (which I can’t find at home)

Yes, I have been in contact with Vivian to ask her advice when I found out I had arthritis in my knee. She moved back to Croatia in 2004 to the island of Hvar near Split. I remember when that photo was taken and I was rewarded with a signed copy of the book.



Do you like your Orca wetsuit and would you recommend it as a durable, strong and comfortable wetsuit?

I only bought that wetsuit as I had borrowed my friends to do my first open water swim this year as the pools were all closed.  I like it because it is so easy to get on and off and is comfortable. However, it is a triathlon suit rather than an open water suit so the arms and legs are shorter, so not really suitable for real open water swimmers.


How did you manage to get on Gladiators in 1995 and tell us about your experience on the TV Show ?

I only applied because the kids at my first teaching school said I should give it a go. I made the short list and had to do physical tests and a screen test to get on. I thought it was a joke at first when I received the acceptance letter. I had a film crew follow me round for a whole day, I had only just moved to a new school and I suddenly had 100 students attend my lunchtime rounders club. We had to train for the first two weeks before the show was filmed to have a go at the majority of the games. Some of the games didn’t suit me as I wanted to do the climbing and the gauntlet. Instead I got hang tough and the pugil stick one (can’t remember the proper name) which was hard. A lot of the contenders picked up injuries during this time playing the games and so there were loads of subs on standby. I guess I enjoyed it but was really too nervous at the time, especially as I had arranged 100 Frances Bardsley students to be part of the audience. A stupid error on the eliminator saw me “eliminated” by a second which was gutting.


What was the clerical error that stopped you winning the Essex 400 Meters ?

The club admin at the time (not Ilford) put down the wrong age category and I should have been in the seniors not the inters. That was before they had all the u17, u19 etc. I had all my photos in the local paper and then a week later I received a letter telling me to hand back my medal. I was heartbroken at the time.


What made you initially join Ilford AC ?

I was persuaded by an Ilford Athlete called Alun Jones who I met at my brothers wedding. I ended up marrying him.


What School and where are you a Teacher at and what is that like under Lockdown rules ?

I teach at Frances Bardsley Academy in Romford which is all girls. Lockdown was hell as a PE teacher, you would normally be out enjoying the sunshine and also the girls mellow as the weather gets warmer. As I teach GCSE and A level PE, I spent lots of time recording voice over PowerPoints and marking work sent through on-line. Then it began to move to on-line learning which can be soul destroying if students refuse to engage. I did have to go into school every few weeks on a rota to supervise the key worker kids which was scary as they could not social distance. I found I was logging on at 8.30am and then logging off around 4pm, a long day to be sitting on your backside.


How did you get into cold open water swimming ?

My friend Jill texted me to ask if I was interested in going to Redricks Lake to swim as the pools were still closed in June. I replied a big fat NO! I wear 2 costumes in a pool as I feel the cold so much. The week after the weather became really hot, and she asked me again. I only agreed if she would lend me her (ORCA) wetsuit. We have been every week since then; apart from when I was in a self-isolation period, which was frustrating as I was going to join Steve Parker and Alan for their 2 mile swim. They were supposed to do the Serpentine classic but COVID prevented that from happening. Since then, I have also swam in lakes in the Lake District on holiday. The coldest has been 5 degrees and I expect it to freeze over New Year.


Favourite Park Run and PB ?

I never got into the Park runs as they were too early in the morning and I was already committed to swimming at Loughton tri club on Saturdays. The Elvis had a race over Leyton Jubilee park and I had such a good run to better my PB to 21.05. I don’t know if they still hold it over there but it was more interesting than the average park run venues


How and when did you first notice you had osteo-arthritis and what do you now do to cope with it ?

I was doing a session on the road in Hainault and I felt sharp pains in my right knee which did not go. I had previously left my custom-made orthotics in France at half term when skiing, I continued to train and race until May when I decided to take a couple of weeks off. However, those weeks went into months and then a year until a bog standard x-ray picked up arthritis and the doctor told me to give up running forever. As runners we never listen to doctors and so I trained hard to improve the strength around the knee so I can at least jog every so often. This all happened in 2016 and my brain tells me to keep trying so I could compete again someday. However, as the gyms keep closing I don’t have access to all the rehab machines to help me so I have had a month off to let the knee settle. I just work with the pain and when its bad I just stop and do something else low impact, hence the open water swimming. 

