Gary Coombes  

May 222021

Name:  Gary Coombes

Born:  23rd February 1972 – age 49

Date Joined: April 2018


Personal Bests:

Parkrun: 16.35 (2020 Raphael’s Park)

5k: 16.25 (2019 Hyde Park)

5m: 28.22 (2018 Wix)

10k: 34.31 (2019 Southend)

10m: 55.59 (2019 Stebbing)

HM: 76.21 (2019 Pleshey)

Marathon: 3:43 (only ran one back in 2005 – it hurt so bad I vowed then and there never to run another!)


First Club Race: Memorable Little Bromley 10k Essex Champs race in 2018. Managed to nip ahead of clubmate Steve Philcox that day and finished with a then PB of 36.10


Favourite Race: So many to choose from! I love all of the Essex County Champs Road Races as they are always highly competitive and I have a 100% record of pb’ing every time I run one! If I had to pick one it would be the ‘Stebbing 10’. For sheer enjoyment, I’ve always loved the low-key ‘Mercury 10’ race put on by Orion Harriers which is a tough 10 miler race taking in a picturesque route in and around Epping Forest.


Notable Performances:  Stand out for sure was winning Essex County V40 Gold for my 5th place at the Stebbing 10 miler back in 2019 in 55.59. Not sure I could have run any better that day.

I also fulfilled a lifelong ambition to run under 17 mins for 5k. First achieved at Hackney Parkrun when I squeaked under this target in 16.59! Later on, I managed to improve that time to 16.25.

I was immensely proud to be crowned the V40 Elvis series winner in 2018 and retaining it again in 2019.

I have also won the Orion Forest Five mini 3 race series v40 winner twice.

Obtaining a Series 3rd place in the v40 category for the Essex Cross Country Series was also a huge honour given the quality of the fields in those races.


Biggest Disappointment: A constant stream of injuries always seemingly struck when form was reaching a new high. I’ve learned from those setbacks the hard way! Race-wise, I felt flunked the 2019 Essex XC Vets champs. Was in good form at the time but couldn’t get going and finished well below expectations.


Typical Weeks Training at your peak. 55-65 miles.

  • A good number of tempo 10k ish runs would form the basis of most week’s training. Sometimes going out twice a day.
  • 2x track sessions – relatively low volume at each
  • Long Sunday run over Hainault of around 12-15m.
  • Park run some weeks followed by steady miles
  • A hill session to retain core power and strength

I’m managing fewer miles currently but am trying to focus more on quality sessions.

Favourite Sessions:  Working with Gary Floate and the younger group of athletes was often humbling but the payoff was huge! I can’t forget coach Robbos’s summer sessions over Hainault Forest which are always hugely enjoyable. These days running around Leigh-on-Sea with Terry Knightly has become something I really look forward to. He has so many great stories and thanks to him I now know lots of great routes around the area.

Favourite race distance. 10 miles

Favourite event – Track, Road, or Cross Country: Road closely followed by XC. Not a massive fan of the track but have tried a few events including getting talked into running the steeplechase which I still have the occasional nightmare about! Those hurdles are so high and… yes I did fall into the water on the very first lap!

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters: Consistency is key for those that want to improve or compete at a good level. Attend sessions regularly and listen to your coaches who have a wealth of experience. They have been there and done it. Their experience is invaluable so tap into as much of it as you can. Also, take time to appreciate that you can run and run well – not everyone can! Enjoy making friends and extending your social circle through the sport and finally, appreciate the excellent health benefits our great sport provides.

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:  ‘Rocket’ Ronnie O’Sullivan is the most famous I’ve had a run with but I appreciate he isn’t a famous athlete. I would have liked to have been on the same track as Steve Ovett back in his heyday. You were either an Ovett or Coe fan back in those days and Steve’s working-class background and gritty attitude was something I felt I had more of an affinity with.

How would you improve the sport: Whooa! Big question! Like every one of us who loves athletics, we can see that the sport at the ground level requires a bit more funding. Tracks and stadia around our general area are often in desperate need of maintenance and you only have to look at our Cricklefields facility to see it needs a bit of love – particularly the all import track surface. Ensure athletics is on the school curriculum and there is a clearly defined path for those that show talent/interest/commitment.

You only have to look at what the likes of Parkrun has done to the sport to see that good ideas can make a real difference.

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  Daley Thompson was probably my favourite UK athlete whilst growing up. The way he dismantled the opposition with incredible athleticism was a joy to behold. He was also great at sports psychology and seemed to enjoy playing mind games with his fellow competitors! I was also a big fan of cricketer Ian Botham during his best years. Particularly during the famous Ashes series in 1981.

What other sports do you follow:

  • Football
  • Athletics
  • Rugby Union
  • Boxing
  • Cricket
  • Snooker

… Most sports really but not a fan of motorsport.


Best Country Visited: Loved beach holidays in Turkey where I visited a good few times, but a trip to St Lucia many years ago was the highlight – just fabulous.

Favourite Food & Drink: I’m lucky enough to enjoy a wide range of different foods. I can literally eat anything! A traditional Sunday Roast still ranks high on my list but I do really enjoy a spicy Indian meal and Lamb Rogan Josh is amongst my favs. More recently I have introduced more fish into my diet and I enjoy knocking up a good quality fish pie absolutely stuffed with cod, prawns, and salmon!

I have enhanced my cooking skills during the lockdown period and even enjoy a bit of baking now. Inspired in part by Pam and Jim Newlands fabulous bread pudding!


Favourite TV Shows:  ‘Breaking Bad’ still right up there as one of the best things I’ve ever watched.

I love detective shows and ‘Bosch’ and ‘Luther’ are two of my favourites. I’m also a big fan of real-life crime documentaries and who doesn’t like the nature shows that legend David Attenborough has been churning out for most of my lifetime.

Last Film Seen: ‘Without Remorse’ on Amazon Prime.

Last Book Read: ‘Harrier 809’ Story of Britain’s Legendary and innovative Jump Jet.  

Favourite Band Singer:  Robert Plant of Led Zepellin – an amazing frontman to an amazing band. You surely would have to include Bob Marley as one of the most influential frontmen of any era.

Last Album Bought, Downloaded, or streamed: Was playing a bit of Aretha Franklin recently so probably that.

Last Concert Attended: Southend-based modern soul band called ‘The Milk’ at Islington AH. Great band have seen them 4 times now!

