Gary and Kim Webb  

Jul 122020

Name:  Gary Webb

Born:  28th May 1958

Date Joined 1971

Personal Bests: 

400               54.5
800            1.59.4
1500          3.59.4
3000            8.33
5000          14.44
10,000      30:02
10 mile      50.02
H.Marathon    66.37
Marathon       2.22.21
20mile             1.46 


First Club Race: Club colts x-country

Favourite Race: Cambridge 10

Notable Performances: 
63rd in National x-country Newark 198? 
London Marathon 1985 2.22.21
Essex 10,000 Champion Harlow 198?

Biggest Disappointment: 
Training for the Harlow Marathon for 6 months only to get a chest infection a few days before and couldn’t run

Typical Weeks Training at your peak .
Mon 8 mile easy AM 6 mile easy PM
Tues Track 24*400 metres with 200 jog recovery ave 67.
Weds 8 mile easy am 5 mile easy PM
Thurs Tomswood 10 with group normally ended up with a burn up
Fri 4/5 miles easy or fast if no race.
Sat Race or hill session or x-country run
Sun 15/20 mile cross country or road

Favourite Sessions: 
Group Paulauf 20 x 200 jog across recovery

Favourite race distance 10 mile

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country road and country (when drier conditions)

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters? Make sure you are always having fun and enjoying what you do. Always have aspirations, some people will have better natural abilities but if you train hard you will succeed 

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with: 
Andy Catton but would have loved to train with Brendan Foster

How would you improve the sport?
Provide better training facilities outside of the track & field environment. Cross country facilities in nice locations

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  Steve Ovett – He raced in style

What other sports do you follow: Golf, Football & Rugby

Best Country Visited Thailand

Favourite Food & Drink : Chicken Dansak and Landlord Beer

Favourite TV Shows:  Only Fools and Horses

Last Film Seen : Once upon a time in Hollywood

Last Book Read John Grisham – The Reckoning

Favourite Band Singer:  Freddie Mercury

Last Album Bought or Downloaded Gigaton, Pearl Jam

Last Concert Attended:  Ghost,  Wembley 2019

Any Pets:  None apart from Kim ?

What are your aims for next season Get my golf handicap down and stay healthy

Tell us a Joke:  My wife asked if she could have a little peace and quiet while cooking dinner…….So I took the battery out of the smoke alarm ?


Name:  Kim Webb

Born:  1 Sept 1959

Date Joined 1971

Personal Bests: 

400                        59.3  01/06/1976  Ilford Club Champs
800                       2.11.3  19/05/1985  Harlow Essex Champs
1500m                 4.26.2  06/07/1985 Crystal Palace Southern Inter Counties  CR (Club Record)
Mile                      4.53.2  18/07/1984 Parliament Hill Open Meeting CR
3000m                 9.20.5 02/07/1983 Hendon Southern Counties CR
5000m 17.15.6  29/07/1983 Crystal Palace WAAA CR
10,000m 36.36.3  14/07/1984 Hendon  Evian WAAA Track Series  CR




5k            17.10  22/09/1985 Finsbury Park, Finsbury Park 5k  CR

5m           26.39  07/04/1984  Hackney Victoria Park 5  CR

10k          35.13  16/06/1985 Dublin 10k

10m         55.47 06/04/1986 Cambridge Cambridge 10 CR

HM         75.11  01/04/1984 Woodford, Roding Valley HM CR

20M       1 hour 59m 59s  29/03/1986 Chelmsford  Essex Champs  CR

M            2hours 39 mins 52 scs  21/04/1985 London Marathon  CR


First Club Race: club track champs

Favourite Race: Essex X-Country

Notable Performances:
English Schools 1500 and x-Country.
Essex county champion at 1500, 3000, x-country and road.
Various international vests for England and GB

Biggest Disappointment: 
Fell in National x-country and failed to finish

Typical Weeks Training at your peak

3 track 4 road sessions. Trained twice a day 3 days a week.

Favourite Sessions: cross country hill runs.

Favourite race distance Cross country. 1500m track.

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country.

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters Enjoy your running.

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:
Trained squad Steve cram.

How would you improve the sport
More athletics in schools.

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman: Ingrid Christiansen.  

What other sports do you follow: Football.

Best Country Visited  Thailand. 

Favourite Food & Drink : White wine, Beer.

Favourite TV Shows:  Match of the day. Made in Chelsea.

Last Film Seen : Grease.

Last Book Read About a boy.

Favourite Band Singer:  Gary Barlow

Last Album Bought or Downloaded Take That 

Last Concert Attended:  Gypsy Kings

Any Pets:  none

What are your aims for next season run every day injury free

Tell us a Joke:  How do you make a snooker table laugh?  Tickle it’s balls









You have both been very modest about your race achievements, can you provide some more of your favourite race results and what were your best ever victories.
Gary – enjoyed the Cambridge 10. Vicky Park 5 and Great North Run. Best wins were the  Essex 10,000 track, Club 10 Cross Country (my breakthrough into the seniors) , 67th in National X-Country in 1987 at Newark and the Roding Valley 1/2 Marathon.
Kim – London Marathon and English Schools 1,500 win in Durham.


What made you both join Ilford AC initially ?
Local club, nice people


When did you last run a competitive race as nothing on Power of Ten on you guys for years ? Are you going to make a competitive comeback in the veteran ranks ?
Gary is fully retired. Last race was probably a Met league about 20 years ago. Kim, London marathon in 2008


Have you still got the London Marathon Bed ?
We eventually gave it to one of our children


Greatest Memories from Running ?
Gary – Club runs on Thursday evenings, followed by beer in the Joker.
Kim – trips to the Philippines, Rome, Florida, Milan and New Zealand


Worst Injuries ?
Gary – Upper right thigh and hernia caused during the 1986 London Marathon.
Kim – Continual throat infections that delayed her progress, but no serious running injuries.


How did that advert for the T-Shirts come about ?
Andy Etchells , another club member, was the CEO for the magazine and asked us to have the pictures done. Payment was that we kept the tee shirts :o)


Do you both still run and train ?
Kim still runs but Gary now plays golf. During lockdown we have averaged 45/50 miles per week walking though


Greatest Rivals at the club ?
Gary – Andy Catton, Derek Coates, Brian Meadows, Andy Nichol, John Mackenzie, Karl Hick, Adrian Gilham, Bill Fothergill, John Batchelor
Kim- Mainly Essex rivals 


Hardest race you have ever run ?
Gary – Intercounties 20 in Doncaster – 90 degree heat in unsheltered countryside, just about broke 2 hours!
Kim – Philippines marathon that started at 5:00am and the heat went up to 100 degrees


This question for Kim : I think I vaguely remember you from Warren Comprehensive School in Chadwell Heath and the infamous Ilford AC discos and you being good friends with Geoff Stentiford and Grant Haywood whom we used to get the tickets off via you ?


Do you remember these guys and those days and your recollection ?
Kim vaguely remembers them


Did you both meet at the club?
Yes, we knew each other from track nights at the club and met romantically at a club disco at Ilford Rugby Club.


Did you train together?
Not on the track but often did road runs together as a part of the group.


Considering the size of your wonderful family, how difficult have you all found the lockdown period and how do you rate your beloved Hammers chances of staying up. Gary – working from home has been difficult but lockdown hasn’t been too bad as we have got quite fit. Massively missed our children and grandchildren in the early stages.


Looking through some old photos recently I realised what a fantastic group of runners the Club had at mens and womens, who were your greatest rivals, what was Gary’s time representing England in the Aberdeen marathon.  Congratulations to you both on glittering careers but mostly for your greatest achievement,  YOUR FAMILY (from Ernie)
2 Hours 30 mins in the Aberdeen marathon, it was won in 2.27, with the elite runners all running at least 10 mins slower due to gale force winds.


Do you have a Trophy room at home?
No longer, the cups and medals are probably in the loft


Any idea of the combined medals and Trophies you have both won?