Do you still have and wear your prestigious Red ‘Essex’ Vest ?

No and No. I was 12 when I ran for Essex. Bit bigger now.

Greatest Triumph in Running and any BIG Trophies ?

I don’t have any big trophies, but I did enjoy the 2014 season where Jenni Sheehan and Bree Nordin, Krystle and I cleaned up all the Elvis runs and won overall. Finishing the London marathon in 2002 on just 3 training days a week and no running 6 weeks before was pretty intense and breaking the 4 hour mark. I couldn’t walk or run properly for 2 weeks. I have also won Masters titles over 10km. I probably won more since I became a 40 vet than at any other time. So you youngsters keep at it.

Did you meet Alun at the club and did you ever train together?

I met Alun at my brother’s wedding as they worked together. He persuaded me to come to the track to train. As my current running club was about to fold, I thought I might as well. Alun was a sprinter so I did join their group which was hard as they always gave me a head start and I hate running blind. I joined but had to serve a 9 months ban from competing which were the rules at the time when you moved clubs. My letter of hardship was turned down by Margaret Gillham who was on the Ilford Committee which was disappointing. Alun and I only started training together when he retired from sprinting and wanted to keep fit. We were always very competitive on the Ilford Hilly 5 but he never beat me!

When yourself and Alun were at your peaks which of you trained harder?

I’m probably going to say Alun as he was much more of a successful athlete than I was. However, I would say that I always trained longer as I was a distance runner.


If you could tell your 16 year old self anything (doesn’t have to be about sport) what would it be?

Not to run marathon distances and train six days when you are still growing. 

You have kept yourself very trim in all the years I have known you. Is this down mainly to sport or are you careful about what you eat?

When you build exercise into your life it becomes normal. I have tried to cross train as much as I can so avoid repetitive injuries but unfortunately, I am prone to picking up niggles regularly. However, running is the only activity that keeps my weight right down so I have to work hard on CV machines to get an equivalent workout. My job helps me to stay slim as just being on your feet burns calories (not during lockdown) and I also teach a lot of fitness classes so I get free workouts during the day. 

I have been a vegetarian for a year now and will take part in Veganary and dry January. I try not to eat processed foods and make most of my meals from scratch. I do like takeaways though and have one once a week.


Are your medals on display at home?

Yes I have a few plaques and shields on the window ledge.


Who would be at your fantasy dinner party and what ‘signature dish’ would you serve them?

I would have Henry VIII at the top of the table and Queen Elizabeth II at the other end. Sandwiched between would be Elvis, Martin Luther-King, Emmeline Pankhurst, Edmund Hillary, Mallory and Irvine.


What was your trainer of choice and would you spend £200+ on a pair of trainers to give you an advantage?

As I have suffered from injuries since my 20’s, I needed to wear flexible but supportive trainers. I always run in Mizuno wave riders, I never pay the full price as I buy an old model as I think it is a money-making scheme. I would never pay £200 for a pair of trainers. The Africans have been running barefoot since the beginning of time and it never did them any harm.


Technology. Heart monitors, sports watches with hundreds af stats etc. Do you embrace it or do you simply want to know how far you went and how long it took you? Maybe somewhere in between?

I tend to just time my runs so I know how long I have been out so as not to overdo my sessions. I do have a Garmin Forerunner which does everything but tend not to wear that unless I start to get fitter. The danger is trying to beat every stat and that leads to overuse injuries.

  Les Hislop  

Nov 012020


Born 03/04/1942 Most people don’t think I am that old, they think I am a lot older!.

Joined Ilford A.C. October 1982.

Personal bests  all done when I was 40 or older.

Didn’t do many track races other than in the vets league. I ran 5 mins 12 secs for the mile in the 100 mile relays that were held at Woodford in about 1984.

