Julie Gillender  

Jan 232021
NAME Julie Gillender

DATE OF BIRTH 18th January  1968

Date joined IAC: 2016

Personal Bests:

100m  19.88 (2015 v45 ranking 123rd in UK)
Mile     8.01
5k        28.24
Parkrun 28.35
5 mile     48.35
10k         59.41

First Club race in which I participated was the Essex League ZXC at Colchester in 2016. I came last as I do in a lot of races but my philosophy now is that someone always comes first and some poor soul has to come last!

My most notable performance(s) was winning a Vets ac bronze medal for the 5k distance at Battersea Park. My second favourite performance was completing the Wix 5 mile race and being presented with an engraved crystal trophy for best club effort. I cried as I’ve never won anything before!

A typical weeks training for me is to try to run at least 3 times a week. A track session usually on a Tuesday and a road run of a Thursday around 5 miles. Parkrun of a Saturday (pre covid days) and finally a run in Hainault forest with a few running pals or a jaunt round Valentines or Clayhall park with Carol Muir.

My favourite races are Westminster Mile and the Vitality 10k which Ive done twice. I love running around London and at my pace you take in the views and sites.London at it’s best .

The main reason why I got into running was because one morning in 2014 i woke up with a very blood shot eye. I saw my GP who diagnosed high blood pressure .I was prescribed tablets which didn’t agree with me due to the side effects that made me feel worse. I was very overweight at this time, so asked my partner Steve who is a runner if he would help me try to lose some weight by helping me with some gentle running. I also started to attend Valentines parkrun every Saturday. 

I have completed 143 parkruns to date and am grateful to have been able to have participated in this event on a regular basis as it has given me a lot of pleasure in life by meeting other park runners, trying to stay fit and giving me the opportunity to give something back by becoming a Parkrun Director at Barking Parkrun. I’m always glad to see fast and slow runners alike meeting up, having a chat then doing the parkrun and seeing everyone over the finish line with either a grin or a grimace on their faces but most of all to have completed that 5k and got in some exercise!

My favourite running event is Cross Country as I love to run in the forest and I’m not afraid of a bit of mud and the odd ditch but running just gives me a great sense of freedom and I find it good for my mental and physical well being.

The most famous athletes that I have been very fortunate to run with and on a regular basis is Ilfords lovely Pam Jones . The other person who I will mention is Paul Sinton-Hewitt  (parkrun founder) who turned up at Raphaels parkrun when i was doing my 100th parkrun. It was a very memorable day for me and i was very grateful that a lot of my ilford team mates turned up to support me and made me cakes too!!

If i was to give any advice on improving the sport would be to encourage youngsters to take up some sort of running maybe through school. Put a stop to any illegal drug taking within our sport and lifetime bans on anyone caught doing so.

My favourite athlete is David Rudisha.

I do like and follow other sports which are boxing and Formula one.  When my father was young he used to race Morgan Sports cars and even competed in the Isle of Man ‘ TT ‘ races.Even now at 84 my father still owns a Morgan but finds it hard to drive these days. Many holidays when I was a child always involved car racing so i am a bit of a petrol head!!

My favourite foods are Cod and chips with a glass of cold lemonade and lime. Im also a fan of salmon with fresh broccoli and hollandaise sauce. 

The last film I watched was I P Man on Netflix. I’ve watched so many films during these recent lockdowns I’ve lost count to be honest.

The book that I’m reading currently is Captain Tom Tomorrow will be a good day. It’s his autobiography by Captain Sir Tom Moore. I like any books that are written about the first and second world wars both fact and fiction.

The last album that I purchased was Sophie Ellis-Bextor- Songs from the kitchen disco. 

I have a very eclectic taste in music. I’m a big 80s fan as that was the era I grew up in and in my opinion was the greatest music decade. My favourite artists are Phil Collins. OMD. Simple Minds. Cold Play just to name a few.

The last concert I attended was Gary Numan – Savage tour at the cliffs pavilion in Southend-on-Sea.

Pets- Sparky my lovely tabby cat.

My main aim is to try and keep running,injuries aside to keep both  my mental and physical health intact!

Finally…..my corny joke.

What do you call a pig that does karate???

A pork chop!


What school did you go to and did you do any sport there ?

Back in the early 1980s I attended Chaffords Comprehensive School which is in Rainham Essex.
I have to admit I was pretty useless at sport at school and being one of the geeky kids l was always picked last for any of the school sports teams. However on the annual sports day I did  get picked for the 400m and on my final year in school came second! We did do cross country at school which was run round some farmers fields at the back of the school and at that time I genuinely hated it!

Worst Injury ?

My worst injury has to be my Haglund’s deformity which is an abnormality of the foot bone (Achilles heel)  My Achilles tendon has a large bony section on it. It started in around 2017. I’ve had various treatments on it both NHS and private and apart from an operation which is not conclusive to rid me of the problem I just manage to live with it. I also have a cartilage problem with my left knee and awaiting treatment but the Covid situation takes priority over outpatients clinics at the present time.


How did you meet Stephen ?

Steve and myself met in 2001 on a dating app.

20 years on and we are still happy in each others company!


First Single and Album purchased ?

The first album ( vinyl) that I purchased was by Imagination- In the heat of the night. I cant remember the first single I purchased. I had a Saturday job whilst I was at college working in Boots in Romford on the record section. For a young 16 year old mad on music this was great. I got to play all the latest music in the charts.


Favourite holiday destination and Why ?

My favourite holiday destinations I admit are in the UK. However in my 20s I did travel a bit around Europe ( France, Germany and Austria).

Back to the UK, Norfolk and Kent are my favourite places. As a kid I had many holidays in Norfolk with my parents and brother. We had a caravan that my father pulled along with his beloved Morgan sports car. We use to get many strange looks! I have also had some great holidays with Steve and his children in Norfolk mainly at Haven holiday parks.Where Kent comes in is my father ( not again I hear you say) owned a holiday flat in Leysdown up until 2018 and every summer from about 2003 until 2017 Steve myself and the children had many holidays there. It was ideal as it was not to far for me to drive. Had a great chippy nearby lovely beach about 300meters from the flat and lots of other amusements for the kids. 


Money no object where would you go on holiday, and would you seek out a race whilst you were there?

Money no object the holiday destinations that I would love to visit are Australia and New Zealand.  Some good parkruns there i hear?


Do you work and if so how do you fit running around it?

My working life has always been in catering.  My current job is a cook in a private boys school. 

I start at 7.30am most days and finish around 2.30 so this allows me to fit in my running around my working hours.

I do struggle at times as cooking stuff I like is always difficult as it’s always tempting to eat some. I do have a little restraint and not keep picking.

I hear you ‘Temporarily’ Retired from Running after the Ingatestone 5 Miles Road Race in 2019 ? Why was that and what changed your mind to carry on ?

Temporary retirement from running:- During the Ingatestone 5 in 2019 I had got to about mile 4 and then started to struggle. I was suffering from a ‘hot sweat’ , this is due to the flipping menopause us women go through in our 50’s. By coincidence Steve and Terry Knightley were doing a warm down and genuinely encouraging me along the way when I announced that I was giving up running!!  A lovely lady from Dagenham 88 heard me and gave me a pep talk and I managed to finish the race. Once recovered from the race I duly retracted my retirement


Greatest Running Rival ?

I do not have any running rivals really my motto is to try to get close or match my previous times from before and to finish a race whatever even if I am last.

Best and Worst Park Run and Why ?

Best Parkrun: Victoria Dock as in December of 2019 I got a pb for that year and it’s a flat and even course. 

Worst Parkrun: Eden project . The first part is all up hill and winedy. However it’s in a beautiful part of the world and after the parkrun got to visit the project which was a great day out.


How did you become Race Director for Barking Park Run ?

When I turned 50 I had a little bucket list of things I wanted to do. One was to become a Race Director for parkrun as I felt I had got a lot out of it  but wanted to try and give something back and help other people. I knew that Barking parkrun needed some new RDs. I approached them and had some initial training for a few weeks they kindly let me take the reins. I volunteer when the rota goes online and I know I can commit myself to those Saturday mornings along with all the other very dedicated people at Barking parkrun team.

I love to see runners  joggers and walkers alike get round that 5k course and give them some encouragement along the way. The only frustrating thing sometimes I have found that after the run and we have to process the results and a couple of times the server has gone down and you have to start from scratch again but that’s life I guess.

On my 100th parkrun which I did at Raphaels the founder Paul Sinton -Hewitt turned up on the day. It was a great surprise. I have to admit I cant remember what I really spoke to him about but it made it a memorable day for me and a lot of my IAC  team mates turned out to support me that day and bought cakes too.

I dont just do Barking parkrun. I do mainly local ones ( valentines and Raphael and Roding Valley) as I dont have to travel too far. However i have done others further afield.