Do either of you get involved in parkruns, and what is your opinion of them?
No our children do but Kim says she is going to sign up after Covid-19


Today’s runners have so much ‘technology’ to assist them but don’t seem to be anywhere near as good as your generation. Why do you think this is?
Desire to compete against the best. We were lucky that our careers occured in a golden period in the UK (Foster, Moorcroft, Cram, Ovett, Coe etc.) but both Essex county and the club just had a fantastic range of runners. We trained hard but enjoyed every minute of it due to the great teams we had in Ilford AC


Without GPS watches would it be true to say that most of your off road training would be ‘timed runs’ rather than going out and running a certain distance?
We knew the distances by the pace we were running. Hainault Forest had a 5 mile perimeter that we ran time and time again.


Name your top 5 all time favourite West Ham players.
Gary – I’ll leave that to Kim as I’m a Spurs fan. (Editors note – “Boooo”)
Kim – Di Canio, Ferdinand, Day, Noble and Antonio


Cheers Kim & Gary


  Andy Catton  

Jul 032020

Name:  Andy Catton

Born:  Yes definitely (Ilford)

Date Joined:
18th June 1967 – club founder and my Godfather, Edgar Moon, knocked on the door on my 14th birthday membership form in hand.
Oh that’s a bit of a give away for the previous question !


First race for club:
Had memory failure on this but fortunately I had the foresight at 12 to start a racing diary.
My very first proper competitive race was an inter school xc at Buckhurst Hill on 22nd Sept 1965 which I won; but my first race in Ilford AC colours was apparently a Southend AC young athletes 3 x 2.5 miles road relay on 21st October 1967 running 3rd leg starting 20th and finishing 20th. Followed closely by my first Met League xc (youths & boys) on 28th Oct at Cranford finishing 40th.


Favourite races:
Having done so many this was really difficult to choose. I loved road relays and 10k and 10 miles road races, an evening  floodlit 3,000m or 5,000m track race at a packed Crystal Palace and all xc especially The National and Inter Counties when every top runner in the UK never shirked running them. But as an annual road race event I guess it has to be the Great North Run with a terrific atmosphere, wonderful support and a great weekend away with the lads. And the view from the top of the Offa’s Dyke (15 miler trail race) is not bad !


Personal bests:

400m             52.0
800m          1:55.1
1500m        3:48.4
Mile            4:07.5
3000m        8:03.0
3000m s/c   9:02.0
5000m        13:45.3
10000m      28:57.4

Road :-

Mile                 4:02.0 
5 miles             22:52
10k                  29:12
10 miles           47:35
Half marathon   65:00
20 miles         1:46:25
Marathon       2:19:54


Notable Performances:  

South of England champion : 10,000m track (x2) and 10 miles road (x3)


Essex County champion : 1500m, 3000m, 5000m (x3), 10000m (x5), 10k road (x2), 10 miles (x5), Half Marathon and 20 miles, plus fastest leg  in road relay (x4): Senior xc, M40 xc (x2), M50 xc also 10 miles road M40, M50 & M60.


British Masters champion : M45 Half Marathon

Bruges European Veterans Grand Prix 10k winner M40 (x3)

Winner of London Nike Grand Prix Road Race Series (x2)


Plus a few of my favourite major road race wins :-

Rochester 5m
Cambridge 10m
Cambridge Half Marathon
Roding Valley Half Marathon
Ilford Town Centre 10k
Victoria Park 5m
Harrow 10k
Thurrock 10m
Harlow 10m
Chigwell 10m
Shaftesbury 10m
Bernie Hames Rainbow 10m
Hatfield Broad Oak 10k
Great North Run (M40)
Southend 10k (M40)
Wolverton 5m (M40)


Best placings :-

South of England xc 2nd
Inter Counties xc 14th
National xc 17th
Great North Run 19th
London Marathon 50th
Dublin Marathon 10th


Biggest Disappointment: 
I guess has to be the 1981 New York City Marathon when I was super fit but doubled up with stomach cramp around 22 miles and had to jog/walk the last 4 miles having been on course for a sub 2:15 clocking. Although suppose it could have been worse as if I had run 2:15 that year it wouldn’t have counted as the course was subsequently re-measured at about 200m short !


Typical Weeks Training at your peak :


Road & xc season :-

Monday  3.5 miles to gym 1.5 hours circuit training then 3.5 miles home

Tuesday  10 miles

Wednesday  10 miles

Thursday 10 miles (most often a 50 min blast round Tomswood Hill 9 1/4m)

Friday 5 miles easy

Saturday 10 miles xc fartlek (or race)

Sunday 15 miles road/xc


Track season

Monday  5 miles

Tuesday  12 x 400 x 100 recovery at 5000m race pace

Wednesday 10 miles

Thursday  Pyramid interval session

Friday 5 miles easy

Saturday  6 x 1200 or 7/8 miles fartlek (or both) or race

Sunday 10 miles


Favourite Sessions:
On the track probably pyramid sessions of 200, 400, 600, 800, 600, 400, 200 (x 3 sets) or 7 > 8 miles hilly fartlek round Hainault Forest.

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters: Fulfill your potential. Don’t wonder what might have been. Keep the training and racing varied over track, road and country and enjoy it.


Who is the most Famous Athlete you trained with : 

Back in the 1970’s I was lucky enough to gain selection for several GB or England international races in Europe so on one occasion I got to train with Steve Jones (who shortly after went on to break the Marathon world record) and on another trip I trained with a young Steve Cram (who went on to be  – well Steve Cram). Maybe not famous as an athlete but I have also enjoyed a few training runs around Hainault Forest with Ronnie O’Sullivan. Plus of course all the Ilford legends from the ’70’s and ’80’s – too numerous to name all.


How would you improve the sport: 

Pretty much like everyone else; life bans for performance enhancing drug cheats. Also try to get more ex athletes and experienced coaches or officials back into running the sport at the top level rather than career administrators and accountants.
Plus I loved T & F league competition back in its heyday but the format is now too long and outdated and needs major refreshing.


Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  

The two guys I most admired during my “informative” early years of running were John Walker (NZ 1500 / miler) who never failed to give 100% in any race and David Bedford. Plus I was very much an Ovett rather than Coe fan. In other sports – Jimmy Greaves and Jim Clark (F1)



What other sports do you follow: 

Lots !

Football – Am a long suffering Spurs supporter since 1960 (although we do have the best football stadium in the world);
Rugby – England of course plus Saracens (not a good time to admit that); Tennis – I used to play in the same W. Essex team as the Lloyd brothers as a teenager;
Motor racing (F1 before the turn of the century !) a bit of a petrol head and managed a lifelong ambition to speed round Brands Hatch a couple of years ago;
Golf – lethal once I get to the green but takes me 5 or 6 shots to get there !; Cycling – Tour de France etc plus track – I had a go round the Olympic velodrome last year (and didn’t fall off).


Best Country Visited:
Have to say Australia (especially as my second son, wife and granddaughter live in Melbourne  – a wonderful city where we could happily live for half the year). Love Tasmania.


Favourite Food & Drink : 

Grilled dover sole with a nice cold Cote de Provence Rose or Irish stew washed down with an Aussie (Yarra Valley) Cab Sav. Beer – Ruby red bitter from either Meantime or Marlow brewery.


Favourite TV Shows:  
Of late Killing Eve and Peaky Blinders, in the past Only Fools and Horses and The Sweeney


Last Film Seen :
Think, at the cinema, it was Frozen 2 with granddaughter (it was 42 degrees in Melbourne that day and the cinema was air conditioned !)


Last Book Read:
I get through a book every 2/3 weeks and just finished The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga. But the best book I have read this year has to be Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton (but you would need to have been to Australia quite a few times in order to understand a lot of the language!)


Favourite Bands / Singers: 
All old school – Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who, The Byrds, Genesis (Phil Collins) plus Paul Simon, Neil Diamond & Van Morrison.


Last Concert Attended:
Mumford & Sons


What is your aim for next season:
Sub 20 mins for 5k (well one can dream can’t they !!)