Any Pets:  No not a per lover I’m afraid! I did grow up in a busy household and we always had a family dog and a few cats. I used to love taking one dog out for a walk in my younger days and those that know me won’t be surprised to know that I enjoyed ‘racing’ with it! I’d throw a tennis ball one way whilst sprinting off fast as I could in the opposite direction! I was always caught but the dog loved that!

What are your aims for next season: Consolidation really. The lockdown has changed some of my perspectives. I love running but perhaps now I’ll calm down a bit with regards to competing in so many races. The one motivation I do have is to be a competitive V50 which will happen in Feb 2022. I have viewed some of the Ilford men v50 records and I feel if I remain fit I can certainly run times that will get me well into the top 10s across a variety of distances! If I can bump my now regular training partner Terry Knightly down the list a little then that will add to the banter we already share during our weekly runs around Leigh! 😉


Why did you initially start running 

I have always enjoyed taking part in sports. Football was my passion as a lad growing up. I played striker as a lad but eventually ended up playing on the wing. I trained with the West Ham academy at the age of 13 when John Lyall was Manager. Obviously to achieve anything at football means you have to be prepared to run a fair amount so I suppose things began there.

Later on, I started running to break up the monotony of regular gym workouts. I remember running about 12 miles a week at first. I usually ran one or two half marathons a year but that was it in terms of races.

I ran in one of the first Parkruns over at Raphaels park with my son Nathan back in 2015. Being a competitive soul I decided that I wanted to try to improve on my running so over the next few months I ran more and more and pondered joining a club.

What made you join Dagenham 88 Runners 

A desire to improve my running times. I originally applied to join D88 in 2015. I recall Ian Cummins replying back to my email telling me to come over. I left it another year before I showed up!

I quickly fell in love with the club running scene. Club runs, track nights and my first race appearance – the D88s Elvis 2015 race.

Why did you leave Dagenham 88 to join Ilford AC 

To challenge myself and improve further as a runner. The Daggers were a great bunch and two seasons there provided me with all I needed to know about the local running scene. I had a lot of fun but participating in team-based running events started to disappoint me. We often could not get out 4 scoring runners. I started to take notice of the happy-looking Ilford AC bunch who were in attendance at most races. Coach Robbo started to provide help, encouragement, and advice. I started to get closer to the Ilford contingent and it just seemed the right time to join in 2018 rather than sign up for a 3rd season with the Daggers.

How did you get your  Marathon place in 2005 and did you do much training for the actual race 

I received a place via the ballot. I did quite a bit of training but I wasn’t a club member back in those days and just relied on basic advice provided by fellow gym members and stuff I’d read on the internet!

I maxed out in training at 20 miles. It wasn’t enough in hindsight and I struggled badly on the day. Legs started to seize up as early as mile 17. Whilst the fans and general support were memorable the pain far outweighed those positives! I just decided it wasn’t for me after that. I love running but if I’m honest I don’t enjoy it enough to want to be out on my feet for 3 or 4 hours! However, I do of course admire those who put themselves through it!

Tell us what other sports and training have you done in the past 

I mentioned football in a previous question. I played for teams from the age of 11 up to 28 years old so quite a chunk of my sporting life was dedicated to playing. I decided to call it a day when I partially ruptured my cruciate ligament playing at Barking FC in 1999.

Beyond that, I played cricket regularly up to the age of 15 – making a name as a bit of a demon fast bowler! I played a bit of tennis during the summer months and I was regular down the snooker Halls at Stratford, Upton Park and Barkingside!

Favourite Park Run and Why 

In terms of a Parkrun course I quite like Harrow Lodge as it’s always a great workout given the undulating terrain. It’s never about running a fast time there and I think because of that I enjoy it more.

My single favourite Parkrun was on New Years Day 2020 over at Raphaels Park when I ran a v45 course record of 16:35. There was a record number of runners in attendance that day (over 500) and it seemed like at least half the field were cheering me on! It was an amazing feeling and its something I don’t think I’ll ever forget.

Favourite Running shoes and why 

Predictable I know but I’ll have to go with Nike Vaporflys. Truly game-changing footwear but with a bank-busting price tag to match! I do think wearing these have been responsible for a good few of my personal best times!

Also worthy of a mention are my trusty Innov8 X-talon shoes which allow me to run through the muddiest of Forest terrain even in the worst of conditions.

What Job do you do and does it affect your training 

I have worked as an IT engineer / Consultant for close to 30 years now. I currently work for a very small company based in London. We have 22 employees in total.

I work in what we call the Project Delivery Team and mostly my role is to take IT  requirements from our clients and produce a documented design.

Once the design is agreed I often have to build out the IT components – i.e. servers and networking etc, test it and hand it over to other support teams.

Like many, I have been able to work from home for the past year and this has aided my training. It is now easy to pop out in the morning for a run, get back for a shower, breakfast and still be logging in for 9am start!

I do have to work the odd evening and weekend but usually, there is someone in the team more than willing to take the overtime so I can train consistently most times. I have been lucky in that  regard.

What School did you attend and did you excel at sport in it 

I went to Manor Road Junior school and then Rokeby Secondary. Both based in Stratford. I was captain of the school football team and that was my main sporting passion during those days. I also enjoyed playing cricket and I was a pretty good fast bowler in my youth!

Do you think losing weight and following a good diet has affected your performances 

Is this a question from Terry by any chance!

The first time I met Terry he commented that I had a good running style but I’d improve greatly if I lost 2 stone!

After my football days were over my primary exercise was obtained from weight training. I lifted heavy weights for a period and I intended to bulk up my muscle mass. I was taking protein supplements and my diet was based on muscle growth. I started to gain muscle but after a while, I realised I didn’t like it! I felt bulky, heavy and slow.

During my first year as a club runner, my weight started to come down rapidly and this had a direct impact on my running times. This has continued over the years and yes I can state that the lighter I am the better times I tend to be able to achieve. I do believe though that the years doing lots of weights has given me a very strong core strength which has been advantageous in its own way. Nowadays I ensure I eat well – fish now forms a large part of my diet and I only eat meat a maximum of twice a week.

What’s it like Living and training now in sunny Leigh-On-Sea ? And ever swam in the sea there 

I love the Leigh on Sea area! The running routes are just amazing. Whether running along the Seafront, through beautiful Belfairs Forest, up and down the extreme hills at Hadleigh Park or just running on local roads… there’s something for everyone. I have loved the move away. I have been made to feel very welcome by the local running community around the area and this has helped me settle in very quickly. It feels like home!

Swimming? Not a chance of getting me into that sea! I saw people venturing into the sea during the winter months as I ran past and I thought you have to be bonkers to want to do that!