Do you have a favourite Cross Country course?

My favourite XC course is Hadleigh. Very hilly and very muddy with a few proper ditches along the way. This is in the South Essex League and I’m glad to say a lot of women in my age category compete and are at my level.  There is al ot of friendly rivalry and it’s nice not to always come last!

The Westminster mile is one of my favourite races as i said in part1. I like to run the shorter distances as I’m slightly faster at this distance. One day I would like to achieve a sub 8 minute mile…..watch this space!


Fantasy Dinner party – 6 guests. Who would they be, and would it be you or Stephen cooking?

Both my wonderful Nans, Dusty Springfield, Captain Sir Tom Moore, Phil Collins, David Rudisha. Steve would of course be in the kitchen cooking so that I could mingle with my guests.


Favourite Olympic memory?

My favourite Olympic memory was from London 2012 watching David Rudisha in the 800metres gaining the world record in 1.40.91 and winning the gold medal which was quite amazing considering he ran it from pillar to post.

In all your years at the club have you ever at any stage thought that as a woman you were treated unfairly or unequally?

Whilst being a member of I AC I have always been treated fairly as a female member and never discriminated against in anyway.

Hi Julie, great inspiring Who’s who,  well done. I was interested to see that you watched IP MAN on Netflix,  I would like to know if you watched all 4 films and what did you think of his life story. I found his life to be tragic but fascinating particularly the references to his former student Bruce Lee

With regard to the film IP MAN I only watched the film that was on Netflix which was the story of Bruce Lee’s mentor Wing Chun in his younger life and his life when China was invaded by the Japanese.  It is very insightful and I gather there are a further 3 films which I intend to watch either on Netflix or buy them from ebay.
It was an excellent film. During the lock down (s) I’ve watched all the Bruce Lee films.
Brandon Lee’s film The Crow blew me away. It’s so sad that both father and son passed away so young in life.

  Stephen Philcox  

Jan 092021

Name – Stephen Philcox

Born   – 14/10/65 (in a flat in green lane, Ilford)

Date joined – October 2011

Personal bests
400 – 63.2
800 – 2.14.6
1500 – 4.31.9
3,000 – 9.45.
6 mile – 5.03.55
5,000 – 16.53.5
1m – 5.01
5k – 16.34
parkrun – 17.01
5 mile – 28.04 (not on pot as running as a guest for vets ac at battersea Park but it can be found on their website)
10k – 35.15
10 mile – 59.19
HM – 79.01
20 mile – 2.11.35
mar – 2.59


How i got into running – i never thought I could run or take up running as I was hospitalised at the age of 10 with severe asthma and a chest infection due to being slight build and living in a cold corner house with no central heating.i remember being on a drip for 2 weeks i recovered although the asthmer remained.


During my early 20’s I moved into a 2 bedroom council flat in barkingside, this was during the summer but when winter came it became apparent that the flat had very bad damp which caused my asthmer to return with a vengeance this also caused my partner and son to develop the condition too.after eventually securing a move,  my asthma and general health improved.


Fast forwarding to 2001 i was now living where I still reside, sunny hainault/chigwell in a damp free house.That same year I decided to learn to drive which I passed the following year which meant I did less walking or exercise by 2007 I felt unfit but healthier, but this and also finding out one of my brothers friends had taken up running I decided to give it a go myself, He was training for the barking Park 5k so I eventually signed up for it too but not having a clue what I was doing I just ran as fast as I could for 2.5 miles every other day for 2 weeks.on the day I was over dressed with tracksuit bottoms on and average non running trainers clocking a time of 22.21 but pleased at finishing halfway up the field.


I trained for a whole year the same way

and returned to do he same race in a time of 19.37

Shortly afterwards I joined barking Road runners where I remained for 3 years before joining Ilford AC.


First club race – I remember my first race at brr it was the havering 5 mile elvis race, I had no stamina so blew up after 3 miles.i remember this guy edging past and finishing about 30 seconds in front, he was distinctive looking wearing a sweatband on his head I later got to know him as our coach robbo.


I remember joining ilford at the end of September 2011 I spoke to Martin Clark of my intention around august he was very welcoming and we both agreed it would make sense to join after the last elvis race.checking my pot (power of ten) my first race with ilford would have been the southend 10k on 2nd October.but not much

that I can remember from it to be honest.


Favourite race – It has to be the barking Park 5k as it was the first race I ever did so i measured all my progress and improvement by it.


Notable performances – winning my first essex county gold medal (1st v50 over 10k in 2017) time: 36.22


Competing in the southern counties vet track competition when I turned 50 and losing only one race in my age category that season by 1 second in the 1500m by being outsprinted down the home straight (4.42.9) after also competing in the 5k less than an hour before and winning in 17.23.8.


Biggest disappointment- coming 2nd in the vets cross country championships when I turned 50 i remember misjudging the finish, thinking I had about a mile to go when it was nearer to 800m and not fighting as hard as I might have.on reflection I felt I could have won.


Typical weeks training at my peak –


Mon   – 5 miles easy
Tues   – 10×400’s on the track, aiming to run them all under 75 seconds or a 2.5 mile time trial, an out and back route from my house (Pb 13.37)
Wed    – 5 miles easy
Thurs  – 8.3 mile tempo run on a hilly route
Friday  – 5 miles easy
Sat   – parkrun or 7 miles steady
Sun      – 10-12 miles easy over Hainault forest


Favourite session – short quick track reps with 200’s and 400’s


Favourite race distance – any 5k


Favourite event – any track or xc


What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters – make your hard days hard and your easy days easy, but don’t leave your best races in training.


Always do a mini taper before an important race so you don’t turn up fatigued.


If you base your training around a good 10k you won’t go far wrong as you will have the fitness to drop down to a 5k and you won’t have to tweak much to step up to further distances.


Always make sure you warm up and warm down, the latter being most important because if you don’t warm up you may not run as well as you would have liked but if you don’t warm down you are risking injury and will feel more achy the following day.


Lastly make sure you are hydrated before a race and don’t underestimate being hydrated during cold weather.


Who is the most famous athlete you’ve trained with – Rebecca Robinson and Jim Mcdonnel


I raced against Rebecca during a valentines parkrun, I didn’t know at the time that she was an international but luckily for me that day Rebecca was coming back from injury but still finished 2nd behind me in 17.17.

Rebecca has a 5k pb of 15.48 which gave her a senior ranking of no.2 that year and a marathon pb of 2.36 which put her at no.5 in the senior rankings I think the same year.


I had an enjoyable warm down and chat with Rebecca after that parkrun during which I learned she had just qualified as a GP. I think Rebecca was only 23 at the time so not only a very talented athlete but also very bright too.


Jim Mcdonnel famously beat Barry mcguigan in boxing’s featherweight division, during Barry’s comeback fight after losing his world title to steve cruiz in hot and humid conditions in an outdoor arena, a fight he shouldn’t of taken as he was beaten as much by the heat as by the fighter.


I digress because Barry did recover well but came across Jim in his next fight, a very talented fighter who was good enough to be a world champion and beat him that night.


I met Jim at woodford greens athletic track and Jim still keeps himself very fit when I met him we did a session of 200 metre reps and he ran most in around 35 seconds, not bad as he was around 55 at the time. Jim is now a trainer and likes to take his boxers to the track to give them an extra fitness edge.


He did train the recently retired world class boxer, James Degale who by coincidence is the cousin of my youngest daughters boyfriend, who shares the same surname (small world)


Best country visited – ha ha I’ve never been abroad i think I would like to but to date the furthest I’ve been is the Isle of Wight, does that count?


Favourite food and drink – cod and chips with a buttered roll.A cup of tea, glass of pure orange juice or a can of sprite.


Favourite TV shows – dr who (original series, fav doctor, Tom baker), red dwarf, big bang theory, bottom, twilight zone and outer limits.


How would you improve the sport – give back all the school sports grounds,  the government sold to property developers during the 80’s and 90’s

And or build running tracks on the grounds of every senior school as in America.

Give p.e lessons the same priority and importance on the school curriculum as maths and English.after all as they say healthy body, healthy mind so kids will be able to think clearer and learn more.


Favourite athlete, sports person – seb coe (sorry its not paris) and steve davis


What other sports do you follow – snooker, boxing, formula 1


Last film seen
At the cinema, Terminator dark fate.
At home, Just one of the girls starring Cory haim.


Favourite actors – Clint Eastwood, Steve Martin, Michael Caine, Bruce Lee.


Favourite comedians – stan laurel, rik mayall, rowan Atkinson, Harry Enfield and Jim Carey.


Last book read – either the guvnor (Lenny  mc clean) or the day after roswell.

It’s been a while. I generally prefer biographies.