Tell us a joke:

I was handing out water at the London Marathon one year and a runner came passed dressed as a chicken, closely followed by another guy dressed as an egg. I thought this should be an interesting finish.



They used to indoctrinate you early ! Photo used to be taken annually before the club opening winter season run at Chigwell Row.
Think this is 1955. I’m the one in the middle on my fathers lap – next to the big scary man (club Chairman Bill Cockle).
Founding members Alf Moon top row (far left) and Edgar Moon top row (third from right)


Young upstart trying to stick with legend Roy Gill in the club road race at Chigwell Row – Feb 1973


Great friends and rivals ! Gary Webb, Derek Coates and Lewis Dunbar – club 1,500m champs (1975 I think)


With Tony Nixon after his Essex 1,500m win at Newham in 1974. Bronze that year and again in 1976 before finally getting both my hands on the trophy in 1977.


The art of levitation ! Can barely get one foot off the ground these days.
Last race of the 1983 London road race Grand Prix series. Half marathon at Wembley – finished behind Bernie Ford and Dave Clark (both National xc winners) but won the series.

Leading the 1981 Southern xc at Trent Park after a couple of miles along side Kevin Steere.  7th that year – Kev finished 3rd.


Leading out the Essex 10 at Thurrock June 1978. Won it in 49.40 after breaking clear at halfway. For you oldies who can spot – Andy Nichol, Derek Coates, Roy Gill, John Mackenzie, Gary Webb & Brian Meadows.

Winning the Ilford Town Centre 10k in 1990 (race organisers perk !). Martin Clarke by lamppost – purportedly on child minding duty.

Mrs C in the same race (Ilford Town Centre 10k)


Club 50th anniversary run (1973) at Cricklefields. Far right at the front John Batchelor flying off in to the lead, Ilford’s greatest race organiser and administrator Howard Williams (52), my first coach and mentor Alec Tiffin at the back immediately behind me (in grey T shirt lol) and my 1970’s coach Phil Postings must be in there somewhere but I cannot see him
Always nice to beat a local rival (Jim Goldring) on their home patch !
On way to 2.19.54 in 1985 London Marathon – The Highway at around 22 miles
Newman Hilly 5 at Hainault Forest sometime in the ’90’s
On way to first of three M40 wins at the Brugge European Veterans Grand Prix – about 2 days after 40th birthday
June 1993.
My Presidential year 1999/2000  l-r John Mackenzie, Ilford Olympic walker and a European medalist Roger Mills, Eamon Martin,
Liz Nicholl (then CEO of UK Sport), me and Andy Nicholl.
The boys before the start of a xc race – somewhere sometime. Relying on Messrs Knightly or Muir to identify when and where.
So if people hasn’t realised this is why I am such a knackered wreck now ?



You have a list of phenomenal performances, but which one are you most proud of?

What a teaser to start with ! I guess it has to be finishing 18th in the 1980 National xc at Leicester because the depth of the field was of such high quality.
On the track probably the AAA National champs 5,000m at Crystal Palace (13:45.5) outkicking Samson Kimobwa (the then 10,000m world record holder), Marty Liquori (US 5,000m record holder) and Olympic medallist Rod Dixon on the last lap.
On the road maybe winning the classic Rochester 5 at the 6th attempt in 1983 but also smashing the club champs Chigwell Row road course record in 1982 was a bit special 


You trained a lot when you were in your prime but also had a full-time job and young family. How did you fit it all in?

A very tolerant and forgiving (mostly) wife ! Looking back I really don’t know how I got away with it. Most jobs back then were 9 to 5 so the routine of meeting all the others in a large squad of talented middle / long distance runners at Ilford for quality daily sessions was far easier than it would be now.


Kipchoge makes no secret of the fact that he sleeps 10 hours a day. How much sleep did you have when you were running 6/7 days a week?

Think I was around 9 hours, certainly a minimum of 8. When we had 3 kids under 5 it was a bit more difficult but Sheila tells me I slept through most of the feeds !


What was your best race; your worst ever race; your most bizarre race?

For best races the ones mentioned in Q1 would all have to rank, but the race which could be the best in terms of being nearly perfect and just absolutely “flying” throughout would be the Cambridge 10 (47:35) in 1978 where I broke clear after a 4.30 first mile and just kept going.

Worst races – erased from my memory ! Anything I ever dropped out of e.g. Southern and National xc races with stomach cramp.

Most bizarre probably the fell race in the 1977 Easter Festival of racing weekend on the Isle of Man. I was really unwell and on antibiotics and tried to finish last (but failed).


Will the moustache ever return?

Never ever !! Just like the 1970’s – you had to be there 🙂


I once won a joint of ham  in a race, what was your best worst prize?

That’s easy re worst prize – in an international xc race in Brussels I finished 6th and won a synthetic hairy yellow rug.

Best ever prize was a £500 holiday voucher for winning the Witney / Southern 10 miles – which paid for our first family trip to Disney World.

On another occasion I won a portable colour TV (Rainbow 10 miles at N Weald airfield) – first prize was a Microwave oven but I didn’t want that so let Graham Payne (local Southend rival) out dip me on the line o).

Was the 4.02 mile the downhill one at High Beech, was it really an attempt to run first sub 4 mile in Essex?

Not really, as being a straight downhill road mile it would not be counted. Obviously my aim and that of others in the race was to try and break the 4 mins. It used to be part of the brilliant Tour of Epping Forest series (10k on the Sunday morning, 5 miles hilly road race on the Monday evening, 7.5 miles xc on the Tuesday evening then ending with the 1 mile downhill 20 mins recovery then 1 mile back up on the Wednesday. Overall positions decided on cumulative total times.


You have raced overseas a few times, where different rules seem to apply,  any stories to share

 To say foreign runners were prone to cheating would be too wide sweeping and churlish but at numerous road races on the continent a small minority never used to bother with the first mile or two but hide in the bushes and join in later. This was of course long before chip timing. 

Course cutting was fairly rife as well. One race in France I was winding up the sprint finish with half a mile to go battling with former Belgian Olympian and 5,000m world record holder Emile Puttemans when he veered off and cut through a cafe and reappeared 20m up the road.


I see Your Godfather Edgar Moon was founder of the club – Did you ever find out why he chose the colours and also the design for the Ilford AC vest?

I’m really not sure. Maybe some of our older (than even me) statesmen or women know. Think it may have been something to do with Ilford Borough (pre Redbridge days) and the roots of the original Valentines Park base who’s colours were dark blue and light blue but I was also told that as so much of amateur athletics was University based in the early 1900’s the colours were “Oxford blue” and “Cambridge blue”. No idea about the way in which the current badge was designed or when (not until the 1940’s ?) but does incorporate the Essex shield.


How did the Chigwell HQ at Hainault Forest come about?

I’m not that old !! The house at Chigwell Row was owned by Edgar and Betty Moon and had extensive lands (where all the houses and shops on Lambourne Rd are now and also part of the housing estate behind). This included tea rooms and large sheds which as Edgar was a leading member of the new Ilford AC he had converted into male and female changing rooms for winter training in the forest. Full details and pictures in the 75th Anniversary history book (still a few copies available to purchase).


In your heyday did you follow any nutritional guidelines – in fact what was your racing weight then and now?

Absolutely none ! Just a balanced healthy diet and best bitter. My racing weight in my 20’s was 8st 10lbs I am now normally around 9st 4lbs (if you want that in kgs you will have to convert it yourself :)) Trouble is that is 6lbs of lost muscle and 6lbs of gained fat !


How Many County Medals in your collection?

To the best of my knowledge is 120 individual medals and about 80 team medals. 


When ‘New Breed’ running clubs like ‘Dagenham Joggers’ and ‘Castle Point Joggers’ started in the 1980’s after the success of the London Marathon what did you think?