Road. 5 miles 29.50 1991 

10km. 37 23 1989 

10 miles 59.08  1983

Half Mar. 1.17.49 1983

20 miles 2.02.53 1883

I don’t remember the first race I did for the club, but the first one I ran in was the day after I had my 40th Birthday when I got to bed at 1.30am in the morning after having a few lemonade shandies. It was the Roding Valley ½ Marathon. I was hoping to run sub 90 minutes and was pleased with my time of 86 mins. It was there that I met Martin Etchells and I joined the club later on his recommendation and we became friends and ran together a lot from Wapping Sports centre where he was the Manager.

I started running in July 1981 when I was 14 stone, a few months later I was 10 stone 7 pounds. I ran the second London in 1982, 3 weeks after the Roding and did 3 hours 16 mins.

I was not obsessed with PBs and enjoyed the hard races doing the Offas Dyke 15 mile Category C fell race 11 times. Seven Sisters Marathon twice and the Snowden 10. In the first Seven Sisters race Sarah Rowell won the race overall the only time a woman has won a Marathon beating the men.

Notable Performances. First man home for Ilford in the  Harlow Marathon on a scorching hot October day and the first time I broke 3 hours for the distance. 2.02 53 for Essex 20 when I hadn’t broken 60 mins for 10 miles. Winning Southern Counties !0 km title when I was 60. Perhaps my greatest athletic achievement was learning to walk and run again after having a stroke when I was 60. It was probably the previous years excesses catching up with me.

No real disappointments other than possibly the year I did my PB for 20 miles. I believe I was fit enough to do sub 2.50 for the marathon but took a blind friend of mine round the London called Mike Brace. We were however interviewed by Bob Wilson on the Cobbles of the Tower of London for the TV.

Typical weeks training.

Mon. 8 miles road

Tues. Track session 400 and 800 metres. Total distance 6 miles.

Wed.  8 miles road.

Thursday 9-10 miles from track. Like John Mackenzie said in his profile I think I ran harder and faster then than I did when I was racing.

Fri. Resting in the pub.

Sat. 15 miles usually from Portacabin at Hainault Forest.

Sun. 10 to 15 miles.

Advice to youngsters: don’t listen to me.

Most famous athlete you ran with Alastair Hutton who won L.M. in 1990 . Doing the L.M. recce runs from Wapping Sports centre.

In my first L.M. I ran next to Peter Duncan who was one of the presenters of Blue Peter on the television.  He pulled away from me but I passed him at the 18 mile mark lying at the side of the road after he had an accident in his running shorts. I suggested to the BBC that they renamed the programme Brown Peter but they didn’t take me up on it!

How would you improve the sport-

Make all  sport compulsory in Schools.

Favourite athlete. Steve Ovett.

What other sports you follow.

Track cycling, Cross country skiing and Biathlon.

Best Country visited Kenya, not for the food but the scenery and wild life was spectacular. You couldn’t do it now, but what an adventure.

Favourite food and drink. Coquille St. Jacque and Muscadet Sur Lie followed by Stilton and warm crusty roll and vintage port.Lovely!

Favourite TV shows.Morecambe and Wise, Open all hours , Chernobyl. Madam Secretary and Homeland.

Last film seen : Jason Bourne.

Last book read: Cannot remember.

Favourite band and singers. Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, Neil Diamond, Roxy Music and Genesis.

Last Album bought. Cannot remember.

Last concert attended. The rolling Stones at Wembley Stadium, I could  definitely  hear them and just about see them.

Any pets. Not now, but over the years we have had dogs and cats. At one stage we had 2 dogs and 2 cats at the same time, it was chaos and I spent a lot of time redecorating the house.

Aims No running aims for next season but to try and stay fit and healthy.

Tell us a joke. I used to be indecisive but now I am not so sure.

I made many friends and have great memories of travelling all around the Country and abroad doing races and socializing. In the first year that I joined the club I ran 34 races. If you did that now you would have to remortgage your house.

Favourite people to have a meal with, Frank Heaney, Ernie Forsyth and John Mackenzie, I don’t know how much I would eat, I would be laughing too much.