Favourite band or singer – this is a tough one for me music is as important as breathing and is a constant, its always there for you no matter what’s going on in your life.i could easily do my top 50 I won’t do but it will be long so here goes:


Police/sting, level 42, pet shop boys, erasure, genesis/phil collins, human league, abba, Gary numan, Adam ant, new order, omd, bee gees, madness, madonna, beatles, elo, simple minds, kraftwerk, elvis costello, George Michael,

David Bowie, elton John.duran duran, spandau ballet.


Last album bought – Erasure, the neon


Last concert attended – gary numan’s savage tour at cliffs pavilion southend (the album reached no.2 his most successful since 1980.i had tickets for Kim wilde, here come the aliens tour at the same venue for this September but that got cancelled.


First concert attended – invisible touch tour, genesis.1987


Hobbies – collecting and playing retro games on original systems and on emulation (usually raspberry pi), the latest raspberry pi is the pi 400 now built into its own keyboard (designed by the guy who designed the Amiga A600 keyboard if anyone remembers that.


Any pets – sparky my cat


Pet hates – spitting, smoking and covid 19


Favourite colour – green


Tell us a joke – why did the time traveller cross the road?

Answer – to get back to the same side


Knock knock, who’s there? I don’t know but if its The invisible man I dont want to see him

The Eden project parkrun 2018 I think it recently, sadly got flooded out
Me and Sharon at last years Chelmsford 10k
Vets xc champs 2019 I came 5th in the over 50 cat with no one older in front of me which was my aim even beating my nemesis colin ridley from Colchester harriers.i was pleased as this year with the new 5 yearly essex medals change, turning 55 this year if I held my form put me in a good position for potential gold.then covid happened!
Me and gary with our age medals at I think harold wood 5 last year
Me with toyah wilcox almost my namesake
This was taken at her gig plus q and a at her venue in Hornchurch
Me chasing gary.a few years back it was the other way around!
I think this was me winning v50 half marathon gold at the pleshey half 2018 one of the few occasions I got the better of my nemesis Colin ridley by only 4 seconds.i think I was runner up at least 8 times against this prolific runner in Essex county champs races.ironically he didn’t originate from Essex but fair play to him he is an amazing runner and very pleasant guy to talk to.
My cat Sparky

  Kim Baxter  

Jan 062021
Name:  Kim Baxter

Born:  1950s

Date Joined : a long time ago

Personal Bests: 

parkrun –             28.19 – Victoria Dock
5k                        29.35 – Barking Elvis
5m                       51.21 – Southend Rudolph Run
10k                       65.0 – Essex Remembrance ( COVID wave start)
HM                       2:21 – West Mersea 1989
I’ve only done 2  HMs. The first in 1989 the second was 25 years later and 25 mins slower.

First Club Race: Not sure about 1st Club race but 1st ever race was Brentwood 3 mile Fun Run in 1989.

Favourite Races: Parkrun

Rudolph 5k – Love the costumes, the Christmas puds, the colourful finishers medals (which I use as Xmas decorations) and having breakfast with Carol Muir and Julie Gillender after.

Ernest Hemingway 5k in Key West – torturous humidity but amazing after race party with free drinks and pizza. 

L’Oreal Twosome in Central Park New York.
I started right on the start line of an absolutely massive field alongside Terry ( his idea as they were adding our finishing times/positions together to get our overall finish times/ position) However so many runners gushed past me I genuinely thought I was running backwards.

Notable Performances:
Well here’s the vaguely notable ones 

Clacton 11 mile
I won the Women’s race, but more notable than the win was that I missed my moment of glory at the trophy presentation as I was in the toilet.

Club 5k Handicap Barking Park 2020

I’d been plodding round Belfairs Woods at 35 mins pace since January but when Gary set me off first and alone with only a vague idea of where to go and absolutely no idea how to pace adrenaline and fear kicked. Being in front was a whole new experience, one not to be repeated as I went from hero to zero (last) in the next Handicap.

Silver British Masters v55 age category in Wissey Half Marathon 2015

Gold Team British Masters 10k v55 2016 at Olympic Park 

Going sub 30 at Southend parkrun, took me 137 parkruns but hey I got there.

Participating in a Triathlon, as I never really believed it was possible, but I did two the Chelmsford Sprint and the Blackwater Sprint , cheered on and marshalled by Martin Clark and Sally. Also did an Aquathon in Havering. 

The Albany School Fun Run 1st V 35, a long time ago. 

Biggest Disappointment:  not getting in London Marathon

Typical Weeks Training at your peak .

I don’t have a typical weeks training or a peak.I’ve only ever done one track session in my life. However I did run everyday in January (RED) 2020 and have successfully followed a Couch to 5k schedule. The one constant in my training, which has kept me running consistently over the past three years is the 9am Saturday parkrun  

Favourite Sessions:  

Through Belfairs Wood when the sun Is shining.
Thursday 9.30 Social with Southend Flyers

Favourite race distance – 5k

Favourite event – Road, but I did enjoy the British Master XC in Bath where I had the pleasure of running alongside, well I should say behind Andy Catton

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters Enjoy it

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:  

Terry Knightley and Pam Jones

How would you improve the sport 

Life ban for druggies

Use a parkrun type barcode system for races. 

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  Well naturally Terry Knightley followed by Mo Farah, Linford Christie , Roger Black , Usain Bolt , Ronnie O’Sullivan

What other sports do you follow: The Olympics, Yoga

Best Country Visited 

Australia I just love to cuddle a Koala, walk through the bush alongside Kangaroos and row down a river trying to spot a duck billed Platypus.

Favourite Food & Drink : 

I love food but if pushed Pad Thai Chicken and Ben & Jerry’s Netflix and Chill ice cream would be up there along with cheesy chips and chocolate.

I’m partial to a G&T with ice & a slice on a summers day. Adnam Ghostship when in Southwold and a Pina Colada from Legends Bar in Feurterventura.

Favourite TV Shows:  Gavin & Stacy, The Detectorists, Downton Abbey , Lead Ballon and from way back The Avengers with Diana Rigg, who I wanted to be when I grew up.

Last Film On Netflix Miracle on 34th Street. At the cinema Bill and Ted but that’s mainly because of COVID-19. I love turning my mobile off and shutting out the world at the cinema.

Last Book Read: Elton John’s Me

Favourite Band Singer:  Lionel Richie

Last Album Bought or Downloaded 

Dolly Parton Christmas Album, but that was a present for my sister. Can’t remember the last album I brought, but possibly either James Blunt or Amy Winehouse.

Last Concert Attended:  

All 2020 concerts have been cancelled so last one would have been Rod Stewart at the O2 in December 2019. However I have got Sparks , Toyah Wilcox, The Who and Simple Red yet to be cancelled in 2021, also School of Rock and The Osmonds the musical.

Any Pets:  My gorgeous furbaby Kitty JoJo. She’s a cat

Your aims for next season  Keep on running, Grow more lettuces and fewer tomatoes 

Tell us a Joke:OMG I can never jokes so here’s a naff Christmas Cracker joke

Why does Santa have three allotments?

He likes to Hoe, Hoe, Hoe


British Masters age category Silver Wizzy Half Marathon

British Masters Cross Country Bath 2016

First Race Brentwood 3mile Fun Run 1989


Ilford AC 2020 5k Club Handicap

Ilford AC Team Gold v55 2016 Olympic Park

Rudolph Run 2019 with Carol, Julie and Terry

Rudolph Run Christmas Decorations

Victoria Dock Parkrun 2019 – 28:19 PB



Why did you start running and did you do any other sports ?

The big kick start to doing something healthy was when Terry and I each had a BOGO free Big Mac meal voucher and we both ate two Big Macs Meals each.
The next day we ran / walked from my house in Brentwood to the end of the road, lamppost to lamppost then sat on the door stop exhausted but feeling good.

Pre lockdown I did classes and swimming at David Lloyd, now try and do yoga and a few weights at home. I do like table tennis as it’s the one thing I can occasionally thrash Terry at. 


Do you still want to run The London Marathon and why ?

No, it’s too far


Worst Injury ?

I haven’t really had any major injuries, just the odd sprained ankle one of which I’m slowly getting over now following a tumble on wet leaves in the local woods.


Favourite Park Run and why? And what is the first one you want to do when they return?

Bushey Park, the atmosphere and the experience of running where it all started was euphoric.  

Victoria Park is also right up there as I got my PB 28.19 there.

I’m most proud of conquering the mega hills at Hadleigh Parkrun. 

When parkruns open I guess it will be my home parkrun in Southend , although I’d love it to be Crissy Fields in Sans Francisco 


What happened to your Winners Trophy from The Clacton Carnival Association 11 Miles Road Race from 30th July 1989 ?

Mmmm not too sure, the runner snapped off when moving, now it’s packed away somewhere safe waiting to be superglued.