To be honest didn’t really give them much thought initially. They met a need for the huge boom in social runners and as their names indicate “joggers”. But when clubs like Colchester Joggers, Springfield Striders and Serpentine RC started really expanding, improving and getting huge membership I think it was worrying for long established athletic clubs such as IAC because the majority of the core of club volunteers usually came from endurance athletes. As we know the infrastructure required to run just a senior road running club as against a full road, country, track, field & walking club with young athletes as well is hugely different and more onerous. I don’t have a problem with the type of new generation running clubs – just way too many of them ! 


Do you wish Park Run had been around in your heyday?  And what is Your opinion of Park Run? Favourite?

Not really. We had enough quality road races and back then the numbers of runners would not have been around in the sport. 

I have come round to thinking they are terrific for the health and well being of a huge number of people and as the catalyst for the odd one or two progressing to club competition. Great also for established athletes who just want a low key hard training run or get a nice run in some super venues with normally a well organised friendly bunch of people. I have only taken part in I think 12 park runs in the last 5 or 6 years and enjoy the trail runs better – favourite would be the really tough Parke park run on the edge of Dartmoor in Devon.


What running shoes did you wear in your best races?

Wow that’s a memory test. Obviously nothing like the massive range of shoes back in the late ’70’s and 80’s that we have now. But I cannot really recall the models. I was fortunate enough to be sponsored by New Balance for quite a few years and then by Nike. So most of my best races would have been in their shoes. NB were great as they do wide fittings and I have broad feet.  I seem to recall my 13.45 AAA race would have been in a pair of “state of the art” kangaroo leather (in green) Adidas spikes. Most of the last 30 years since the 90’s I would have raced and trained in ASICS DS series shoes, but of late New Balance Fresh Foam shoes have been really good.


What was your original ultimate ambitions?

Olympic gold and a couple of world records. 


Worst Injury?

Definitely achilles tendon rupture in 2000. Thought was pretty much career ending at the time. Had been suffering with “sore” achilles off and on for a decade and after it finally went (turned ankle over on a step) the consultant said it had just been hanging on by a thread waiting to go. Took nearly two years to get back to proper competition but never really found form again.  


How has Ilford AC changed Over the years?

In so many ways it really hasn’t during my 53 years of membership. Same ethos of club camaraderie, all encompassing and welcoming for all ages and athletes wanting to achieve their potential in all disciplines of the sport. Yes people have come and gone, some stalwarts, core coaches and dedicated volunteers passed on, but the spirit lives on. Certainly a roller coaster ride of great decades and poor ones in terms of competition achievements but whether it is young athletes on the track, veteran road runners or walkers the club continues to generally punch above its weight and produce or nurture terrific talent. Still very much the local club for local athletes but with a former membership base still following the clubs fortunes from all over the world and still feeling very much part of the family.


What do you think of Mo Farah’s return to track racing?

For his phenomenal high standards his Marathons have been a failure so not surprised. I doubt if he can recreate his 2012 form again !


Favourite Surface?

Used to be muddier the better. Certainly the road now bashes up my poor old legs too much.


Why the Moustache when you were young?

  1. a) To avoid not getting served in pubs for looking too young 
    b)  David Bedford had one 
    c) it was cool ! 🙂


Including yourself, name a 4 x 400m Dream Ilford mens team, assuming all the runners are at their peak. What leg would you run?

Really – I would never have come close to making an Ilford 4 x 400 team !  We had a great 4 x 4 squad in the 70’s Southern League including Ivor Emmanuel and Alan Cearns, add in say Pat Jones from the ’60’s and Karl Hick from the 80’s that would probably be a beautiful bunch of athletes to watch getting the baton round.


Alive or dead (although for the purpose of the question they are alive at the actual event) you and Mrs C can hold a dinner party that includes 12 guests. 4 from the world of running, 4 from any other sport and 4 musicians. Who would you invite, and who would cook

OMG – so many different criteria to apply. Ok so 4 legends from running – John Walker, Steve Ovett, Emil Zatopek, Tony Nixon, 4 sports people – Jimmy Greaves (football), Jim Clarke (motor racing), Ken Rosewall (tennis), David Lloyd (cricket – for all the anecdotes !);  4 musicians – John Lennon, Paul Simon, Phil Collins, Frank Sinatra (just to try and find out the truth behind the JFK assassination ! lol). Obviously this is just a boys night !!  If pushed, might have to swap Tony for Jessica Ennis-Hill 🙂

On cooking would have to be my favourite TV chef James Martin.


Many runners when they get past their prime drop out of the sport. What is your motivation to keep competing?  Are you still looking for age graded prizes or is it simply now the enjoyment of still competing?

Just too pig headed to give up ! Only the motivation of competition, however much it now hurts, keeps me enthused to keep training. Really it is the Ilford team spirit whether a Southern Vets league or county champs or ELVIS race that keeps me going. Nice to pick up the rare age group prize or medal still but not the be all and end all anymore.


Todays runners have fancy GPS watches to measure time and distance. When you went out on a Cross country run did you simply guess the distance, or did you run purely on time?

Never used or had a GPS watch. Only just got the Strava app because of virtual runs during virus lockdown. 

Used a stopwatch for track sessions of course but never bothered with times on road and country training or racing. 

For the majority of steady endurance training runs at my peak I would just have run 30 mins, 60 mins or 90 mins then divided by 6 to get the 

distance !


Runners today have ‘energy return’ trainers that apparently make you 4% quicker. Had you had a pair when you ran your 4:07 mile on the track this would have equated to 3:57. If these trainers had been around then would you have used them or would you have always wondered if that sub 4 was down to the trainers rather than yourself?

In general what is your opinion of long standing records (I’m thinking of Paula Radcliffe’s marathon time for example) being broken by people wearing spring-loaded trainers. Do you think that is just progress or is there an unfairness to it?

I really would like to think I would not have worn them. Unlike all the other innovations like all weather tracks or lightweight racers or bespoke trainers or even lifestyle and diet improvements to increase performance these “energy return shoes” are not available to everyone due to cost or Nike having exclusive patents on every aspect of design / technology. So really I believe they do indeed provide an unfair advantage and should be illegal.


How and when do you think races could safely return in today’s COVID19 world?

Wish I had a crystal ball. Because of the numbers involved and types of competition and age range from 10 to 90 athletics obviously presents all sorts of issues for “safe” return. As long as we do not get the “second spike” of cases come the winter I would hope limited competition e.g. cross country could commence in November.


And Finally

When did you get your Knighthood?

Cannot remember the exact date or why – bestowed upon me by Lord Muir and Dame Knightley around the turn of the century (21st). Still waiting for my coronet and gown 🙂

Who said I loved mud !!! 1981 Inter Counties at Leicester
Discussing the race (probably a Southern xc) with Gary Webb at  Parliament Hill
Found one of my early 1970’s coach Phil Postings (167) – in start line up for a club road champs. Mike Herring (66), Henry Anderson (71), Roy Gill (185), Tony Nixon (44) in front of Dennis Plater (black vest No 2 on club Marathon list) and John Platt (red vest), Gordon Stewart (155) in front of my Dad Jim and Frank Bontoft.
As folks were interested in historical ones from Chigwell Row, here is another club group I think in 1957.
In British League action, 5,000m with Nick Rose. Looks like I’m wearing my favourite green kangaroo skin Adidas spikes 🙂

  Efe Austinz  

Jun 282020

Name: Efe Austinz


Date Joined:- Joined Ilford March 21st because I thought I was fast


First Club race:- Woodford may 22nd 2017 was my first club race


P.B’s:- PB 100m: 13.10 PB 200m: 27.1


Favourite Race:  Essex championships 2019 100m has been my favourite and quickest race


Notable performance:- 8.25 indoors in January for 60m


Biggest disappointment:- Not breaking 13 seconds for 100m yet has been my biggest disappointment thus far


How would you like to improve:- I’d love to improve by becoming faster, getting stronger and eating healthier 


Do you follow any other sports:- I follow athletics as it’s been my fave sport but I’m also an ex tennis player so I follow tennis quite well


Best Country visited :- Best country visited would be Nigeria?


Favourite food: I love Africa food. But I also love chicken chips but not too much because I wouldn’t want to slow down


Favourite drink: Favourite drink would be sprite I’m not 18 yet so I can’t drink but I’ve tried a Prosecco?