Before you converted to running, I believe you were a good road cyclist. Did you have competition success in cycle racing ?

I started cycling seriously  when I was 13. Bought my first hand built bike at 16, it cost me 15 weeks wages. I joined a local cycling club and did mainly time trials. This meant getting up at 3 to 4 oclock in the morning to ride up to 30 miles, do your race and then go out for the rest of the day with fellow club members.  I never won arace  because you were usually competing against older riders with better equipment. I did 58 mins for 25 miles and 2hours 2 mins for 50 miles. I did however win a few mass start races around  Crystal Palace race track which were 50 miles plus

No mention of your greatest ever race victory. You know the one !!
I was too modest to mention winning the Umbungo fun run at Windermere, pushing the youngster out of the way whilst carrying a balloon and wearing a silly hat!  afterwards in the pub I don’t know how I frightened Johnny Mac’s mother and she is still scared of me nearly 40 years later.

What was the last race you did and how did you get on ?
The last race I did was the Southend 10km which was also the Southern Counties Championship , I won the over 60 category. A few months later I had my stroke and although I got back into running I never raced again.

Favourite Park Run and PB ?
I never did any Park runs,they never appealed to me, but I understand why people do them especially with the cost of entering races these days.

Favourite Cross-Country Course and Why ?
Favourite Cross Country Course has to be around Hainault Forest. I have run there 100’s of times and raced with varying degrees of success and not so good results.

Greatest Running Rivals both in and out the club.
As  a vet you would find it very difficult to beat our younger good athletes but on the few occasions when I did beat some of them great. Greatest rivals in Vets age group Mick Herring and Les Roworth. Greatest rival elsewhere Chris Finney whose brother Mike lives in the next road to me and is married to John Batchelors sister. Also   Pat Dobbs of Thurrock Harriers who did the first 35 London Marathons. I did beat him once in the Chigwell 10.

First Single and Album you ever bought ?
First single bought Dians by Paul Anka we were both 15 years old at the time. Cannot remember the first Album I bought. I have got a lot,  let’s say The Beatles Sergeant Pepper’s lonely Hearts Club Band. 

What Football Team do you support and Why ?
I am an Arsenal supporter as my Father was. I  went to Highbury a lot to see them play but never to the Emirates.I took my Father to Wembley to see them beat Manchester United in 1979. Sorry John!

Worst Injury ?

I broke my left elbow running down Forest Road when a car was towing another in the dark and fell over the tow rope, as I didn’t see it. A few months later I broke the other elbow by the McDonalds drive. o through on Horns road. One of our runners in front of me moved at the last moment and I hit the newly installed bollard. Ouch

Worst Performance and why ?

Worst performance probably running a race around Chelmsford on a very hot day I collapsed  because I was dehydrated and probably because I had run too much the previous week in the heat.Its’ a shame because up to that point I was well up in the field.

I see you trained with London Marathon winner, Alistair Hutton, What was he like ?
Alastair Hutton was when I met him, a very quiet Scotsman, which is unusual! He let his running speak for him

What sort of training do you do nowadays ?
After my stroke I ran less hard for a number of years. About 4 years ago I got Cancer and my running came to a halt. When I got over I was then looking after my wife Gill who has become seriously ill. I now go to the Gym 2/3 times a week for a good workout but it is not the same as running.

I see you came into running late. Any reason for this and did you do regular sport before you took up running?
As I said in my previous missive because I had gained a lot of  weight I started to run as I found it very hard to try to diet, I played a bit of Sunday football for a while and also played golf.

You describe your training as 10-15 miles on a Saturday at Hainault, then another 10-15 miles on a Sunday. That’s a lot of running. How long did it take you to build up to that kind of mileage and was Sundays run on the road or was it another Cross Country run?
After getting fit to run my first marathon I progressed from not being able to do a couple of hundred yards in July 1981 to running 20/21 miles by the following January. My Sunday runs were either at Hainault where I usually ran with Hugh Reese and Stuart  Webster or from home around Wanstead Flats with Gerry Pellls.