Did you meet Terry Knightley through running, and what kind of Influence is he on your running?

No we met at Work. We never train together,  but enjoy doing parkruns and touring together.  He advises on shoes, tells me I can do better and finds races for me, then constantly reminds me to enter them. 


 Favourite Olympic memory?
The magic of walking into the Olympic Park then seeing Mo and Hussain Bolt run in the Stadium.


Name 6 people, alive or dead, at your fantasy Dinner party and who would cook – You or Terry?

Cooking,  me definitely unless they wanted micro waved, peas, rice and tuna, Terrys speciality. 

Guests, my Dad, Lionel Richie,  Princess Diana, Jack Dee , Boris, Diana Ross


In all your years at the club have you ever at any stage thought that as a woman you were treated unfairly or unequally?



If you could go on holiday to somewhere you have never been before, where would it be?

When we can go on holiday again it would be Australia and Southwold, but if somewhere I’ve never been I could go on Safari to someone like Kenya or Namibia


Can you remember the first single and LP you bought?

Mmm not really , but possibly the album was Fresh Cream and single Scott McKenzie’s If you are going to San Francisco 


Do you think the Tokyo Olympics will happen this year?



Has your running routine been affected at all through Lockdown

I’ve never really had a running routine, it’s all a bit random and intermittent. During the first lockdown I ran a DIY 5k parkrun from Home at 9 am every Saturday , wearing my wristband barcode and parkrun tee shirt. I did commit to running at least a mile everyday in January but on the 4th slipped and sprained my ankle , so that was that. 


Has Terry asked you at any stage during Lockdown to give him a haircut?

No way, he’s much too proud of his golden locks


You say parkrun has been your one constant (obviously pre lockdown). Have you continued to get up and run 5k on a Saturday, and if so do you use a parkrun course?

No haven’t run a parkrun course since lockdown, but can’t wait to do one post lockdown. 

Do you find it hard to get out and run in the cold of winter?

This question made me laugh as I find it hard to get out and run at anytime, especially if racing, but I love the post run feel good feeling and sense of pride that I’ve done it.I  quite surprise myself at times 


Do you work, and if so how do you fit your running around this?

No did that for 38 years, and in fact was a bit of a workaholic. At 55 felt I decided there was more to life than work and I was right. I completed a photographic course, ran several PBs, spent quality time with my Dad, volunteered at two Country Parks, learned to crochet, work on a community allotment and get to look after my adorable great niece 2 days a week…..


Have you ever raced abroad?


New York ( L’Oreal Twosome) Falmouth Main Street Mile Cape Cod, 

Hemingway 5k Key West, 

Brugge vet Grand Prix

Denver Stampede 5

Hague 10 in Holland, 

Magor Marsh British Masters 10k Champs in Wales, 

Club La Santa in Lanzarote.

I had planned to run a half marathon in Iceland but as I hadn’t really trained for it I collected the tee shirt and enjoyed the sight seeing instead.

  Billy Green  

Dec 242020

Name:Billy Green

Born: 25th February Forest Gate Hospital (It says ‘Born in West Ham’ on my Birth Certificate which I am particularly proud of!)

Date Joined  August 2008

Personal Bests

5k 22:40
5m 37:43
10k 48:00
10m 86:19
HM 1:51:11
Marathon 4:19:22

First Club Race: Remember it well. Havering Elvis 5m.. Running with Satha who had just joined the club and after 4m we completely blew up (well not literally!) and as we gasped for air Pam Jones came past and with the famous wonderbra phrase of the day just said ‘hello boys’.

Favourite Race: I do enjoy the Vitality London 10k when a large group of us from the club meet up at Stratford, travel down to Green Park on the tube in club gear and pitch up our flag. We all wait and make sure everyone has finished then a few of us will go for a meal. Great memories of what seems like a completely different world right now.

Notable Performances:  I don’t really have any notable performances as you can see from my P.B.s above. I started running quite late but had done a few London 10k’s and I can remember my first aim was to get under an hour for 10k which I was pleased to get. As I progressed my next aim was under 2 hours for a Half Marathon and again I achieved that. We wont talk about my Marathon aims….well, we will actually in the next question!

Biggest Disappointment (s):
I have two:- Firstly ‘The Marathon’. I first attempted London in 2011 and with no real commitment to training got 4:49. A year later I put in the training but was disappointed with a 4:19 although it was a 30 minute improvement. The next year I did my 3rd London in a row. This was going to be it – my last running ‘goal’, the sub 4 hr marathon. Training went well. Myself and Rachel Halpin did the long miles in all weathers and by mid January I felt really good. Did a Cross Country race in January however and with my foot embedded in the mud I fell backwards and really hurt my back. Not really knowing Sharon Honey too well then I decided the best option was to just carry on training but take lots of pain killers. Of course this didn’t work and I was getting through more and more to mask the pain. Race day I got to Tower Bridge and in complete agony (a combination of taking 4 ibuprofen at the start and it being an unusually hot day and I hadn’t put suncream on) and I actually threw up on the Bridge. 

I eventually crawled round in 5:09, came home, threw my medal in the bin, deleted my Facebook account and didn’t race again for another year!!! That famous sulk is still stuff of Ilford AC legend.

Secondly was/is the whole RunEqual movement. For daring to have an opposing view to some others I received a few really nasty private messages via email or messenger.
It started after we hosted our own Elvis race a few years back. First time I was involved in the organisation of an event and for those of you who have done it you will know it involves a lot of work, not just on the day but for weeks and months prior. In the afterglow of what I thought was a great event, messages started appearing on Facebook accusing us of being ‘dinosaurs’ and ‘behind the times’ because women had different age vet categories. To me if you have an issue you raise it with your committee member and it gets discussed and voted on at Elvis meetings. You don’t start petitions / campaigns / T-Shirts and hashtags and criticise the organisers on Social media.
My views haven’t changed. The earlier age categories were done to encourage more women back into racing after having time off to have children. Some say it is an outdated view but I have seen plenty at our club have children and never come back or come back without the same commitment. Not having the same categories however doesn’t make women unequal. When I line up against a woman in a race the fastest of us will win, plain and simple. No woman is unequal on the starting line.
Running has to be the most equal sport in the world. Your age, gender, colour, sexual orientation doesn’t matter and I have witnessed nothing in my times that means anyone is less equal than another person or treated as such, and would be the first to call it out if I did.

The same applies to the distance woman race in Cross Country. Do I think women cant run the same distance as men? Of course I don’t. Most ‘good’ women in Cross country can run as far and faster than me, but I want Cross Country to be accessible to ALL , not just the good runners.
Do I think Cross Country is different to road running? Yes.

Look at any Road race and the men/women split is normally 50/50 but at those tough Cross Country races its nowhere near that. If shorter distances gets more women into the sport and we can get more of a 50/50 split then I am all for it. I can remember many a year when we put out 2 or 3 men’s teams but couldn’t even get one women’s team together for some races, and it wasn’t just a problem with our club.
I want more women in running and of all abilities and I don’t think asking them to run further in Cross Country will achieve that, it will just make it a discipline for the best women or the slower ones with big egos

How did you get involved in your various roles at the club?
Completely by accident. I started off with the Harriers which was started by Martin, Sally, Robin and Pam. I was one of a few who was there every week summer and winter, so when Martin and Sally moved away and Robin and Pam weren’t able to do the winter sessions I just inherited the role of taking over The Harriers and my email become the one used for contact when people enquired at the club.
I’ve been doing it over 12 years now and it gives me great satisfaction seeing people come along thinking they are not ‘runners’ and seeing them years later compete in tough Cross country events at County and International level, or run marathons.

My Coaching role came the same way I think. I was one of a few at the time who was ‘just there’ every single week. Some people may find it hard to believe but I genuinely was the guy at the back who said very little. Robbo must have either seen something in me, or decided he needed holiday cover, as he pressed me to do my coaching badges which to be honest was quite scary. 

Coming back and from being the guy at the back to being the guy in the middle shouting out instructions felt intimidating but i soon learned how to fake confidence and make people believe in me!

I then became the ladies team manager after Jenni retired from her role to start a family, and was soon asked to manage the men’s team too. A year or so later Martin stood down from the excellent work he was doing as Press Officer and nominated me to take over. It came as a complete surprise to me and it was a tough role to take on as I always thought Martins reporting was excellent and therefore a tough challenge to replace him.
My early reports were quite embarrassing with just names, times and placings but a combination of reading old race reports and adopting my own style I hope has improved things.