Greatest Running Ambition 

Essex County Gold medals represent the holy grail for me. I was lucky enough to win one in 2019 at the Stebbing 10 mile race. I would like to win a few more yet!

I still have a few PB aims as well. I’d like to run a half marathon in 75:xx and beat my long-standing 5 mile best of 28:22 which I’ll be hoping to do at the Pleshy race coming up soon.

Do you think, injury permitting, you will continue to run for the rest of your life 

I’m a bit heavier than the average runner and I have had my fair share of knee-related issues. I would like to run well into my 50s by beyond that I feel I will retire before I’m 60. But… we shall see how the body feels!

I have had to make some allowances to be able to retain some running longevity. I won’t run a marathon ever again and even half marathons are a rare event. Day to day my training is more geared towards distances from 5k to 10m. By doing that I’m hopeful I can last a bit longer!

You are a popular member of the club so What is it you like about Ilford AC and it’s members 

The club for me has a hardworking humility about it.  Everyone is very welcoming and supportive. I like the diversity of the club which generally is representative of the local area. It caters for all ages and abilities and whatever your running ability everyone is made to feel welcome.

I have trained with many different people of many different ability levels and I can honestly say its always enjoyable which for me is a key requirement in my running.

How many running club vests do you own

Too many! Eight now I’ve had a count up!


Daggers – former club member

Barking RR – 2 years 2nd claim member

Woodford – joined 2nd claim 2017

Eton Manor – I gave my Hackney Half place to a friend who is a member. He got me a vest in return.

Victoria Park Harriers – 2nd claim member 2018

Benfleet – currently 2nd claim member

Roding Valley Runners – Gifted from friend Bob Glasgow

How many pairs of trainers in your selection

I have around 25 pairs of trainers in total!

In my current rotation I use;

Saucony Triumph 18s – heavy but cushioned trainer – soaks up road miles

Nike Vaporfly – Race day choice

Hoka Mach 4 – good alrounder. Light and nimble

Nike Infinity Run – Very cushioned, great for recovery runs

Innov8 x-talon 255 – for muddy forest runs.

Have you ever swore at a supporter or official in a race 

It turns out that I have! At Writtle (oh yes my favourite course!) I struggled to get up the ridiculously muddy hill and was losing ground after working so hard to get back in touch with my peer group after a poor start.

At the bottom of the hill I was caught by a camber at the bottom of the slope and was heading sideways toward the lake rather than up and over the hill.

At this point, I thought I heard someone shout something along the lines of ‘Oh, come on!’ which made me see red for a moment. I uttered a few expletives out loud, in frustration. I later learned that it was our own Billy that has offended me with his words of encouragement! Oh, how we laughed but I did feel bad actually. Swearing is not smart or clever people so I won’t be doing that again!

Do your children show an interest in athletics

Nathan is 18 and Kyle is 12, neither have showed great interest in athletics which is a shame. Football has been their passion over the years.

Nathan does like running the odd 5k and his best is around 20:30. He’s capable of more! Kyle has more natural athletic ability but hasn’t yet done anything noteworthy in terms of athletics. There’s still time!

First running club

Dagenham 88 Runners 2016-2018.

Best or favourite race moment.

So many memories!

I think the euphoria of achieving my 5k PB at the last Friday of the month race in Hyde Park ranks right up there. 16.25 I ran that Friday lunchtime – a time I never thought I would be capable of. I was on cloud 9 for a good week after that!

Favourite running terrain

I have a love for gnarly beaten-up off-road trails. The sort in which you get nice views of the surrounding area. Epping Forest is probably my favourite place to run through.

Biggest rival

Orions Bob Glasgow was my main rival during the 2019 season. I tended to beat him on the road and he had the edge over the hills and mud. I enjoyed the rivalry as it brought the very best out of me. We became good friends and I still pop over to Loughton or Epping now and again to meet up with him for a chatty run.

These days I have some good vets near me over Southend way. Matibini Matibini is a very funny guy as well as a talented runner who is around my age. Also Eton Manor vet duo Gazz Towers and Paul Boddey are formidable opponents on their day.

What football team do you support

Arsenal fan since birth! My family come from the Islington area hence I have a natural affinity with the club.

Doctor Who approaches you and says you can go back and witness any event in history – What would it be?

A few suggestions would be;

Jesus Christ rising from the dead after crucifixion (would answer a few questions)

Egyptians building the Pyramids (how?)

Roswell incident

Man landing on the moon.

England winning the 1966 world cup


Do you still follow the singer Nick Corbin, and what is he up to

Yes I do. Nick Corbin was lead singer of a band called New Street Adventure that started to pick up on a few years ago.

I saw them perform live 6 or 7 times. Sort of a London-esque soul backed with attitude I liked the fact they were a bit different and had something to say.

Nick left the back in 2018 and went solo. His career has hit the buffers a bit since then. However, he recognised me at another gig at Rough Trade record store in Shoreditch and ended up watching the bands set with me and my brother that night. That was pretty special! He also got us into his next gig on the guest list which felt quite special.

He released a solo album last year but due to covid was unable to promote it effectively. He also recently started his own record label.

Are you a big fan of athletics generally or is it more the major events you are interested in

Generally, the major events but I do keep a watching brief on all runners at Ilford AC and some of the outstanding runners in our general area – such as Southend’s Adam Hickey.

I have seen you running with your son over Hainault. Has he got the potential to be a good runner or is he more interested in football?

Yes – he’s more interested in football – much like I was at his age! Nathan is of heavy build and and in terms of running at least, his strengths have always been over shorter track distances. I saw him run a 400m race for his school a few years ago and was impressed with what I saw. I have of course encouraged him to do a bit more running and he now runs 5ks on a fairly regular basis.

I tend to best him over any sort of long distance but short sprints I can’t get anywhere near him!

June 28th – You are handed tickets to a mask free no restrictions Led Zeppelin reunion concert, with a meet and greet afterwards then joining the band and roadies for a 70’s disco in an old warehouse in Clacton.
You are allowed to bring 10 guests. Are you going, and if so which 10 people are you inviting.

Oh yes I’ll be going!

First guest, Terry Knightly – with his hairstyle he’d fit right in! I know he’s also a big fan.

Other than that it would have to be a selection of close friends and family members. Just people that I know would enjoy the experience and those whose company I enjoy!

You win a prize on a Radio show. You can choose one of the following –

A home and away ticket for your favourite football club for 4 years, including any cup games

A free pass to any gigs you want to attend in London for 4 years for 2 people

A ticket to any athletics event you want, anywhere in the world for 4 years.