Great story about Peter Duncan. Can you explain why he was lying at the side of the road. Was it to try and hide the evidence or simply wipe it away on the kerb?
I can only assume he collapsed and lost control of his body functions and was trying to recover when I passed him.

Have you ever raced abroad?
I have raced in New York doing the Marathon and in France, Holland and Belgium. In Belgium I competed in the Worlds Vets Championshipship. What a rip off you had to be affiliated to the World Vets Association which cost £30.00+, I ran reasonably well,, Andy Catton won a prize and was given a plate commemorating the WorldTrade Fair  somewhere else. My abiding memory of one of the races was Bob McStocker running around Brugge Stadium having  almost a wrestling match with Ron Hill.

Back in the day did you have any specific eating plan or did you stick to certain foods when training for a specific event. Where Energy bars or gels used a lot?
I ate as per normal. Did Carbo loading for 20mile plus races. I never used Gels or energy bars. I thought they  were not necessary and overpriced. However if you like them and use them it’s up to you.

Of all the Ilford runners you have socialised with, who could hold their drink the best – Or was it you?
I think I probably was numero uno in the drinking stakes but John Mac, Mick Herring and Lewis Dunbar could give me a run for my money.

What was your day job, and how did you fit running around that?
Most of my working life I was a salesman.When I started runningI tried going out early in the morning but i didn’t suit my lifestyle, I then went out early evening from Wapping with Martin Etchells or went home ran from home then returned to the West End to stay out until 3.00am.

Where were you born and where did you go to school?
I was born in Cork in Ireland and went to school in South London.

Was athletics / sport in general encouraged at your school?
I went to a school in Inner London with no access to sports facilities. We played Football and cricket in a very small playground, I was a good footballer and a reasonable cricketer.

I hope you have enjoyed my answers and it has brought back good and sad memories to me..

  Robert Dobson  

Oct 052020

Name:  Robert (Bob) Dobson

Born:  04/11/1942

Date Joined: 1979 

Personal Bests:

3k 12m 40.4s

5k 21m 50.4s
10k 44m 16s
20k 1h 30m 2s

30k 2h 27m 28s

50k 4h 07m 22.4s

100k 9h 56m 34s

12 hours 118.805km (world best) = 73.822miles

24 hours 204.330km = 126miles 1709yds  

First Club Race: 21/5/1963 (with Essex Beagles)

Favourite Race:
Hastings to Brighton (38 miles) 6 times winner  

Notable Performances:
Completed 125 races of 50k – 29 of which were UK Champs & all finished in first 9 positions.

49 years in the top 10 UK All time list at 50kms.

1974 Set UK National & British Commonwealth 30 miles & 50kms records ( (4.11.,22)  

When winning Invitation  50kms Track Race in Paris (7th on All Time World Lists)  subsequently broke UK record   on  4 other  occasions

2 European Championships, 1971 & 1974

4 Race Walk World Cup Finals, 1970, 1973,1977,1981

1 World Championship 1976

1 Commonwealth Games 1970 

Winning UK Nation 50kms 1970,at only my 2nd attempt at 50k.   

23 International Representations from 1970 to 1995 – GB 19, England 2, Wales 2  

Biggest Disappointment:
Missing out on 1972 Olympics (controversial non selection) and 1976  Olympics (50kms event dropped & rescheduled as World Champs in Sweden – set new UK Record 4.10.20) 

Missing out on 1974 Commonwealth Games after winning UK National 20miles but not exempted from trial (Finished 4th) 2 weeks after 50Kms in Swirzerland (World Cup Final.)

Typical Weeks Training at your peak .
Weekdays- 6 a.m. 7 miles – lunchtime Gym – 7p.m. 7 miles.
Weekend Sat/Sun 2 x 15 miles.( Completed whilst working Full time. Once during holidays covered 165 miles in 1 week. 

Favourite Sessions:
The ones when I felt  I was going well – Hated Interval sessions so rarely did them.