Last book read:- “Ser mujer negra en españa” was the last book I read it’s a Spanish book?


Favourite TV Shows:- I love watching Netflix series


Favourite Singer:- Beyonce and Rihanna are my favourite singers


Favourite groups:- Destiny child are an amazing group


  Terry Knightley  

Jun 192020

Terry Knightley

22nd July 1960 (Romford, Essex)

Date Joined Ilford AC:
I joined very Late 1997 (With Martin Clarke and Owen Phipps and others) after many years of being a member of Barking Road Runners – we all wanted to improve by joining an Athletics club.

Personal Bests (All Achieved back in the 90’s)

1500 Metres Track:      4 Minutes 40 seconds

1 Mile Track:                 4 Minutes 47 Seconds

5000 Metres Track:      16 Minutes 18 Seconds

10,000 Metres Track:   33 Minutes 35 Seconds

5K Road:                       15 Minutes 58 Seconds

5 Miles Road:                26 Minutes 45 Seconds

10K Road:                     33 Minutes 17 Seconds

10 Miles Road:              55 Minutes 5 Seconds

Half-Marathon:            72 Minutes 31 Seconds

15 Miles:                        1 Hour 24 Minutes 46 Seconds

Marathon:                     2 Hours 34 Minutes 23 Seconds


First Club Race:
My first race for the club was The Ilford AC 6 Kilometre Road Running Championships on 24th January 1998 – Won the race in 19 Minutes 55 Seconds setting a brand-new course record! What a Debut for The Club!


Favourite Race:
Billericay Striders 10K Road Race which I do most years (I Won the race in 33-53 in 1998)


Notable Performances:
I have had many notable and memorable performances, but my top ones are: –

London Marathon in 2 Hours 34 Minutes 23 Seconds in April 1998

Winning The 20 Miles CAU Inter-Counties UK Gold Team Medal and becoming UK Champions on my debut in an Essex Vest with Fellow Ilford AC colleagues Amin Kokoi and Sam Mully – Ilford AC obviously won 1st Team as well – A Fantastic Day in 1998

Winning the Southend Half Marathon in 1998 and breaking the course record.

Winning the Frinton and Walton Half Marathon 4 Times (1994,1995,1997,1998)

Winning Bronze Medal in the Reykjavik international Marathon in Iceland in 2000.

Last Ever Winner of The Ipswich Jaffa 15 Miles Road Race (1998)

Winning 3 ‘Prestigious’ ESSEX VESTS

Winning 63 Essex County Medals


Biggest Injury and Disappointment :
Suffering with Horrific Cramp in my Calves during many races forcing me to drop out and suffering a Slipped Disc in September 2018 due to Disc degeneration from years of running causing me to be unable to walk and only be able to lie down for 8 weeks initially – Never thought I would get back to running again.


Typical Weeks Training:

Monday:              LSD Long Run 13 plus Miles

Tuesday:              Hill Session

Wednesday:         8 Miles Steady

Thursday:            Track Session

Friday:                 10 Miles

Saturday:             5 Miles or possibly Park Run

Sunday:               RACE ! (Or used to be !) but now Tempo run/Fartlek 8 Miles.


Favourite Session:
8×800 Metres (1-30 Recovery)


What Other Sports Do You Follow:
West Ham United (Favourite old players Tony Cottee and Pat Holland)

And Heavyweight Boxing (Favourite old Boxers Mike Tyson and Nigel Benn)


Who is the Most Famous Athlete You trained with:
Back in 2002 I trained for three months every lunchtime with Double Olympic Athlete, British International and Winner of The Chicago Marathon, PAUL EVANS. We met on a Personal Training Course in Ipswich and became great friends and he used to totally destroy me daily on our regular runs which all seemed ‘Eyeballs Out’ to me!


Greatest Motivator:
The Person who has most motivated me in my running career was the late Owen Phipps who became a great Friend – He persuaded me all those years ago to join Barking Road Runners when I was an unattached runner and convinced me to train at a different level. He also instigated the move to Ilford AC.


How Would You Improve The Sport :
Have a Universal Barcode for runners for all races like in Park Run that is solely for you and you alone and that way we could do away with issuing numbers and others running under your number could not happen. The Barcode could be based on your England Athletics URN Number Which is different for all. Unattached would have to apply for that number.


Favourite Athlete :
Eliud Kipchoge  and used to admire Steve Monegetti – (Australian Marathon Runner and all round nice guy) and Rob Denmark (Perfect Running Technique)


Best Country Visited:
Australia – the country is geared to outdoor sports and is a fantastic environment to run and train in and they have Koalas and Kangaroos!


Favourite Food and Drink:
Roast Chicken Dinner and Vanilla Diet Coke


Favourite TV Show:
Gavin And Stacey and anything with Ricky Gervais in.


Last Film seen:
Haven’t been to cinema for ages as they are all shut due to Covid 19 but think it was Star Wars – The Rise of Skywalker.


Last Book Read:
Me by Elton John – excellent read!


Favourite Band:
AC/DC (Bon Scott era 1975-1979) and Led Zeppelin


Last Album Bought:
WHO by The Who


Last Concerts attended:
Rod Stewart at the 02 and Alice Cooper (Supported by The Stranglers) at The Brighton Centre


Any Pets :
Cat called ‘Kitty’


Aims for next season:
Was hoping To Do Well in The Male Veteran Over 60 category at races but the way things are currently going with Coronavirus I will be a Male Veteran over 65 by the time we can get racing again !


Tell us a Joke :
What did the Speciality Running Shoe Store Owner Say to the Customer Who Tried on a pair of shoes before leaving to order them cheaper online?

Nothing – He was too busy filing for Bankruptcy.





My London Marathon PB From April 1998 – everything went perfect on that day !

Being Presented with the Winners Trophy by Rob Denmark at Southend Half Marathon in June 1998

Winning Team ILFORD AC at The South Of England Half Marathon Championships at Hastings In March 2000 – Me and Sir Andrew and Amin (Who Won the race) and Nick Berill

Great Bentley and Essex Ten Mile Championships October 2000 And ILFORD AC 1st Team Gold and I won 1st MV40 Individual Gold

Me and Martin Clarke and Sir Andrew giving it Large at The Roding Valley Half Marathon And Essex Champs circa 1999


One of my favourite headlines from The Ilford Recorder 11th June 1998

The Gold Team Medal from The UK Inter-Counties 20 Mile Championships In 1998 – Essex were UK Champions!
Ilford AC winning team 2000 with trophies Steve Allen, Owen Phipps, Me, Martin Clarke
The Late Great Legends Howard Williams with Newman Sargent and me at a medal presentation ceremony from donkeys years ago !
Why did you start running?I started running in order to lose weight and get my fitness back after years of playing many other sports including badminton, squash, tennis, football, cricket , cycling , swimming, Karate, table tennis and darts ! What happened was my nutrition was awful and the weight piled on as I got older.


What was your first race?

Brentwood 3 Mile Fun Run


Have you ever been sent the wrong way in a race or had any disputes about trophies?

Many times but the main one that springs to mind is The Essex Marathon Championships held at Basildon in September 1999 on a really hot day. I was leading the race with fellow Ilford AC member Nick Berill and Paul Prosser from Thurrock Harriers. The three of us reached two women marshals at a junction in the road and we were all shouting ‘which way?’ To which they replied they had no idea they had just been told to stand at the road junction !!! OMG !!  We all took one way which was the wrong way! After running eyeballs out for a while we started to realise we were going the wrong way and we’re totally unhappy as you can imagine! To cut a long story short Paul Prosser dropped out completely unhappy and me and Nick eventually back tracked and found our way back to the race and had to overtake most of the field. I finished 7th in the end and despite running an extra two miles still broke three hours! Nick finished ahead of me having gone off like a mad man in anger! We were both fuming at the end but never saw those two women marshals again (except in nightmares!) and we still won Essex Gold Team Medals!