What are you choosing?

I’d choose the free gig pass I think!

I love going to live music gigs in and around London and I managed 12 gigs in 2019 in amongst all the other running feats I did that year.

I’m a big fan of Northern Soul, Funk but also like a bit of 70s rock and a whole bunch of other stuff in between. I read a fair bit of music press and I tend to pick up on up-and-coming bands that operate a bit under the radar.

I prefer small intimate venues rather than the rock stadium-type gig.

Popular gigging haunts over the years have been; Jazz Café, Ronnie Scotts, Islington Assembly Hall, Union Chapel, and Dingwalls. Rough Trade East is a fantastic record shop that also put on live short sets which I’ve attended after work on quite a few occasions.

Celebrity dinner party. 6 guests alive or dead.
Who are the guests and why?
What would you cook them and what are you drinking?

Micky Flannagan

Ronnie Corbett

Freddie Starr

Michael McIntyre

Ricky Gervais

Victoria Wood

Why? Well obviously it would be a complete riot! There would be so many humorous stories being told. I don’t think anyone would actually notice my cooking!

I did consider key historical figures, musicians or high achieving sports people but … I think I’d prefer to watch Freddie Starr doing Mick Jagger impressions in my living room!

I think this lot are a rootsy bunch so I think a good Sunday roast would go down a treat. Beef, Yorkshire puds, an endless supply of spuds and of course thick gravy covering the lot.

Anyone that knows me well would know that I would have Bread Pudding for dessert with custard!

Nothing spectacular drink wise, a selection of fine wine and beers should be enough to keep the laughter going!

Who would win out of you and Wayne Hick in a 400m Hurdles race?

Wayne has seen my hurdling technique so I think he would still have more than enough in his locker to smash me over the distance!

Ilford AC has great runners, like yourself, and has a long history of great runners. If you could somehow (lets assume Doctor Who is involved) appear in a mixed 400m relay race with 1 male and 2 females from Ilford at their absolute peak – who is in that team with you?

Females: Sharon Honey and Pam Jones. Sharon is still an active member of the club these days and ran some pretty serious times in her day. Pam – well she’s just an absolute legend, isn’t she? It would be an honour and a privilege to be in a team with both of these ladies. I would also live in hope that Pam would bake a fresh batch of bread pudding especially for the occasion!

Male: Someone who is good company and isn’t half bad at the actual running. I’d go with Malcolm Muir who in his pomp was an absolute force to be reckoned with.

It would be an interesting team I think!

Why do you think that Ilford AC attracts such a wide range of runners (in terms of ability)
Good runners are always keen to come over to improve, yet we have a large group who whilst they may never win anything feel just as part of the club as those that do.

Ilford AC is a very diverse club for one and every member in my experience is made to feel very welcome – regardless of running ability. I believe our members are amongst the friendliest around the local circuit. Running brings people from all walks of life together. Different ages, different backgrounds, cultures and sometimes from different places around the world. Personally I love the diversity and inclusiveness of the club.

We have at least one common bond by being members of IAC and the rest just happens naturally. Many lifelong friendships have been formed through being a member of the club and that can only be a positive thing.

I also like the way the club focuses on our younger runners. Coaches are always on hand to organise sessions, offer training advice, and occasionally throw a comforting arm around a runner during times when things are not going well. The club also has a long-standing history which personally I love. When looking at our past runners achievements you can just tell it’s a club that has had real standing and has been a positive influence in and around the local area.

We also have club legend Andy Catton at the helm. A man who has immense respect due to the incredible running feats he achieved whilst running for Ilford AC during his best years. He’s also a very humble and approachable person who I think embodies what our great little club is all about. All these things make me proud to be a member of our great club.

  Frieda Keane  

May 012021
Name:  Frieda Keane

Born: 10 July 1963

Date Joined: April 2017

5k-     27.29

5m-    45.26

10k-   57.35

10m-  1.36.55

Half Marathon-  2.08.38

20m- 3.32.10

Marathon- 4.48.22

First Club Race- Dagenham ELVIS in the pouring rain

Favourite Race- Difficult- I like our Hilly 10, Parliament Hill and have a soft sport for the rather un-scenic Roding Valley Half

Notable Performances- I finished the London Marathon without walking, and I also got 2 Essex Road Racing Medals which shows that even slow runners can win something (being older and turning up helps!)

Biggest Disappointments- my disappointments don’t last long fortunately, though the whole of the last year was a disappointment racing-wise obviously.

Typical week’s training- Monday short run, Tuesday track, Wednesday Harriers, Thursday my own run or Hills in the summer,  Saturday Park Run, Sunday long-ish run, and I swim once or twice a week.

Favourite Sessions- I like them all actually. Always good company and lots of encouragement. 

Favourite Race Distance- 10k, 10 miles, Half Marathon.

Favourite Event- Cross Country, though I also like a scenic road race without cars.

What advice would you give youngsters- start earlier than me!

Most famous athlete you trained with- Pam Jones of course.

How would you improve the sport- It has been said many times before, but more running at school level and cross country outings for pupils.

Favourite Athlete- Haile Gebrselassie, Jessica Ennis and Ed Moses (I saw him run at an athletics festival in my home town when I was a teenager and was very impressed)

What other sports do you follow- I like World and European Cup Football, and I watch most sports at international level (Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Gymnastics, Rugby, Skiing….) apart from Boxing and Motor racing. 

Best Country Visited- Australia

Favourite Food and Drink- Anything Mediterranean, and dry white wine.

Favourite TV shows- Fawlty Towers, recently I liked “Unforgotten”, and a German crime program called “Tatort”

Last Film seen- In the cinema “The Good Liar”, TV “Burn After Reading”

Last Book read– “In the Company of Men” by Hisham Mathar

Favourite Band/Singer– I love the Beatles and 80ies music- The Specials, Madness, Darts. Also The The and (yes) George Michael, The Pogues and Talking Heads and Joe Jackson and Nina Simone. 

Last Album Downloaded- “Dart Attack”

Last Concert Attended- “Carmen” at the English National Opera

No pets!

What are your aims for next year– I just want to get back to my pre-Marathon form and do some races again.


Have you ever entered or taken part in a race and felt at disadvantage because you are a female?

Only when I had to run 10 instead of 8 k at Basildon XC to “run equal” with the men!

When and why did you move to England, and other than your husband and children do you have any other family members from you side of the family that live here?

I originally came to work in Scotland in 1989, moved to Wales for 6 months and to England in 1991. I went back to Germany for 2 years and came back for good in 1995 after I got married. My brother Hanno lives in Liverpool with his Australian wife Sarah, and their triplets are all still in England. 