Typical Weeks Training at your peak . Ha Ha – I’ve never had a peak, but typical weeks training right now is something like this:-

Monday – 4 or 5 miles tempo

Tuesday – Robbos Hill or tempo session

Wednesday – Taking the Harriers session

Thursday – Assisting coaching at the track

Friday – Rest

Saturday – Run up to Raphaels, run 5k with Jimmy and/or Sharon then run home (10k in total)

Sunday – For the last few years most of my Sunday long runs have been going out and helping someone who was aiming for the London Marathon. All the training without the commitment of the race!
Did a few years with Rachel Halpin, a year with Satha, a year with H90 Nicki and currently with Julia. I remember when I ‘kind of’ trained for my first marathon. I had absolutely no motivation for going for a long run on my own. My second I trained with Satha who was also running it (until the selfish git got run over!!!) and really enjoyed the company and motivation it gave me so am more than happy to be that other person for someone.

Favourite Sessions:  Summer sessions after work at Hainault Forest. The hills are a killer, but great company and banter with team mates.

Favourite race distance: 10k

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country – Cross Country

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters? –  Listen to your coaches and don’t let girlfriends/boyfriends detract you from your commitment to the sport. Enjoy your sport most of all though. If you don’t enjoy it, you wont stick with it.

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:
Trained with – Pam Jones and Andy Catton.
Would like to train with – Kriss Agabousi. He has such an infectious laugh and I often see him at West Ham, so we could have a tough session, with a few laughs thrown in, then back to the hut for tea and a chat about the Hammers.

How would you improve the sport – More commitment to running at schools. My school did football but no other sports. I loved football and played to a good level (I was in Charltons Youth team for a while) but may have discovered a love for running had we done it at school. 

I look around at the young adults now, especially at Cross Country and think I would love to have been doing that at that age. Even if i wasn’t that good it’s such a healthy thing to be involved in.

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  My Dad started taking me to West Ham when I was 5 years old and for me Trevor Brooking and Billy Bonds were absolute legends to me. Not like today when players are at a club for a year or 2 – These 2 were still at the club all through my school years. Been fortunate enough to meet both of them. Billy Bonds fleetingly a couple of times but have had a few chats with Trevor Brooking and anyone who has met him will tell you what an absolute gentleman he is. Wants to know all about you, and genuinely takes an interest.

In running Mo Farah, Kelly Holmes and Jessica Ennis-Hill have been true ambassadors for British sport.



What other sports do you follow: Football, Cricket, American Football, Rugby  and women’s beach volley


Best Country Visited America without a doubt. Memphis, Nashville, Vegas and New Orleans are great places to visit but I would like to see so much more of America. Lack of funds have prevented me in recent years (last 3 years a caravan park in Yarmouth!!) but I’m sure I’ll be back again if we ever get our old world back again!

Favourite Food & Drink : Paella, Steak and Chips, Bourbon Whisky and a nice Beer .
Not all in the same meal I hasten to add!

Favourite TV Shows:  Doctor Who, Once upon a time (an American fantasy drama), Only Fools and Horses, Bagpuss, Match of the day (only watch it if West Ham win. Does Jimmy Hill still present it?)

Last Film Seen : Bill and Ted Face The Music – It was most excellent dude.

Last Book Read :- Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II. Other than that I love a good autobiography recent reads include Francis Rossi, Chas Hodges 

Favourite Band Singer: 
Aaah music – Glad you asked 🙂
Music is my No 1 love in life. I remember clearly when Elvis died and the reaction that the event made in the media. It was absolutely huge. I instantly became a fan when I heard his songs being played and still am. In fact I got married at Elvis’ home in Graceland, Memphis Tennessee.

I can remember sneaking in to my first gig at the Bridgehouse in Canning Town to see The Cockney Rejects when I was only about 14 and ever since I have been to a concert most weeks of my life since (up to March 2020!!!).
Whilst my friends were at discos, parties and clubs I could always be found at a gig. I so wish I had kept a diary but bands I have seen include The Rolling Stones, The Who, Iron Maiden, Whitesnake,  The Sweet,  AC/DC, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Fats Domino, BB King, Katherine Jenkins, The Sex Pistols, Black Sabbath, Gary Glitter, The Clash, The Darkness, Billy Idol, Motorhead, The Specials, Selecter, Bad Manners, Tina Turner, Rod Stewart, Madness, Brian Ferry, Kylie Minogue, Katherine Jenkins, Suzi Quatro, Judge Dread, The Sweet, Splodgenessabounds, Jilted John, The Jam, Sham 69, Cock Sparrer, The 4 Skins, Cockney Rejects, The Macc Lads, Status Quo, Wilko Johnson, Squeeze, Aswad, The Wurzels, Chas N Dave, John Otway, Oasis, Ray Davies, David Essex, Shawaddywaddy,  …….to name but a few!!!!




Last Album Bought or Downloaded Iron Maiden Live in Mexico on Double Vinyl. Has to be vinyl for me or a CD. Music should be listened to in the best quality available, not a compressed download or stream.Last Concert Attended:  Normally can be found at a gig every week, but in this new world the last gig I attended was…March 2020. Emily Capell at Dingwalls in North London. Had never heard of her until I saw her supporting The Selecter earlier in February. Thought she was fantastic. Check her out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yNDw4_GyIs


Most Famous Person You Have Had Christmas Dinner With :- Sir Geoff Hurst

Any Pets:  A big ginger cat called Johnny,


What are your aims for next season A return to normality


Tell us a Joke:  In Germany they are preparing for a stricter Covid lockdown by stocking up with sausage and cheese. That’s the Wurst Käse scenario.




Ilford Harriers around 2010
Being chased by a Princess around The Olympic Park

Great Who’s Who Billy. If you were allowed 8 people to have a dinner party with  who would you choose and why.

Elvis Presley – Not just the best singer of all time, but someone who changed the way people dress and look. 

Bobby Moore. Arguably the greatest Footballer this country has produced, the only English Captain to lift the world Cup and he was a Hammer.

Donald Trump – Hated and Loved in equal measure, a bit like Marmite – and I love Marmite! 

Christine Ohuruogu – A top athlete from Newham. Always seems like she would be fun to be around.

Jesus – In case we run out of Bread and Wine.

Lynda Carter – At her Prime in her Wonder Woman outfit

Clyde Best. One of the first British Black star footballers. Put up with so much but always played with a smile on his face

Katherine Jenkins – A great voice, and a really lovely lady. 


What is your favourite Olympic memory. 

As a spectator it was a real honour being at the opening day of London 2012 at the new stadium and seeing Jessica Ennis totally dominating the day.
I went with Satha, and the tickets were ones Ilford AC had received, which we both won in a ballot.
In the same Olympics as a memory, nothing can beat Super Saturday and the 3 Golds in 45 minutes.
I’ll always remember watching the scenes in the commentary box as Mo Farah sealed his Gold and the third of the 3 golds –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLNYlMRCEdw

What inspired you to take up running?

After giving up football I just missed doing sport and especially the friendships you make through it. What I learned to love about running is that as long as you do your best in a race you are very rarely disappointed where you finish even if it is last (happened to me once!) In football even if I thought I had a great game, if my team lost I could get really sulky!

How did you discover Ilford AC?

It was a simple case of looking up running clubs on the Internet. Found Ilford AC, sent an email and got a very welcoming email inviting me to come along and give it a try. All these years later and I am the one who gets the emails and invites people to give us a try

You are obviously very organised to fit in so many things in addition to running. What’s your favourite role within the club?

I genuinely enjoy my Harriers role. I have seen so many come along on a Wednesday who would never think of themselves as ‘runners’ and were quite happy to come along and jog around the park, or simply had done parkruns and their one ambition was to do it without stopping. To see them then join the club, buy a Team vest and start ‘competing’ in races is great to see.

I see that you were in Charlton’s Youth Team. Were there any players that made it to first team and are you still in contact with any of them?
In my younger days I used to play with Paul Elliott’s brothers. Very classy. Paul Walsh also went to my secondary school but I didn’t know him.

I was good friends with Rob Lee at the time, who had a great career and even ended up at The Hammers. Unfortunately this was well before mobile phones, Facebook etc so when I got that letter that I wasn’t required anymore I was unable to contact any of my mates at the club – I guess I just assumed I would always see them 2-3 times a week. I did send a letter via the club asking if they could pass on my number to Lee and a few others but who knows if it was ever passed on?


Those are some great pics and I’d imagine there are a few more we haven’t seen. Which is your favourite ‘celeb’ pic and why?

I think perhaps ‘Priscilla Presley’. To spend 5 minutes with her chatting about Elvis was a fantastic experience. 

Bonds, Brooking, Cottee, McAvennie, Julian Dicks and Ray Stewart were all great to meet, have a photo with and chat about the Hammers.

I went to one of Bobby Moore’s soccer schools and although I never got a photo with him, there was a photo that appeared in the Walthamstow Guardian of Bobby showing a group of us, including me, how to trap a ball.


In a 4-4-2 formation what would be your dream midfield quartet?