I have also had a few tantrums at trophy presentations where the wrong people get awarded the prize but some are so embarrassing I cringe about them now but they appeared so very important at the time!



On scale of 1-10 How important is Ilford AC and running to you?

Running is very important 10/10 – if I miss a run any day I get really down and need my endorphin fix!

What running shoes do you recommend?

Asics GT 2000 series – got over twenty versions of them – fit like a glove and well cushioned.


Brilliant running career Terry , I was very interested to see that you train every day including LSD ( not a performance enhancing drug) , do you supplement your running with any other exercise particularly considering your severe back injury.

I do run every day but some runs are very slow and others are quality – you have to do what works for you plus I am addicted to running ! Being a Personal Trainer i do a lot of core and weights session regularly (sports specific)  and spend quality time stretching everyday including foam rolling and have a regular sports massage – when I was younger I never stretched and spent way too long training on roads but now I train over the country whenever I can as it’s much kinder to the joints – experience is a great teacher !


When did you start running at BRR and do you think you were a latecomer to running?

Joined Barking Road Runners in about 1989 and yes I suppose being in my late twenties I was a latecomer – I remember the great Dale Laughlin of Chelmsford AC (whom I become great friends with) chatting to me once at a party in about 1990 and I was in awe of this guys achievements and telling him so and was asking him how I could be as great as him and he was drunk listening to me and after my machine gun chatter to him he turned around and said  with a slurred speech ‘You’ve left it a bit late really Tel !’ And that was my cue and inspiration from that moment to train like a maniac and reach my absolute potential because I realised that age was not on my side and had to do the best I could. Funny thing is I now meet a lot of fellow runners who are already in their 40s and 50s before they even started running so I supposes I wasn’t that late a starter really!


What was your target for the marathon when you set your PB?

My target that day was Sub 2-40 but I felt so strong and fit on the day and ran a ‘perfect storm’ of a race. Finishing in 2-34 and I can remember being on my toes and running what felt like a sprint to the finish line !


Did you improve noticeably after joining Ilford AC?

I loved the years I was with Barking Road Runners but Yes – in those days by joining  Ilford AC I felt inspired by being with a prestigious club to train harder and longer and with more quality with great runners (e.g. Sir Andrew)


It is understood that you has a very high flying job in pensions at the height of your running career – how did you find time for training?

I was lucky in that I was ‘Sponsored’ financially and personally by my company Save and Prosper in Romford to run and I was allowed to take long lunch breaks and regularly trained with Martin Clarke over Raphael Park and Harrow Lodge Park. Martin worked in the I.T. Department at Save and Prosper and they were great days and thought they would never end. In fact I was influential in getting the company to build showers in the ground floor so we could use them for after training! In reality although I had an important job I was not really interested in it and being sponsored was the icing on the cake.


Do you still suffer from calf cramps? How many races did you have to abandon because of and this condition?

Yes – still suffer and have tried everything to stop it! The worst times was leading the Billericay Striders 10K in 1999 (having won it in 1998) and was clear by over a minute and then both calves seized up and tried to keep going running like Frankenstein but then collapsed in agony (physically and mentally) and also at other races.


When you lived more locally did you use to train at the track?

Initially yes at Cricklefields and Haverings Track at Mayesbrook Park and then moved to Leigh-On-Sea in August 2000 and somehow and for some reason started training with Thurrock Harriers with the great Dave Staines over at Blackshots in Grays – probably because by then I was working as Personal Trainer at David Lloyd in Basildon.


What are your objective/targets in running over the next few year

To do my best in Male Veteran Over 60 age category – Covid19 permitting!

What do you make of the obsession with running gadgets and ever-increasing technology for running shoes? Do you think that these things improve runners?

No No No – There is way too much technology and strava  and all that nonsense and yet most runners are generally slower than years ago – nothing beats really hard work and training to your ‘full potential’ and correct diet and  ‘Wanting it so much it hurts’ . I can remember regularly getting up at 5am and training in the dark in mid-winter freezing cold and sometimes doing a Twenty Miler and then be at my desk at work for 9am and then in the evening or lunchtime doing a second run. I was so tired I used to go to the toilets in work for a kip!


Who was your biggest rival when you banging out your best performances and how did you do against them?

Biggest rival at Ilford AC was Nick Berill and we had a lot of major battles and he was ex RAF and was just that tiny bit better than me but some days I used to beat him but it was ‘Armageddon’ between us when we raced ! (R.I.P. NICK) and Pete West from Colchester Harriers (another tough cookie) and we mustn’t forget ‘The Kiddy with a Ponytail’ as the legendary Pat Dobbs of Thurrock Harriers used to call him, yes Malcolm Muir !


What is your favourite parkrun, what is your view on parkruns and best time at one?

Southend Park Run – very quick if not windy on the Seafront – best time as MV55 is 18-38 and think they are great for  a fun Saturday morning eyeballs out speed session and Parkrun results technology is second to none and think UK Athletics should adopt a similar system. The social side is great but they are very addictive! Wish they had been around in my hey day!

Will we ever see a return of the long-highlighted hair?

Yes – for years and years I used to shave my head (An Essex Twenty it used to called by Martin) to be faster and as I got older thought I would let it grow as most people my age haven’t got any hair ! The colouring hides the grey bits!


I know you have met a few rock stars over the years, who were the best and worst

I have met many Rock Legends over the years and Met Johnny Rotten (Sex Pistols) at Heathrow Airport who was an absolute delight and really funny and chatted to him for ages and have photographs taken with him. So was Glen Matlock (Also Sex Pistols) who I met at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival another nice guy and chatted him into submission! I think the worst was Carl Palmer from ELP who wouldn’t sign anything unless you bought something. The last star I met was Francis Rossi, another really nice bloke, of Status Quo who signed my guitar.


We used to have a lot of discussions at The White Horse about Arnold Schwarzenegger films, do you agree Hercules goes to New York is his finest work

Oh yes The White Horse in Chadwell Heath which is no more! Anyway I believe he was credited as Arnold Strong in that movie which is his worst film but his best is Terminator 1 and 2 plus like Twins and Jingle All The Way and Last Action Hero.


You can have a dinner party at home with 3 athletes, 3 footballers and 3 rock stars (alive or dead). Who would you invite and what would you cook them?

3 Athletes – Haile Gabrsalles (Always smiling and happy) , Ben Johnson (To ask him WHY ?), Eliud  Kipchoge (To ask him HOW ?)

3 Footballers – Tony Cottee, Paul Gascoigne , Bobby Moore (Great football talk from Yesteryear before overpaid prima donnas started playing in the sport)

3 Rock Stars – Angus Young, Jimmy Page, Suggs and Jim Morrison of The Doors to wreck the place!

And I would cook them egg and chips!


When you have been so good and winning races is it hard to accept when those days are in the past and what motivates you now to get out there and race. Is it the sheer enjoyment of a race or do you still push hard for age related medals?

As you get older and obviously slower you have to adjust your mentality and mindset that youngsters will  and do start beating you and initially it hurts but it’s a gradual thing that you get used to ( although I have known a lot of fellow runners who do not like it and drop out of the sport completely) but I love running so why stop and you just reset your goals to do the best you can in the veterans category which as the years have gone by is getting tougher. As one of my Heroes Winston Churchill once said ‘Never, Never, Never Give Up !’


You have a heck of a lot of Essex medals – are these all on display at home?

Everything I have ever won is on display at Silverware-On-Sea !


Danny Holeyman tells me you were once his boss. Did you know each other ran during this period and if so did you ever train together?

Yes I met Danny on his first Day at Save and Prosper in Romford and he worked on my section in the pensions department  and we became great friends but although I was training like a demon in those days, young Danny never really did much running – he probably thought I was a bit strange going off running all the time ? I think Danny wanted a career and I just wanted another big trophy LOL


Did you ever have a coach?

Various people have coached me over the years from other runners to Proper coaches, but they never lasted. As I said training in groups is fantastic but over the years you start to realise what works for you and you have to train hard. I remember some Track sessions where I would get more nervous before them than a real race because I knew they would hurt more!!!