What made you start running initially? 

I have been running a bit on and off (more off) since my twenties and started more regularly around 2013 when I had more time because it was the easiest sport to do and I enjoyed it- just a pair of trainers and out! It does not require much technique at my level. I took part in one 5k race and was hooked. 

Favourite running shoe?

I am another fan of Brooks (Adrenaline) but have tried out the Hooka Arahi recently and really like them as well. I use both.

£300 Trainers voucher. One pair of Nike’s latest spring loaded trainers or a few pairs of your favourite brand(s)?

Definitely 2 pairs of Brooks Adrenaline and one pair of Hookas! Any supershoe would be completely wasted on me.

Are you a big follower of athletics in general or just the major events?

Mostly major events- I absolutely love the Athletics World Cup and visited 5 days in a row when it was in London a few years ago. 

If you were trying to persuade someone to join Ilford AC, what aspects of the club would you emphasise to try and convince them?

The club is outstandingly welcoming and friendly, and everyone fits in, no matter how slow you are- and if you are fast, there is plenty of competition! What I appreciate most is the encouragement from my team mates. 

What made you join Ilford AC as opposed to another club? 

A big pull were the Harriers because the run starts 5 minutes from my house. I never thought I would do more than just come along on a Wednesday night, and next thing I was on the track…..I also live in Ilford and am proud to wear an Ilford vest.

What is your job and how does it fit in with your training?

I work as an anaesthetist, so I put people to sleep for their operations and look after them before, during and after their surgery. I sometimes miss training because work finishes late and I have to work a few Saturdays a year, but mostly it works out.

Favourite Park Run and why? 

Valentine’s of course- meeting all my friends. And its so close to my home.

Greatest Running rivals? 

They have outran me all! 

Ultimate Running Ambition?

I would absolutely love to run a Marathon in my hometown of Cologne but may have to settle for the Half.

What sports did you do before running?

I played hockey as a child (so badly we lost 0:12 when I was in goal for one match) and always liked swimming. I have tried most things at uni- tennis, skiing. scuba diving, volleyball, none of them with great success.

What school did you go to and did you do athletics there?

I went to secondary school in the middle of Cologne- there was an athletics day nationwide each year we all took part in. Running wasn’t too bad, but I was terrible at throwing a small ball much to the embarrassment of my brothers. We did a bit of running and long jump in the summer.

Favourite Football Team and Why?

1.FC Köln is my local home team (they are awful)

and Borussia Dortmund, which was my father’s team (he came from there).

And best of all- the German National Football Team **** (rubbing it in a bit here). 

Favourite and Least favourite Cross Country Course and Why?

The Hilly 10 with Parliament Hill a close second. Nothing like mud! I did not like the longer Basildon 10 k course.

Who is your favourite Dr Who?

I admit I never watched it!

Do you think that swimming helps your running?

I wish- it certainly keeps me fit when I am injured.

6 Dinner guests, dead or alive, who would they be and why? Would you cook and if so what is your signature dish?

My late parents and my late sister-in-law Uta, and my brothers and other sister-in-law Sarah- Morgan would be there so I didn’t need to invite him- and we could have a long family catch-up session. I would make roast lemon chicken and roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings and vegetables.

I am always fascinated by how many people across Europe speak good English. Did you find that listening to English/American groups helped and did you watch English speaking programmes dubbed into German and pick up words and phrases from that?

The music really taught me a lot, I used to write down the lyrics of songs after listening and repeating them on my tape recorder with a dictionary. Films were all dubbed, so I did not really learn from them- I cannot stand watching English or American films dubbed into German now, it sounds awful!

Why is David Hasselhoff so popular in Germany? 

“Knight Rider” was a big hit before he started singing which helped- Germans like this kind of pop music……

June 21st. You are offered a ticket for a no masks/no restrictions full capacity “Darts” concert followed by an 80’s disco at Islington Town Hall. Mandy Reid, Alison Sale, Billy, Dennis and Ernie are also going. Are you going?

Oooooh yes!

Is it a myth that German people do not have a good sense of humour but are very reliable-You have a good sense of humour but are remarkably unreliable. (Having a good sense of humour, you will know that the remark about you being unreliable is a joke!)

There is a type of German (square glasses, sandals, rucksack) who has no sense of humour, and they are also often found in offices and hard to deal with. Germans are more formal and officious.  All my German friends are a good laugh though and prove the opposite! 

Growing up in Germany was there a ‘stereotypical Brit’

There was- wearing checkered suits, living in a damp castle drinking weak tea and eating overcooked food and always very polite and fair. The other type was the holiday-maker in Spain- bright red with sunburn.

When running the London Marathon how did you motivate yourself to keep running when you felt tired?

Mile 19 Ilford AC water station was a real boost and kept me going for another 2 miles (Mile 20 was my fastest)- after that, it was just willpower until the end.

What is your favourite/traditional German food you like to make?

Waffles with hot cherries and whipped cream, local speciality from the part I come from.

What gives you job satisfaction? 

A patient who wakes up happy and pain free  or a well organised operating list. 

  Alison Sale  

Apr 182021

Name:  Alison Sale

Born:  15th July 1965

Date Joined: May 2018

Personal Bests: 

5K – 23:44 (at Hog Hill of all places!)

5M – 42.46

10K – 54:43

10M – 92:00

Half Marathon – 2:06:55


First Club Race: Witham MayDay 10 Mile in May 2018 – I`d just joined but hadn`t got my club vest yet, so am the odd one out in the photo.


Favourite Race: I love all the elvis races, but Tiptree is another favourite & I really enjoyed the Stebbing 10


Notable Performances:  Not sure I`ve had any, but I was very pleased to complete the Essex Champs 20 Mile last March as it was the furthest I`d ever run.


Biggest Disappointment: As with most people, my biggest disappointment was most of 2020 & all the cancelled races & get togethers! although on the plus side WFH has given me the opportunity to run more regularly & find some interesting local routes, so my running & times have actually improved through lockdown (every cloud…)


Typical Weeks Training: I don’t really have a training plan, but I run 5 days a week & try to include 1 longish run & a couple of muddy trails or hills, I also do a regular yoga class.


Favourite Sessions:  Harriers (my first introduction to IAC)


Favourite race distance: 5K or 5 mile or 10K


Favourite event – I love Cross Country, really enjoyed the mudfest at Parliament Hill last year.


Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with: Is Frieda famous yet?  