Favourite race distance : 50kms

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters
“Take up Football as there is no money in Racewalking   !!!!! “

But seriously –  don’t expect immediate success it took me 7 years to reach International Standard.

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:
Enrique Vera (Mexico) at the time he was 50kms World Record Holder & stayed with us for 6 months in 1977 

How would you improve the sport – More Sponsorship and Publicity 

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman; David Hemery – Great Athlete, Great Captain & a true Gentleman. :  

What other sports do you follow: Football (West Ham), 


Best Country Visited : Austria 

Favourite Food & Drink : Fillet Steak & Merlot Wine – Cider as a long drink & most desserts.

Favourite TV Shows: The old ones are the best. – Only Fools & Horses & Till death us do part. 

Last Film Seen : Bobby (The Bobby Moore Story)

Last Book Read : Money Walks (Book by Chris Maddocks 5 times  UK Olympic  Racewalker).

Favourite Band Singer:  Sadly, Whitney Houston

Last Album Bought or Downloaded: Alphaville,Pet Shop Boys  

Last Concert Attended: John Bon Jovi Tribute concert. 

Any Pets:  Cat

What are your aims for next season  – to resume training after long layoff in 2020

Tell us a Joke:
2 Irishmen taking a lunch break. 

Paddy says to Mick “What have you got there Mick? “

Mick Replies ” Its a Thermos Flask” 

Paddy asks ” What does it do?”

” It keeps hot things hot & cold things cold”

“Well what have you got in it?”

“2 cups of tea and an Icecream”

RWD Hastings-Brighton

Lugano Cup. Milton Keynes 1977

Lugano Cup Milton Keynes 1977

1977 Bob Dobson & Enrique Vera

1977 Bob Dobson & Enrique Vera





You’ve put much back into athletics by officiating & serving as Race Walking Association President –  after a 1972 shameful Olympic omission, your event not staged 1976 (only Olympics since it’s 1932 introduction) and a 1986 Commonwealth Games’ snub when Wales could have got you there for the price a train ticket, how did you managed to get over severe setbacks to show so much genuine keenness for race walking?

I suppose I got used to disappointments but after failing to make the 1980 Olympics I kept my momentum going by notching up numerous appearances in specific races, winning Essex medals, and “Masters” titles. I also moved up in distance and tried to set records at the multi distance events.


Your great win in the 2001 “Hedgethorne Memorial 100” at Colchester’s Lower Castle Park was the closest finish in UK ultra-distance racing (apart from a contrived dead-heat between the 2 Browns) as you so narrowly defeated Richard Brown, becoming our oldest winner of a UK National race walking title. What do your recall from that event?

My win in 2001 came as a surprise. I had entered in tribute to John Hedgethorne but it was 15 years on since my 24 hours track win and only a few 100kms races in between. So it was going to be a test of endurance. The multi lap out and back helped because I could keep my eye on the opposition. Richard Brown had all the multi distance experience and was my main threat. I knew he had the ability to finish strongly so I had to keep focused.Only when he gave me a “high five” on the penultimate lap as we crossed in opposite directions did I sense he had conceded defeat.


Is British race walking close to a proverbial cliff edge – or do you see light at the end of the tunnel?

We have seen a massive loss of young talent over the years but now there is a glimmer of hope with age group championships and a more professional set up at the top for our seniors. But above all Uk Athletics, European, World and Olympic Athletics Organisations MUST maintain our sport at various distances. Race Walking is an endurance event and should cater for all. The move towards ditching the 50kms ,and in some cases the 20kms( Commonwealth Games)is a tragedy.


What made you pick Race Walking as opposed to Running ? Who introduced you to the sport?