Did you run for your school?

Only 100 metres and 200 metres on the grass tracks and was quite good however I recalled In my School Warren Comprehensive in Chadwell Heath in the 1970s Running Cross Country for boys was considered a ‘Punishment’ for some reason.


What is your favourite – Road or Cross Country, and can you tell us your favourite and least favourite venues for both

Road is definitely my favourite surface and have been very successful running on roads. As for Cross Country I can never seem to keep my feet that well over the Country and end up doing the dance of the hermit crab on some courses !

Current favourite Road Courses are The Wix 5 and Little Bromley 10K and Billericay 10K which are really quick and Worst is now The Roding Valley Half Marathon as over the years the traffic has increased and now it’s dangerous !

Cross Country favourite The Abbey Fields course at Colchester and South Weald in Brentwood.

Worst are all at Hadleigh Country Park !


You said you preferred the Bon Scott era for AC/DC but surely you have to agree that the album ‘Back in Black’ is probably one of the best rock albums of all time?

No Doubt about it Back in Black is a great rock album but look at the lyrics on some songs – it’s obvious Bon Scott wrote those lyrics before he died NOT Brian Johnson even though he gets the credit! I saw AC/DC 5 times with Bon Scott and The reason they were a different class then is that Bon Scott and Angus Young had a fantastic rapport and stage presence on stage in live concert with each other that Brian Johnson just does not have. Bon Scott was the better singer, better lyricist and superb frontman. Brian Johnson was the luckiest guy alive to get the job as AC/DCs singer and he knows it.


Is there any particular gig from history you wish you had been at?

I saw Led Zeppelin at Knebworth in 1979 and that was an experience and Wish I had seen David Bowie in concert anywhere and The Doors on any planet.


Do you listen to Planet Rock? If not what is your preferred radio station

CD’s, Vinyl or streaming?


I listen to GOLD and MAGIC and BBC Essex radio and also Planet Rock!

And Definitely Vinyl – I remember in my youth spending hours flicking through albums in record shops reading the covers, who wrote what song, who produced them and everything. Some artwork on the covers was incredible in those days.


What distance is your favourite for a road run


I used to love running half marathons in the day as you had time to and distance to beat your rivals who if they hadn’t trained for it would come apart in the latter stages but nowadays prefer 10K and 10 Miles.


Last Question

When Owen, Martin and Yourself left Barking Road Runners to Join an Athletic Club what factors made you choose Ilford AC.


In 1997 after years of glory at Barking Road Runners the late great Owen Phipps, who was our unofficial spokesperson and leader at Barking, Wanted to join Ilford AC along with Martin because I think of his Ilford connections from school and we realised that we had reached our peak at Barking and we wanted to move to a Athletic Club ! I was also keen to join and not knowing much about Ilford AC at the time (except for the Ilford AC Discos in the late 70s) and Legends like Sir Andrew and Gary Webb and others! In fact initially I wanted to join Woodford Green AC for no other reason except that loved the green hooped Celtic vests and thought they looked great!


In the end after discussing it many times we decided to all go to Ilford AC en mass! And the rest is history!


And some more photos from the Jurassic Park Years!


Long Live ILFORD AC AND One Hundred Years anniversary in 2023



Silverware-On-Sea, Essex

Ilford AC Team at Roding Valley Half Marathon (Left to Right Martin Clarke, Amin Kokoi, Sir Andrew, Nick Berill, me and Malcolm Muir 1999)

Winners Trophy Ipswich Jaffa 1998

Me and Kim with Johnny Rotten (Sex Pistols) at Heathrow Airport

Ilford Hilly 5 with a young looking Sharon and Roger Honey in the Background.

First Ever winner of The Felsted 10K 1999

Me with Paul Evans and his wife Louise at The Ilford Annual Dinner at Manor Hall, Chigwell from yesteryear.

Winning British Team at the Veterans Grand Prix at Bruges, Belgium 2001

  Pauline Tester  

Jun 132020

Pauline Tester

17 March 1964

Date Joined:
1977 Brian Meadows, a teacher at Dane High School invited interested students to the track at Cricklefields, I went with Katy Pestell, we trained that summer.
I returned in 1981 and officially joined 15 October 1981.

Personal Bests:


5k: 18m02s Barking Park 1993

5 miles: 29m36s Victoria Park 1993

10k: 38m38s Women’s Own, Harlow 1989

10 miles: 66m59s Eye 1993

Half Marathon: 1h37m42s Hastings 2001

20 miles: 2h47m48s Chelmsford Essex Champs 1997



400m: 64.4s Inter Banks at Norbury 1987

800m: 2m24.9s Club Champs at Ilford 1991

1,500m: 4m48.9s Essex Champs at Woodford 1991

3,000m: 10m34.4s Essex Champs at Ilford 1993

5,000m: 18m06s Business Houses Champs at Battersea 1993

10,000m: 38m48s Club Champs at Ilford 1993


First Club Race:
Essex XC 10 October 1981 at Hainault Forest


Favourite Race:
Essex Road Relays (any relays because there is competition to get into the team, great encouragement from team mates on the day and wanting to push hard for your team mates).


Notable Performances:
Manufacturers Hanover/Chemical Corporate Championships Finals held in New York annually from 1986-1993, I ran for the NatWest team. We had to qualify in heats held in London (one year there were two heats and NatWest qualified in both, so took 17 runners (included team manager) to the final in New York). I was surprised to be in a team with some great runners.

Essex medals in track, road and relays.

Essex vest at Inter-Counties track 3,000m at Horsham August 1993.


Biggest Disappointment:
not being able to run better at the longer distances on the road.


Typical Weeks Training:
coached by Fred Plumm/Dave Jones/Alan Lovett

Track: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday (summer) 4-6 miles

Chigwell Row: Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning (winter) 5-10 miles

Lunch-time: Monday, Wednesday (sometimes Tuesday or Thursday too) 5-7 miles London Embankment or Regents Canal

We would race regularly, sometimes in the summer I would do 2 races a week!

Maximum mileage when I ran twice a day was around 50 miles per week.


Favourite Sessions:  

Track: warm-up 1 mile jog on grass, 4x 100m strides, 2 x 200m, 12 x 400m aim 80s for 8 then 78 for last 4 & 1 mile jog warm-down

Fred would often make me lead the track reps as he knew I would be able to set the correct pace he gave us. I knew I made the grade when Fred gave me a scrap of paper with my training rep times. He would also write training plans for me on these scraps of paper.

Road: Bournebridge 7 mile training run


Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with:  

Pam Jones & Andy Catton – IAC legends

Gillian Dainty – part of NatWest team (we raced over cross-country, track, road relays and the corporate challenge mentioned above) and 1,500m silver medalist at Brisbane Commonwealth Games in 1982.

Lesley Watson – after a group training run around Regents Park on 17 March 1988 we all headed back to her flat and she’d laid on food and drink to celebrate my birthday.


How would you improve the sport:

Life-time ban for athletes tested positive for banned drugs.


Favourite Athlete or Sportswoman: Lucy Charles-Barclay – Ironman triathlete


What other sports do you follow: Triathlon (done a few myself), used to play squash competitively, watch rugby (boss has debenture at Twickenham), cycling and anything except football.

I now do more swimming training with London Borough of Redbridge SC (before COVID-19) and open water swimming training at Royal Victoria Dock. I compete in pool and open water masters competitions where I’ve won Essex medals at 200m & 400m, as well as London open water 1.5k and 

3k champion. Racing up 14k open water.


Best Country Visited: Australia, including Tasmania


Favourite Food & Drink: Salad with everything! Rum cocktails!


Favourite TV Shows: Sport


Last Film Seen: Frozen II


Last Book Read: Try not to breathe by Holly Seddon


Favourite Band Singer: Zac Brown Band


Last Album Bought: The Owl – Zac Brown Band


Last Concert Attended: Rod Stewart


Any Pets: None, unless you include all the birds I feed in the garden: robin looks for me through the window or follows me in the garden singing for me to hand feed it some treats


What are your aims for next season?: Keep up the training and do more races


Tell us a Joke:  Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honeycombs!