How would you improve the sport: include athletics in the school curriculum, it’s such an accessible, low cost sport, everyone should have the opportunity to give it a go


Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:  having met him at the St.Francis charity run in 2019 I have to say Trevo Brooking – what a gent!

Best Country Visited: We`ve had some lovely holidays in Greece – the tiny islands are just gorgeous & you can`t beat  a bit of snorkelling followed by a cold beer


Favourite Food & Drink : Anything Italian & a nice drop of red wine


Favourite TV Shows:  I like nature programmes, but also like Gavin & Stacey, Ghosts & sewing bee & Dr Who will always be a favourite


Last Film Seen : At the cinema it was probably Little women, but that seems ages ago, most recent on TV was The Blue Lamp an old 1949 film starring Jack Warner & Dirk Bogarde – I love the old British films especially the Ealing studios films


Last Book Read:  Clock without hands by Carson McCullers


Favourite Band Singer:  Tracey Thorn, Eels, Smoke Fairies, Kirsty McColl, Boo Hewerdine


Last Album Bought or Downloaded Tracey Thorn – `Record`


Last Concert Attended:  Smoke Fairies at Hoxton Hall (an old music hall in Shoreditch – tiny but great venue)


Any Pets: a Tabby cat called Katya & an ex-racing greyhound called Tess who compete for who can sleep the most hours in a day (the jury is still out)


What are your aims for next season: to run some races & improve my age grading times


Tell us a Joke: 

man walks into a pet shop: “I`d like a goldfish pease”

shop owner: “do you want an aquarium?”

Man: “I don`t care what star sign he is”


Had you done running before joining Ilford AC?

I’d only run at parkrun plus a couple of 10k runs

How did you get to hear about Harriers?

It was at Valentines parkrun. I’d made friends with Sheila,Launa  & Sharon, they were always very chatty & encouraging about my running and suggested I join them at a Harriers night. I didn’t think I was good enough to join a club so kept putting it off!

You don’t mention Parkruns but I am sure you have done a number of them. Have you just run the Valentine’s Park Parkrun or any others.

I’ve done 234 park runs, 233 of them at valentines plus 1 at Raphaels I’d like to try others but the draw of meeting up with friends at valentines is hard to resist!

Where is your favourite place to run?

I love running in Wanstead park & on the flats,it’s close to home & there are lots of different paths so the runs can be varied & there is always lots of wildlife to see & hear ( nothing too exotic,but lovely all the same) 

Why did you initially start running ?

My daughter was keen on running – as she was only 11 at the time I couldn’t really send her off round the dark streets of Ilford alone, so I went with her & then we both joined parkrun, but she lost interest just as I got hooked!

What made you join Ilford AC as opposed to another club ?

Friendly faces 😊

Did you ever do any sports seriously or as a hobby in the past ?

I’ve always been fairly active & enjoyed cycling & swimming in the past and even played football for West Ham ladies for a couple of Seasons in my twenties( I only made the B team!) but that’s about it.

What has been your Worst Injury ?

I’ve been very lucky & just had the one injury recently when I jarred my back at the Hog hill race, but it’s ok now 🤞

Favourite Track Session ?

I haven`t done any track sessions (Rob tries to persuade me now & then)

Greatest running Rival at The Club and in the running community ?

I don’t really consider anyone a rival, you can only run your own race which is part of the appeal for me, but Gaye & I are very similar pace wise so we keep each other going! 

What is your ultimate running ambition ?

I’d just like to keep on improving & hopefully watch that age grading go up and run all the Essex way legs ( not in one go) 

Favourite Running Shoe and Why ?

Brooks, no reason except they’re the only ones I’ve ever worn – if something works I tend to stick with it ( I’ve been with my husband Phil since 1984!)

First Single and Album you ever bought ?

I really can’t remember but it was probably something terrible like David Essex or Bay city rollers

Favourite Film Star and Why

Has to be Alec Guinness, a class act.

Favourite Parkrun and Why ?

Valentines for the people & the location

What do you think your life would have been like if you had not discovered the fantastic and addictive World of Running ?

So much less exciting, fewer friends & flabbier calves!

Do you run with your greyhound Tess?

Only for very short distances – 100 metres is her limit, after that she wants to stop & sniff something.

Apart from smashing your PBs, do you have any running goals?

I’d like to have another crack at the Essex 20 (that I said I’d never do again)

Have you ever felt disadvantaged when starting or entering a race because you are female?


Who is your favourite Doctor Who?

David Tennant (not just for his acting ability!)

6 Dinner guests, alive or dead, who would they be and why? Would you cook and if so what is your signature dish?

David Attenborough & Gordon Buchanan for tales of animal adventures,Tracey Thorn to sing to us, Joyce Grenfell & Miles Jupp to make us laugh & Alec Guiness just because. I`d make something easy like pasta so I could spend more time chatting & listening.

Do you follow athletics or just casually, and if so who are your favourite runners?

I like to watch athletics, but I’m not particularly knowledgeable about it, just enjoy watching great performances- Laura Muir is a favourite 

Do you have a favourite football team?

West Ham although I haven’t been to a game for years, it was never the same once the seats went in.

If I gave you £300 and said you had to buy trainers with them and give me back any change, would you buy the latest Nike Vapourfly % (or equivalent) or 2 or 3 pairs of your favourite brand?

I’d buy 3 pairs of Brooks 

Can you explain your choice of footwear in the clubs 10 mile Cross Country Champs a couple of years ago?

Hahahaha no, I couldn’t explain it at the time & still don’t know how I didn’t even notice I was wearing heavy walking boots until 2 days after the event when I went to clean them! (Although my feet did stay dry)

June 21st – The Eels are doing a full capacity standing show at Walthamstow Town Hall and I have given you a ticket which includes a ‘meet and greet’ with the band. Are you going? 

Oh yes! & I’d give E a big hug too 😊

  Dennis Briggs  

Mar 212021

Name:  Dennis Briggs

Born:  22/07/1975 (I tell the truth about my age)

Date Joined 08 /09/2016

Personal Bests: 

100m 15.4

400m 80.1 (I got lost)

1500m 5:38.1

5k 20:53

Parkrun 20:55

5 miles 33:32

10K 43:26

10 miles 72:54

Half Marathon 93:23

20 miles 2:33:42

Marathon 3:42:43


First Club Race: Valentines Elvis 5k

Favourite Race: Without a doubt the Essex way. It’s a great team event and a fun packed day that embodies all that is great in the running community.
Ilford do struggle to place a full team. It would be great to see loads of Ilford shirts at this years event. 