At school my running was confined to short distance and the occasional cross country, but when working I spent a summer season competing for my Office Team in the London Civil Service Athletic League (LCSAL). At no time was I fast enough to call myself a sprinter but I did try a number of events and became a “jack of all trades – master of none”. In one of those LCSAL meets I tried the 3k walk & to my surprise didn’t come last. A fellow pukka racewalker thought I had done well and when I got home I told my parents. The next day my father told one of his work colleagues – an ex Essex Beagle Racewalker – that I had done a racewalk & he then introduced me to Essex Beagles where I served my “apprenticeship” under the guidance of Phil Everard and Ron Gum.
I had 6 months as a junior before reaching 21 & thus then competing as a senior. As I progressed with some of the Beagles Seniors particularly Colin Young I was intrigued by his stories of endurance & thus my appetite was  whetted.
I also got to meet the great Jim Peters. I suppose I also had a niche for endurance for as a former swimmer not fast enough to aspire to International Level – thus retired at 18 – I had thoughts of swimming the channel until I read a book about it which quickly dispelled these thoughts..

Have you ever done any running races ?

School sports & Office Sports. Nothing of note. 

What was it like training around the streets in the 70s ?

A lot better than it is now. I had several big routes where you could train on the pavement for miles without encountering cars or lorries parked on the pavements, building site obstructions, skateboarders, cyclists or scooters.
There was more respect and tolerance in those days,  

I see you were capped twice by England and twice by Wales. How does that work ?

In 1970 I gained my1st International & that was for England at 20 miles in the Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh.
My 2nd England International came in 1990 at 100kms in France. In between I had competed for Great Britain & because I moved to Wales in 1980 I was eligible by residence to compete for Wales in 1981(10k track in Cwmbran) and 1995 (35 Kms in Denmark)

Did you ever race against OLIVER CAVIGLIOLI who represented Thurrock and also France ?

Yes, after my spell at Essex Beagles I competed for Basildon and thus raced with and against Oliver Cavigioli who was also a Basildon member. 

Greatest Memory from Race Walking ?

A difficult one, as being in the sport for 57 years there are many memories and many that I have forgotten. But what always inspired me in my early career was watching on TV Ken Matthews winning the 1964 Olympic 20k title in Tokio. The TV clip was repeated over the years and I know I saw it at least 25 times. 

What has happened to all your trophies ?

They rarely see the light of day.  But I do look at them from time to time & wish I could repeat the performances that won them for me.  

Did you follow any nutritional guidance in your halcyon days ?

Yes. I learnt about the so called “Bleed Out Diet” from Ron Hill ( carbohydrate abstinence followed by carbohydrate excess loading). I spent a weekend with him when we went to Munich in 1971 for the pre Olympic Meet (marathon & 50Kms walk). 

What was the first single and album you ever bought ?

As a teenager I was a great fan of Adam Faith. I bought several singles, saw his film with Shirley Anne Field and bought the album Beat Girl.

I still have the album like a lot of my other old LP’s. I am a hoarder who rarely throws anything away.  

Do you think the Tokyo Olympics will ACTUALLY go ahead ?

I think they will go ahead because the Japanese are fanatical & have invested too much money to forfeit them. But of course the IOC will have the final word. 


What should happen to drug cheats ?

There has to be a great deterrent. They have been around too long & I have raced against them in the 1970’s and beyond. I am all for a lifetime ban. 


Do you keep in touch with your Race Walking Ilford Colleagues?

Yes, definitely. Although I live in Cardiff I am still an East End Boy & proud of my Essex roots. 


What are your thoughts on International Race Walker Tom Bosworth and how do you feel he will perform in next Year’s Olympics ?

I remember judging Tom when he first came on the scene as a scrawny schoolboy with sparrow-like legs. Unlike so many of our past talented youngsters he has stayed the course & showed a determination to get to the top. His success & his character have not only endeared him to the public but he has brought Racewalking into focus with Mainstream Athletics. Sometimes I think he needs to control his exuberance and if he uses his head he could get a top 6 place in the Olympics. 

Have you ever been disqualified in a major event? Do you think the rules are complex for those not involved in the sport?

Never in an International Event and only once in a UK National 50kms in 2012 when nearly 70years old my legs did not straighten to the complete satisfaction of 3 judges so I was dqd.
Yes the rules are too complex for non walkers to master. Not only is technique a big issue but now we have to contend with yellow cautions, DQ recommendations, a Penalty Zone with time penalties and Chief Judge’s Sole Discretion in the last 100metres.
How can the Public follow that.