What’s your thoughts on parkruns ? Pros and cons?

I enjoy a parkrun. My Saturday routine is (was) run 1.5 miles to Raphels, do a parkrun, chat to my friends then run home. I use it as a run and rarely ‘race’ it unless I want to test my fitness.

The pros are obviously the fact that it brings so many more people to the sport. People who may never have tried running without it. I guess the only real cons are if people are ‘racing’ it every week. I don’t think you can be the best you want to be if you ‘race’ (rather than run) every week. 

Do you have a favourite West Ham strip?

60’s away strip. Light blue, 2 claret stripes and no sponsor.

What and when were the circumstances of your dinner with Sir Geoff?
Can you tell us a bit about him?  What did you discuss?

The company I was working for (and still do) celebrated its 50th Anniversary by having its Christmas meal at West Ham’s old ground at Upton Park. At the pre meal drinks we were told to sit where we wanted but the boss approached me and told me where I was to sit. I spent the next 30 minutes thinking “This will be fun, sitting with the boss discussing work all through dinner”.
So I sat down, as did everyone else and I waited for the boss to make his way to the table when totally unannounced Sir Geoff Hurst approached the table, shook my hand and said “Hi, I’m Geoff Hurst”. My face must have been a picture, it was a total surprise. The reason I had a West Ham top on was that the theme was fancy dress and with it being at West Hams ground I obviously came as a West Ham footballer! The boss knew I was a huge West Ham fan and I had been very instrumental in persuading him to get a company box at the ground – a move that secured us a massive amount of business so I guess this was my ‘Thank you’.

Considering he didn’t know me and I asked him so many questions, he was very attentive and gave me his full attention. I generally chatted about West Ham and the ‘66 World Cup.
I genuinely asked him ‘If England were to get to another World Cup Final, it was 2-2 and we had a penalty and the penalty taker was on a Hat Trick, would you want him to miss. He said ‘Yes’. Absolutely true story (Geoff Hurst is the only player ever to score 3 goals in a World Cup Final)

My favourite memory was that as we were eating there were TV’s all around the room playing the 1966 World Cup Final. Every time Geoff was about to score he would stop me mid sentence, grab my arm and say ‘Hold on – watch!’ and would have a huge smile as the goal went in.

And ‘yes’ he was convinced his second goal crossed the line!


How much Tippex did you use to change Forest Gate to West Ham on your birth certificate?

Ha Ha, none at all. In fact there was only a brief moment in time you could be born in ‘West Ham, London’ if you were born at Forest Gate Hospital. My dad was born at the Hospital and has ‘West Ham, Essex’ on his birth certificate whilst just a few years after I was born anyone born there would have ‘Newham, London’ on the certificate due to ward changes.

Why did you join Ilford AC as opposed to another club ?

Martin and Sally were very friendly when I came down and everyone was so encouraging so I never gave it a thought to join anyone else

What is your current job and does it affect your training ?

I work as a Roofing Estimator / Surveyor and it very definitely affects my training. I am up at 6am for work and get home about 5.30pm. This means Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I literally come in, get changed and go out to a club training session. I’m then home about 8pm for dinner, and hours TV and bed. Fridays (in the old world) I would always be out at a concert.

By Saturday I just want to relax and go and watch the Hammers lose!

Tell us how you became involved with Charlton Athletic Youth Team and why did that end?

My old P.E teacher was Les Read who eventually went on to become a coach for England and managed Charlton Athletic himself for a short while. He persuaded Charltons coaches to come and have a look at me and they invited me over. I spent some great years there as a teenager but like so many before and after me I just assumed that I would be a footballer and maybe didn’t concentrate on school as much as I should have done. At the end of my time there I was about 16/17 and I knew that the club were going through financial difficulties after signing Allan Simonsen from Barcelona (no less). In the pre season a letter just came through my door saying that the club had decided to make some cutbacks and I would not be required back. I remember reading the letter and crying!

If you had your life again and were reincarnated would you want to be BOBBY MOORE or ELVIS ?

Oh tough one. Bobby Moore is an absolute legend but lets be honest the country and West Ham treated him awfully after he retired. He spent his last years working as a commentator for Capital Gold Sport and writing a column for the Sunday Sport. He should have been an ambassador for England and West Ham, so I would go with Elvis but look after myself a bit more

First Single and Album you ever bought ?

First single was ‘Let there be Rock’ by AC/DC
First Album – The Specials self titled debut LP.

Greatest Live Act you ever saw where and when and why?

I have been to so many great concerts but one I can remember just sitting there and thinking ‘Wow’ were ZZ Top at Wembley Arena in October 2009.
What a band.

What running performance are you most proud of ?
I haven’t achieved an awful lot in running and don’t have any medals but I can remember breaking the 2 Hour Half Marathon barrier at the Southend Half in 2011 and being really pleased. It took me about 8 goes to do it and it was a very hot day so I was really proud that day.

Favourite Park Run and Why and PB ?

Raphaels park is my favourite. I can jog there from home and have many good friends who also do it, so its a nice sociable thing also. Also its a very popular parkrun with a big bottleneck at the beginning so I can go along and not be tempted to run flat out as I normally spend the first minute stuck in the crowd. On the rare occasions I want to test my fitness I just place myself at the front and enjoy the hordes of people running past me before I even get to the lake!!

My PB is 22:54 in September 2019 at Raphaels

Do you do any other forms of exercise regularly ?

I really wish I could do more exercise at home, and I always tell other runners to do so but for reasons given above I just struggle to find the time. Perhaps when I retire I can be the runner I should have been

Tell us a bit about how you got married at The Legendary Graceland ?

I had been with Catherine for 3 years when we were on holiday in Memphis. I picked up a leaflet at the Ticket office which was advertising the new Wedding Chapel that was opening on the grounds of Graceland later that year. So I proposed to her at Graceland and we made plans to return the next year to get married

Worst Running Injury ?

Has to be the one prior to my infamous London Marathon in 2013. The pain in the small of my back was agony. I should never have run it. 

You take lot of photos nowadays at races with an actual camera as opposed to a Smartphone- is photography something you are interested in ?

Definitely. My dream job would be a concert or a sports photographer. I always want to capture the best image possible at any time. As good as smartphone cameras are, they can’t zoom properly without pixelating and they definitely can’t capture ‘movement’ as good as a proper camera. 
They say the best camera is the one you have in your pocket but I can never understand, for example, people who spend thousands on a holiday and take all their photos with a smartphone!!

You have a very large furry cat called Johnny – Why did you give him that name ?

He was a rescue cat so we kept the name he was given

Post COVID What are your own Club ambitions and do you intend to be running for the rest of your life (Injury permitting) ?

My ambitions are to keep healthy and fit and just be the best I can be.
We have so many great vets at the club – I would love to still be running and enjoying it as long as I can.. I see my role at the club as more of a coach and training partner and I plan to keep that up as long as there are people who want my help and company.

Who is your greatest running rival in and out of the club?

At the club Satha joined about the same time as me and I guess when we are both in form we are looking to get in front of the other. More often than not it’s Satha who has the edge as like any runner who wants to be his best when he has a plan he sticks to it whilst I’m more than happy helping others with their plans – but it’s always a good feeling to beat him (sorry Satha!).

Out of the club I often find myself trying to get ahead of Gary Cardnell or Iam Cummins (both from Dagenham)

What is your most memorable West Ham United Performance ? And what do you think of The London Stadium as opposed to The Boleyn Ground ?

I will never forget the last ever game at the Boleyn. My dad started taking me when I was 5 and in 1987 I got my first ever season ticket, which i have had ever since. To be there for the final ever match, and to beat Manchester United will stay with me forever. The raw emotion and passion that night was incredible.

At the very end of the evening, after some live music, player interviews on the pitch and fireworks they played a short video of what was made to look like Bobby Moore looking out at the stadium for a final time, walking down the tunnel and turning out the lights on the stadium for the final time – At that moment all the lights in the stadium did indeed go out. Just looking up the video again brought tears to my eyes. 

Watch here :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUd3PtuAirE

The London Stadium is a great stadium, and I do understand that to progress as a team we needed a ground with a 50-60k capacity. I just wish we could have developed the old Boleyn ground though. It was such a tight, intimidating ground for away teams and fans and we have never replicated that atmosphere in the new ground.

Are you going to give The London Marathon another go ?

Couldn’t put myself through that again. I felt so low after the last one. I’d love to add the sub 4 hour marathon to my tick list but if after months of training it never happened I think Catherine would move into the shed.

Why do you love London and the East End so much and did you ever live anywhere else?