Also, I like the Hackney Half, a return to my home town where the whole race was on familiar streets (apart from the QE II park that bit has changed drastically) I actually had people who I knew years ago cheer me on it was a great day.  

Notable Performances: Hackney half 2018. I was aiming for a sub 1hr 40 minutes. But ran out of my skin to come home in 94:14 (6 minutes off my PB) at that time.) I have improved it since but that race I felt personally moved me up another level. 

Biggest Disappointment: Well, it has to be 2020. It started out so well 3 races 3 PB’s I was feeling great. Then it happened.
Training for the London marathon that was then postponed (twice) is both disappointing and demoralising.

Typical Weeks Training at your peak. 

Monday: 30 minutes easy (no more)  

Tuesday: Track

Wednesday: 6-8 miles tempo

Thursday: Hills 

Saturday: 6-8 miles tempo

Sunday: 10-16 miles forest run. 

Favourite Sessions: I enjoy the Track and also group hill training. It’s great training with teammates. I also enjoy running in Hainault Forest on Sunday (or every day during lockdown 0.1)

Favourite race distance 10 mile / 1/2 marathon 

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country
I prefer Road races but I don’t mind Cross country. 

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters?
Pay attention at school, you obviously have intelligence as you chose running. If you get good grades you will get a high powered office job and will be able to do all your adult running in your 2 hour lunch break.

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:
I’m lucky enough to have trained with Pam Jones. Although I haven’t technically trained with him I was quite starstruck when I saw Dalton Grant at the track.
I like training with anyone but Gaye Young is my favourite.

How would you improve the sport?
Total Ban on all cheaters. 

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:
Mo Farah, Ronnie O’sullivan

What other sports do you follow?
Football, rugby, cricket.

Best Country Visited?

Favourite Food & Drink?
Sunday roast especially after a long run.
Tea and I love a glass of water. 

Favourite TV Shows:
Friends, Walking dead, Only fools and horses, 24,

Last Film Seen?
Jumanji the next level

Last Book Read
A street Cat named Bob. 

Favourite Band Singer:
Foo Fighters, Biffy Clyro Fleetwood mac,

Last Album Bought or Downloaded
Fleetwood Mac 50 years don’t stop. 

Last Concert Attended:
Kyle Minogue Golden album tour at the London O2 

Any Pets:  not currently. 

What are your aims for next season?
To get fit enough and to run in a proper normal race. 

Tell us a Joke:  

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?
He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

How do crazy runners go through the forest?
They take the psycho path. 


Brentwood Half my last race.
It’s strange who you meet in the forest.
Caterham rotary half marathon July 2018 on my birthday
Gravesham CycloPark 2017
Vitality 10k 2017. A great race through London.
Being awarded “most improved runner” Dec 2017 a proud moment I don’t normally win many things.
 Parkrun duties at the boathouse valentines park my favourite marshalling point. A Satha Pap shot.
Southend half 2018 post race.
Mile 13 at the 2009 London Marathon why I started running.
 2012 London Marathon at charity postrace reception

Up the Gunners!!!
What made you start running in the first instance and did you do any other sports seriously before?

I was originally inspired into running by watching the London marathon on tv. I played a little football, not part of any proper team.

What schools did you go to and did you do sport at them?

I went to Kingsmead Primary School then Hackney Free and Parochial c of e secondary school. Apart from PE no sports were played at either school.

What is your current occupation and does that allow you to fit in your training easily?

I am a Fabricator Welder. I manage to get to most training sessions so I would say yes, it is.

Greatest Running Rival?

Can’t say if I have been doing this long enough to have a rival. There isn’t much rivalry for the 83rd place in races. lol

Favourite Park Run and Why?

I have only done 5 different parkruns, so Valentines is my favourite. It’s a good flat course I’ve ran it 30 times and volunteered a few times as well. Its has a good size cafe for the post parkrun tea.

First Single and Album you ever bought?

I cannot Remember to be honest sorry I never had a favourite singer band as I grew up.

Did you know you shared the same Birthday as Terry Knightley being 22nd July albeit 15 years apart ?
Do you think knowing this will affect your running career?

Yes, I did know this. No, I don’t think it will affect my running career. Unless you can only have one person per birthdate in a running club. In that case I would have to leave and join D88 where I would get worse at running but better at raffles.

What’s your worst Injury and how did you overcome it?
24th  September 2013
Torn ACL/MCL and damaged meniscus of the left knee. Which I suffered when a car hit me when I was waiting to turn right on my scooter I took nearly 2 years to get back from that. Everything apart from my ACL (which has no blood supply so will never heal) A month after that I got a Ballot place in the marathon.
I had to wear a knee brace as debris within the knee would get stuck in the join and cause my knee to give way I had surgery to remove the debris and give the damage a once over thankfully although the ACL was damaged I didn’t need major surgery.


What is the best gig you have ever been to and why was it so good?

Kylie Golden tour o2 arena. I’m a long-time fan of hers and we had great seats which makes so much difference.
Look at her go

Do you think Arsenal were lucky to get that 3-3 draw against the mighty hammers recently?

Arsenal are lucky for any points they get this season.

What do you Love about Ilford AC?

The camaraderie at races I love how everyone waits at the funnel to cheer on their teammates or at cross country how the lady’s cheer on the men. it always gives me a boost I do a lot of my overtaking when I see them. All the wonderful people it has brought into my life. Fantastic support from everyone I have made some good friends and I’ve improved as a runner.

Well done Dennis a really good Who’s who. It has been great to see you come on in leaps and bounds since you joined Ilford AC, both in your running and personal achievements.  How much more do you think that you can improve and what are your future targets. Well done again and keep on being a great supporter and great example for others in Ilford AC

Thank you. I’m not sure how much I will improve I will just train and see. Future targets sort out my 5k PB I ran a faster 5k in a 5mile race and also my 10 mile PB I’ve been chipping away at it for years. But I know I can do better again I’ve ran a half marathon at a faster pace (3 times)

How did you find it writing a report about your running?

I’m no wordsmith so a tad challenging for me.

What is your motivation to keep you going when it gets tough whilst running?

I break it up in my head like “lets get to 8 miles first” then “now were at the halfway” etc. if I’m tired on a run I will promise my legs I will slow down. But 30 seconds later I’m running the same speed as before because I lied to them. They are so gullible

What have you learnt after completing each of your marathons?

Need more than 12 weeks of training. Don’t run in a massive costume.

What inspires you to achieve your running goals.

When you have run a race well it does make you feel proud especially when I wearing an Ilford vest.