Essex Road Relays at Basildon 1983

Essex 3,000m Champs at Ilford 1989

Essex 1,500m Champs at Woodford 1991



Chemical Corporate Challenge Final New York 1992 1st mixed team

Warm weather training at Club La Santa, Lanzarote in preparation for International Running Challenge
(4 races over 4 days: 8.6k off-road hills; 10k road; 5k beach; 23k cross-island) 4
th female 1993

IAC Annual Dinner, Dance and Presentation evening with coach Fred Plumm





What is your current job and how do you fit training around work ?

​Until a few months ago I worked as a legal PA assisting a variety of lawyers, including a Deputy High Court Judge, mainly undertaking advocacy in a variety of specialisms. This involved long working days and tight deadlines whilst juggling a number of different court cases. ​I had limited time to train due to masters swim training 6-7.30am Mon/Wed/Fri (sometimes one other day in the week too) and working long hours. In winter I would try to run 2-3 miles once a week, track training on a Tuesday and 3-5 miles on a Sunday. In summer the same as winter, except Sunday’s run would be an open water swim or race.

What has been your training during Lockdown ?

​I started with two 3.7 mile road runs, one 10 x 250m efforts with a mile warm-up and cool-down and one 5 mile road run weekly. Then when open water venues opened, I added two 50 minute swims per week and dropped the 5 mile run. I’ve also fitted in a few bike rides for variety and long walks (Fairlop Waters is a good 6 mile round trip and if I had company might try to run this route one day).

I see you did the last race before Lockdown which was the Essex Road Relays at Colchester on 15th March – What did you think of that race ? Comparing it to the relays at Harwich ?

​I enjoyed the Essex Road Relays in March at Colchester. Great course: in 1991 I was privileged to be part of the winning mixed relay team at this venue with Andy Catton, Derek Coates and Tony Nixon (Colchester hosted this weekday evening event where teams had to include one veteran and one female). I’ve never run at Harwich so can’t compare them. This year it was very windy, which was tough. I used to enjoy the Chelmsford course – looking through the fence to see your team mate racing along the last stretch. I preferred when the Essex Road Relays took place in October, which meant I still had some track speed in my legs.

Worst Injury in Running ?

​Not an injury as such, although having asthma has caused me problems in the past. Bad reactions to insect bites has caused me more trouble over the years (especially at the track or Hainault Forest) – I get blisters and shooting pains when bitten on my legs.

What make of trainers do you normally buy and why ?

​I currently wear Asics Gel Nimbus and have worn this trainer for some time now as they suit my neutral running style. In the past I’ve been a fan of Brooks and New Balance.

Favourite Cross-Country Race and venue ?

Essex XC league races with my favourite course being One Tree Hill – a tough one with an up hill finish, so it definitely helps to be fit for that one.

I see the last film you saw was Frozen 2 – What Did you think of that compared to Frozen 1 ? You can let this question go if you like………

I think Frozen 1 was better than Frozen 2, although I’d happily sit through either again surrounded by children!

Worst or most horrendous conditions you have raced in ?

The Linford 10 mile race one January is the worst I can remember. It had snowed heavily and I was expecting Linford Joggers to cancel the race. I’ve never seen so many runners wearing woolly hats, gloves and so many layers to run a race – it was bitterly cold and icy underfoot. I’ve forgotten all the muddy XC courses, although do remember one particularly slippery day running around Hainault with a large group and everyone fell over at some point during the run.

Greatest Running Rival(s) at Ilford AC and in the wider Running community ?

I was always trying to catch Kim Trunley/Webb, Tracey Trunley/Bull, Sharon Honey and Dianne Crisp at Ilford AC and amongst the corporate/banking runners I would be chasing Gillian Dainty, Alison Fletcher and Julie Moore.

P.S. Hazel (Honey) and I always pushed harder when we saw a “wobbly bottom” in front and were determined to beat them as we didn’t think they should be in front of us!

Favourite Park Run ? And Time?


Valentines is my favourite park run (I was born at a house in Christchurch Road and spent a lot of my childhood in the park). It is ideal now as I can run there as a warm-up and then home again afterwards as recovery making a total of 7 miles as I now live in Seven Kings.

Royal Victoria is my fastest at 23m34s – probably because I was keen to get into the dock for a swim afterwards. Beckton is on my “to-run” list as a friend’s husband organises this one.


Your Half Marathon and 20 mile times would indicate that you could have had a good marathon in you. Did you ever consider it?


I considered running Boston (USA) in 1997 (Colin had a qualifying time and got a place on the first bus and front row of the start line) that year, so I was going to enter albeit I would have to start with the masses at the back (this was possible in 1997). I tried to fit in the training, but struggled due to workload. I ran the Essex 20 miles that year on low mileage and realised I didn’t have 26.2 miles in me, so toured the course by bus and waited at the finish for Colin.


I see your first club race was the 10 mile XC at Hainault Forest. Very much a baptism of fire. Did you enjoy or endure it?

Oops, my first race wasn’t the 10 mile XC at Hainault Forest, it was an Essex XC league race on 10 October 1981. If I’d attempted the 10 mile XC I don’t think I would have finished and possibly given up running.

At your prime what would you say you enjoyed the most – Track, road or Cross-Country running?


I enjoyed the track races most. There was a great atmosphere at the league events and lots of opportunities to race for IAC, NatWest Bank and open competitions with team mates and work colleagues. In the summer I would often run 3-4 races a week.


Have you got your Essex medals and vest on display at home?


No, Essex (and all) medals are in boxes and vest with all my other running kit in the wardrobe.


You have kept yourself very fit. Is this purely down to training, or are you very careful with your diet too? Do you do any weight or core training?


I’ve always been active and enjoy pushing myself to achieve new goals. Luckily, I enjoy eating healthy food – salad every day with new potatoes, rice or pasta and mainly fish or an omelette. In winter porridge with fruit and mixed seeds is a staple breakfast. Although I do blame swimming for adding 2 stone in weight since my early running days (it’s all muscle) ‍♀️

I do Pilates, yoga, stretching, strength exercises (using 2 x 1.5 litre water bottles (full)), band work and try to keep myself active.


Warm ups and cool downs are very much encouraged now. Has this always been the case and would you say you always adhere to it?

Warm-up at the track was always the same: 4 laps jog on grass; 4 x 100m strides (jog back) and 4 x 200m (jog across grass) with 4 laps jog on grass to finish. I still make sure I do a warm-up before track training and efforts. Nowadays it helps that I can run to the track and home again. I have noticed some don’t do a warm-up before track training – I would encourage everyone to do so, even if it means missing the start of the training – you will run better for it. My current 250m efforts are undertaken about a mile away from home, so I get a warm-up jog and cool down back home again.


Fantasy dinner party. You can invite 6 guests, alive or dead (the ones would obviously be alive for the dinner) who would they be and what would be your signature dish that you would serve?


Fred Plumm (how many times would he say “crickey!!”, Zac Brown (for some background music); Sarah Thomas (4-way English Channel marathon swimmer), Dalton Grant (no introduction required), Linwood Barclay (author) and Tom Leech QC (Deputy High Court Judge and all-round nice guy).

Kiln smoked trout fillets with Jersey Royal potatoes and salad.


Do you miss your hugs from Ernie?


Yes, definitely missing all hugs, especially Ernie’s


I understand you swim longer distances than a lot of us run. How long does it take to swim 10k & 14k? . And where do you swim them?  


10k best 2h34m River Dart (Totnes to Dittisham) 2015

14k best 4h10m River Thames (Henley to Marlow) 2019 (includes getting out and walking around 3 weirs and jumping into the water again to continue swimming) and giving way to boats!


Did you change your training in any way to help you to so many good times in the early 90’s?


I always followed the training and guidance of the coaches. Track training was an integral part of my training along with working up the hills at Hainaut Forest and racing frequently, which together paid dividends for me.