I love that spirit of togetherness we have in the East End. It’s well documented that Hitlers tactic of bombing the East End was that he knew that if he broke our spirit then England would fall. Yet people like my grandparents just got on with it. There’s a fantastic photo of a milkman climbing over rubble from a night’s bombing to deliver the milk. I also like the fact that if you live in London you are considered a Londoner no matter how long you’ve been here, or what you look like. I lived in Colchester for 2 years for work reasons and was always ‘Billy from London’. I never ever felt that I fitted in.
I think the East Ends character is perfectly summed up with West Ham football clubs support. In our 125 year history we have only ever been really average for most of it (apart from 3 FA Cups, A European Cup Winners Cup, and the World Cup in 1966) but our fans are the most passionate and vocal fans you will find anywhere.

What is your favourite Scottish Team and Why ?

Glasgow Rangers. I hate Celtics Anti British, pro I.R.A support. Celtic hate Rangers so it was Rangers by default really 

and finally It’s not a question it’s a compliment to say WELL DONE TO YOU FOR ALL THE GREAT WORK YOU DO FOR THE CLUB – IT REALLY IS APPRECIATED BY ALL MEMBERS !

Thank you very much – I really enjoy it.

  Carol Muir  

Dec 222020
Name:  Carol Muir

Born:   1971 Forest Gate Hospital (all the best people were born there)

Date Joined 23rd July 2008 

Personal Bests:

1500 metre 7.04.
1Mile 8.41.30
3k 16.43
5k 25.55
Parkrun 25 46
5 miles 43 18
10k 54.06
10 miles 92.54
Half marathon 2.03
20 miles 3.58.09
Marathon 5.11

First Club Race: Springfield striders Friday night 5 (burger race)

Favourite Race: Springfield striders Friday night 5(burger race)

Notable Performances:

I was a big time parkrun tourist.
I did 285 different parkrun out of 453.
I got to 3rd woman in world parkrun tourists
I stopped touring as I was too knackered.
But still 5th woman parkrun tourist in the world

Biggest Disappointment:  Because of the virus no parkrun!

Typical Weeks Training at your peak .

Since the March lockdown I have ran every day. Currently on 274 non stop running days ( 22nd December)

Favourite Sessions:  parkrun

Favourite race distance 5 miles

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country Hate mud. Love road race


What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters Do a parkrun


Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:  

Pam jones.

How would you improve the sport 

More parkruns


Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  Jonnie Peacock


What other sports do you follow:  Ice hockey


Best Country Visited
Canada (where i saw my first ice hockey match and I have loved ice hockey since.


Favourite Food & Drink : 

Favourite Drink –  wkd blue or wkd iron bru.

Favourite food – Roast dinner


Favourite TV Shows:  His Dark Materials


Last Film Seen : Nativity on Netflix.


Last Book Read Wham! George and me by Andrew Ridgeley.


Favourite Band Singer:  Paul Heaton


Last Album Bought or Downloaded Paul Heaton


Last Concert Attended:  Let’s rock 80 ‘s at Chelmsford

Any Pets:  Two cats –  Enzo and Haze.


What are your aims for next season 

Can’t wait for parkrun to return. I miss it so much!


Why did you initially join Ilford AC ? Did Malcolm have an influence ?

In 2008 our mum was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I signed up for the Blackheath race for life which was 5km. My aim was run all the way without walking
I wasn’t into running. I didn’t like it ,I couldn’t run for a bus. I started off by just round the block.its was hard work.

Malcolm always tried to get me into running. I didn’t want to know.  When I told him I was doing race for life he told me that Ilford running club do a beginner group called Ilford Harriers on Wednesday evenings run by Martin and Sally.
I wasn’t too sure but I went along  & I met Billy green and others.
That evening I did 4 miles without stopping. I was so happy.
I did my race for life with no problems.
I started to enjoy running and carrying on going on Wednesday night.
Malcolm got carried away and started entering me for races. He likes to do that.
I did Springfield Striders Friday 5 miles before my race for life.  September I did the 10km Southend. Malcolm said if i can do 10km then i can do 10 miles. He entered for Stebbing 10 miles in November. which I did without stopping.


What sports did you do before joining ?

At school I was on the hockey team. I also liked trampolining at school.
I have always liked cycling.

In the first lockdown I was on furlough.

I am a chef. Ii was a chef for the Met police which I had worked for, for 16 years..

For the last year I was working at West brompton.

The Met police building mostly had office staff so when lockdown happened they were working from home so i was put on furlough.

It made me think I don’t really like travelling an hour and half on the train. I updated my CV and started looking for a new job. I got a phone call from this agency, who asked me if I was still looking for a job. I told her that I was on furlough but I would like to work locally. She said she has the job for me .She told me that the Mental health unit at Newham hospital were looking for a chef with my experience.

She said she would set up an interview for me on zoom. I was so nervous as I haven’t had job interviews for 16 years. I did the interview and the next day I got offered the job I started at Newham mental health hospital on 10 th August.

I cycle to work every day now doing 9.20 miles a day.

I find the cold really hard on my bike as my fingers get so cold even with two pairs of gloves on.


Why do you always wear a baseball cap when running ?

I wear a baseball cap because I have long hair so keep it from going into my face.

And I wear glasses when its raining. I can’t see so the baseball cap helps me.

And I would say the baseball cap is my trademark.  In winter my ears get cold so I wear a hat!


I see you love Parkruns so what has been your top three favourite Parkruns and Why and what is the worst Parkrun you have ever done and why ?

I got few favourite parkrun but the 3 that come to mind are 

One inch beach parkrun in Ireland its all sand,I love to run near water and locals were great 

I went for the weekend with 3 other parkrun tourists friends, they all wanted to run barefoot. Some locals run barefoot. 

I didn’t want to run barefoot as it was cold and i didn’t want to hurt my feet, so I ran in trainers. 

My tourist friends took the mickey out of me for running in trainers. 

It’s a great run on sand even in trainers. It was a there and back course. 

Later on in the pub my tourist friends moaning their head off they got big blisters on their feet and had trouble walking. They moaned for the whole week. Glad I had my trainers on.

Two Eden project parkrun with Stephen philcox and julie gillender and my tourist friend Brian Longman. We were on a Sun £9-50 craven holiday in Cornwall. 

Eden project was tough up hills but great downhill bits. I liked this because afterwards you get free entry to Eden Project with your parkrun barcode. 

Three Barry island in Wales .I like it because you run along the seafront and you are going to where Gavin and Stacey cafe is filmed. 

Four pocket parkrun. Mixture of tarmac paths trail paths grass.and lots of bridges. 

I would do all above again. 

My worse parkruns that come to mind are:

One hilly fields, it is boring 5 laps.

Two Chichester parkrun 3 laps around muddy rugby pitch . Never again.

Three Bevendean parkrun i would say is my tougher parkrun. It’s so hilly i thought i was climbing to the sky and all off road its quite muddy & all on grass.

I would like to go back and see if I could beat my time though.


Do you think you will return to touring?

One of my aims is to do alĺ the Scotland parkruns but i don’t think i can because new ones start all the time . There are 58 parkruns in Scotland. I have done 25 different ones in Scotland. 

The parkrun i most want to do is bressay parkrun in shetland.


What is your current weekly mileage ?

My current weekly mileage is around 30 to 40 miles a week 

I run before work around 7 am

I try do 3 to 5 miles a day and long runs on Saturday and Sunday. 

I cycle to work every day and do about 46 miles on my bike.

My normal start time is 9.30 but if i do overtime or have to cover someone i might start at 7 am

I don’t like to run in the evening and  I don’t want to break my non stop running days. I am knackered in the evening after work. 

As of the 10th January 2021 i have run 293 days nonstop. 

Malcolm’s record for non stop running days is 268.

I beat him at something yeah .ha hee


What has been your worst injury ?

I would say planters fasciitis. I had it for so long that in the end I had a cortisone injection. 


Is there any race in the World you would like to do and Why ?

I would love to do The Walt Disney half marathon at Disneyland Florida. 

I went to Disneyland in my 20’s and would love to go back and race there for the finisher medal and long sleeve tech t-shirt.


Greatest Running Rivals ?
I alway like to beat my own time.

Person wise i say alison fryatt from barking road runners ,we are around the same level, in elvis races we have little battles with each other. One race she beat me next i beat her .but all friendly we help each other. 


What is your current running Dream ?

I would like to sub 25 for parkrun and 5km race.

And i would love to sub 2 hour half marathon,

My pb is 2 hour and 3 minutes.


What do you love so much about Parkrun?

I love parkrun for the social side. I make lots of friends from different places. 

I love it because it’s for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are fast or slow.

I love it because u can just rock up, you don’t have to have entered before ,and it’s free 

Keeps me fit and a catch up with friends after for coffee and cake !


What do you say to those critical of parkrun ?

I would say don’t knock it until you try it

I would tell them to try one and if people don’t want to run, parkrun always needs volunteers. 

And tell them it’s good for people’s mental health.


Why did you start park running?

I read about parkrun in running magazines and its look really good for everyone slow and faster runners 


Where did you run your parkrun PB and how many park runs did it take you to get this PB

My parkrun pb is 25.46, which i did on 14th June 2014 at dulwich 

This was 2nd time at dulwich. 

On my first dulwich parkrun in 2013 my time was 27.35.

My pub was after 146 parkrun. 


How many miles have you run since lockdown?

My total miles for 2020 is 1937.

Since March lockdown to December is 1609.


Will you stop running everyday when the pandemics over?

I would like to carry on running every day as much as my body lets me .


Have you won any trophies or medals ? If so, what one means the most to you?.

The first trophy I got was in 2011 female points winner at valentine’s parkrun. 

I got a vets ac medals team with julia galea and doris at harwich. 5km.

Its wasn’t trophy or medal that mean most to me ,

3rd February 2019 Malcolm entered me for a tough multi terrain half marathon in Forfar Scotland. 

It’s a Malcolm kind of thing not really mine.but i thought i give it a go . 

It’s a tough race. Very hilly and Scotland had heavy snow. The race still went ahead, but some parts were really icey . I just wanted to finish to say i have done it  and try get under the cut of time which is 2 hour .45 minutes 

There weren’t any medals or nothing but lots of food and drinks after .

Malcolm won the race and £50 in vouchers he came back for me to run and shout at me He said that if I get under the cut of time he will buy me Dundee stars ice hockey bobble hat which we both fans of .It was very tough, i didn’t care my time. Malcolm kept pushing me saying i was near to the cut off time. 

I got to the finish. I jumped in the air with joy and shouted i have done it,.i was so happy. 

Then this guy gave me this bag. I said what’s that ? He said a spot prize. It was a Forfar road runner bath towel, The club who had organised the race. My time was 2.45.22

Malcolm said he would not buy me the hat because i didn’t get under the cut off time .

But I didn’t care, that towel was like a gold medal to me .Made my day and hard work worth it.

I treated myself to the hat 


If we locked you in a room with Gary Floate how long do you think it would take you to convince him of the merits and benefits of parkruns ?

I would say thank God its not rob sergeant as I wouldn’t get word in !!

I would tell Gary he can be my parkrun director when I start fairlop waters parkrun. 

And tell him he can get people to join the club.

And tell him its good way for people that never run to get into running

Tell him its free and for everyone. 


What inspired you to become a Parkrun tourist. 

I did my first parkrun on 23/10/2010 at hackney marshes , valentine’s hadn’t started yet.

I did hackney mashes I didn’t really like it. It was muddy on the old course around the football pitch. 

I went back the following week with Robin Davis on 30/10/2010.

I thought its it’s too far and i didn’t like the mud .

I didn’t do parkrun again until 19/02/2011 when valentine’s started. I was one of 26 runners to the first valentines parkrun. My time was 28.14.

3 other ilford ac runners was there out of 26 Sally gilam ,peter spelman, breege nordin.

I really enjoy it as it is local and only one km from my house. 

I start going to valentine’s parkrun every week and really enjoyed it  

But my times were always around 27 something. I couldn’t beat that.

Malcolm said that I should try other parkruns. He said there are lots of local ones .

So i did

One Saturday I went to mile end parkrun. I think it was their first birthday .

It was about my 11th different parkrun so i wasn’t really a parkrun tourist at the time.
I met paul sinton hewitt the parkrun founder. 

He asked if i was a parkrun tourist and i said that my home run is valentine’s and i am not really a parkrun tourist. He said there are lots of nice ones in London and he told me to try burgess parkrun. 

I did .

I started meeting other parkrun tourists and joined them 

Before I knew it I was touring with them .

I went to Leeds for the weekend with them, did parkrun and did Leeds Abbey dash 10km .

I made great friends and started to go to all different places. 

And my time was improving. 

Other ilford runner parkrun tourists are: Terry Knightley he has done 92 out of 214 parkruns
Kim baxter 90 out of 178 .

The late pete ryan 115 out 173.

Malcolm muir 108 out of 123.

He’s got the best ratio out of us all .

Myself 285 out of 453 .


How far have you travelled to participate in Parkrun. Can you describe the journey? 

I have done parkrun in Germany and France, but spent the weekend there. 

I have done sleeper trains to Scotland a few times. 

I would say my craziest journey which i done in a day, all for love of parkrun was Bushy Dublin on 07/10/2017 for international parkrun day.

I was on parkrun tourist group on Facebook 

Lots were planned to go to Dublin for parkrun but not stay over or nothing.  All done in a day . 

Lots of tourists came from all over the uk .

So we all came from different airports. The idea was we group up with people that came to the same airport and hire a car together to get to parkrun 

I left my house at 3.15am and i got a cab to stansted airport 

I was meeting with 4 other tourists that I had never met before in my life and was going to hire a car with them.

All the other groups from other areas were doing this .

We all have one person who wants to drive and we all club together for hire of car .

The four who I didn’t know at the time were very friendly. 

We got Dublin airport, hired the car and we was off

Luckily parkrun there start at 9.30 

We arrived at 9.05

Some other tourists just make it.

By the start I was knackered. 

But the atmosphere was great, there were tourists from all over .

My time was 29.26. I don’t know how I did it as I was travelling all day .

After the parkrun they gave us all a shot of Irish whisky. 

After parkrun we all got together in our groups who we travelled with and went for breakfast and a look around Dublin 

I was back home by around 9pm ish 

I don’t think I could do it again. It was a long day and i was knackered but I had great fun and made new friends. 

I have had a few near misses where I nearly missed parkrun after travelling so far. 

05/11/2016 . Few tourist friends and myself went to Paris for the weekend. 3 of them decided to go to a new parkrun that started on other side of paris.

Brain longman my tourist mate and myself decided to do one in Paris it was about 2 miles away so we had lots of time to find it.,as we thought parkrun was not really big in France. We had a little jog to the start  but we couldn’t find it ,we asked people but they didn’t know, we saw lots of runners but they didn’t know about parkrun.
By 9.00 we still couldn’t find the parkrun. We were determined to find it so we carried on running around. My legs were so heavy as on Sunday I had just gone and done the Dublin marathon on 30 th October and did my pb 5hour 11 minutes. 

In the end after about 8 miles of run we found it .

The parkrun team was just packing up the course .

We explain we are from London and we were tourists and we really want to do the parkrun. 

The run director said we can run the course and take our own time ,and they go for coffee now and we should join them after and give our time to her and she would put it in the  results. 

One man jogged around with us so we knew the course. 

My legs were so sore I couldn’t hardly move ,my mate shouted at me to come on and just finish it to tick off the parkrun, which i did and they put us in the results. 

My time was 38.49 .I was happy to have it ticked off.

When touring it’s about ticking off parkrun and not the time.

Few times I couldn’t find the start and joined in with the  tail walker.

Lucky I haven’t missed one.

I had to get off the train before my stop once as the parkrun I was going to was canceled at the last minute. 

Then I had to find a parkrun that me and my mate hadn’t done .

It’s all part of the fun in touring. 



Since lockdown have you brought any usual items. 

At Christmas I treated myself to an e-scooter.


You mentioned you disliked mud. What is your reaction to races with unexpected muddy courses

Malcolm and I did perth parkrun in Scotland on 1/11/2014

About one km was mud. Malcolm loves mud. When Malcolm and I do a parkrun he sets me a target of getting under 10 minutes of his time . If I get under 10 minutes he buys breakfast, if over 10 minutes of his time I have to buy breakfast. 

When we did perth parkrun there was an old boy just in front of me.

He was a Dundee road runner. McKenzie 

He was a strong runner and kept his pace all the way. When we got to this really mud bit i didn’t think of the mud i was kept focusing on this old boy and followed him, he made it look so easy. I just wanted to keep up with him

That old boy helped me get a good time 26.09

And best news I was under 10 minutes of Malcolm’s time 16.41and i didn’t slow down in mud my split was all near the same .

Malcolm slowed down in mud 

The breakfast was on him.

Now any time I come across mud I think of me chasing that old boy and try not to think of mud.


If you could set up a new parkrun venue, where would it be?

I would like to set up parkrun in fairlop waters,

I think its would be a great location there is parking there, somewhere to have coffee after .

I would make it a one lap course mixture of paths and grass.

And it would take the pressure of valentine’s and Raphael parkruns.


What’s your inspiration for doing your current running streak? 


One reason i live on my own and in lockdown i want to make sure i went running everyday to get me out of the house and just say hello to a friendly dog walker etc really help me though the lockdown. I started to like running every day, good for my head and sets me up for the day .

I prefer to run in the morning .i don’t really like running in the evening. 

And i said to myself I’m going to run every day until parkrun comes back