What other marathons would you like to compete in?

NYC marathon

Why did you join Ilford AC?

It was a choice between Woodford green and Ilford. I chose Ilford solely because of the hut and forest runs.

Fantasy dinner guests, alive or dead, and would you cook for them or get your mum to do it?

Kylie, Emelia Clarke, Dennis Bergkamp David Bowie and Maggie Thatcher. No one would cook we would order an uber eats

What is the longest you have ever waited to start a race whilst the race director gave out instructions, and do you remember who it was?

I’m normally standing too far back to see the race director.

Favourite Olympic memory?

Jessica Ennis the poster girl of 2012 Olympics (no pressure) winning the 800m to win heptathlon gold then Gooner Greg Rutherford winning long jump gold and another Gooner Mo Farah winning the 10,000m what a night.

Is there any performance in your running career you are particularly proud of?

The Hackney Half (see my who’s who). Another race was the Chingford league Vicky park 5 miles 1 Feb 2020. I ran a great race for a PB of 33:32 when I first told Rob he didn’t believe me.

When Boris allows it, name the first 5 people (other than Gaye) that you plan to hug.

Billy, Sameena, Frieda, Ernie and anyone else who needs one.


  Sam Rahman  

Mar 142021

Name:  Sam Rahman

Born: 10th September 1982  

Date Joined: 1st January 2013 (although starting training with the club since 2012)

Personal Bests: 

400: 59.82
800: 2:13.3
1500: 4:32.12
1mile: 4:55.07
3000: 9:53.49
5000: 16:43.01
10000: 36:00.7
1M: 4:55
5K: 17:02
5M: 28:22
10K: 35:46
10M: 58:36
HM: 1:18:10
20M: 2:05:27
Mar: 2:50:36

First Club Race: Essex Cross Country Champs Hadleigh 2013

Favourite Race: London marathon

Notable Performances:
On the track I’ve enjoyed lots of races from 100 to 10000, but would list my 5000 PB (16:43) which I set at a BMC meet in Eltham in 2015, Winning gold at the masters 3000 at the 2019 Essex Champs and the bronze medal I won at the 10000 Essex champs in 2015. On the road I have 7 Essex champs medals (1 silver and 6 bronze) and also been part of the winning team at the Harlow 10 twice. Running 9 sub 3 marathons

Berlin        2016 2:50:36
New York 2019 2:51:43
London     2015 2:52:54
London     2014 2:53:23
Warsaw     2018 2:55:11
London     2016 2:55:44
Dublin       2014 2:57:59
Rome        2018 2:59:28
Edinburgh 2012 2:59:37
As well as marathons in Chester, Manchester and Belfast.

Biggest Disappointment: not breaking 2:50 for the marathon (yet)

Typical Weeks Training at your peak:

    Monday: 5m easy + S&C

    Tuesday: swimming + track session

    Wednesday: 10m + hand weights

    Thursday: swimming + hill session

    Friday: 5/6m easy

    Saturday: some kind of tempo run 5-10m  close to race pace

    Sunday: 18-20m hilly run

Favourite Sessions:  10×400, any kind of pyramid session, long runs 18-20m

Favourite race distances: 1mile, 5000 and marathon

Favourite event – Track and Road

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters: don’t give up

Training partners at Ilford AC: over the years I’ve trained with Kevin Newell, Steve Philcox, Paul Holloway, Gary Coombs, Danny Holeyman, Diarmuid MacDonald, Seb Parris and Neil Crisp.

How would you improve the sport: In my opinion schools athletics is overshadowed by football or rugby which isn’t a lifestyle that lasts unlike running which can stay with you for a lifetime.

Favourite Athletes: Farah, Bekele, and Kipchoge

Best Country Visited: Kenya and bizarrely Nigeria (made me appreciate everything I have)

Favourite Food & Drink : Bangers & Mash / Lager (San Miguel)

Favourite TV Shows: Grand Designs, Mandalorion, Star Trek.

Last Film Seen : The Hobbit

Favourite Band Singer: Billy Ocean, Alexander O’neal, Michal Buble.

Other hobbies: I love drawing and was once a half decent bedroom DJ.

What are your aims for next season: to get back to full fitness and be competitive.

Special thanks to Rob Sargent who has been my coach for the last 11 years and has taken me from a 3:35 to a 2:50 marathoner guiding me in training and traveled with me to some great cities like New York, Berlin and Warsaw. Success in running has led to success in other parts of my life which I’m very grateful for


1 What made you start running initially ? I would say it was at school, winning the 50m dash as a little kid gave me a buzz that stuck. As a kid I was always out playing with my mates getting up to no good and being chased by people whose windows we smashed or running as part of knock down ginger. My dad was an influence too as I remember the marathons he did when I was about 9 or 10 years old.

2) Favourite Road Race and Why ? London marathon. Firstly the atmosphere on the train to Greenwich is great and once you get going the streets are lined with 1000s people cheering you on and there’s always a good few people that recognise you and cheer for you. The post marathon drinks at the Eva Hart is a lovely end to the day.

3) Why do you think you have never broken 2-50 for the Marathon but got close on so many occasions and what was the time you were aiming for ? I would say its either not being fit or injury free at the time of the marathon or overcooking the first half of the marathon, as an example is 2015 I did the London marathon got to half way is just over 1:23 then bonked the last 5 miles finishing the last half in over 1:29, finish time 2:52. I’m sure I was in 2:48-2:49 shape that day. In 2016 I did the Berlin marathon and thought I was well below 2:50 as my average pace was 6:27min/miles but as I entered the last stretch I realised I had more distance to run, did something like 26.5 miles.

4) What is a bedroom DJ ? When I was a teenager I had decks (record decks) in my bedroom and would mix the music like a wannabe DJ, music of choice of Drum & Bass or House & Garage.

5) Park Run PB and Favourite ? PB 17:27 Raphaels Park, favorite though, would probably be the old Valentines Park course mainly because of the memories of facing my running buddies Kevin Newell and Steve Philcox.

6) Where was The photo of you on the track with countless Colchester Harriers around you and what race was it and result ? That was the Essex Champs 5000 2019 in Braintree finished 5th in my heat 17:08.9. Hope to do that race again at some point.

7) Got any examples of your drawings to show us ? Here’s a drawing I did when I was 17/18 doing my A-levels. This is a guy is a 3rd world country getting some dental treatment.


8) Favourite episode from The Mandalorian and Star Trek ? The final episode in The Mandalorian when Luke Skywalker makes an entrance and kicks arse. For Star Trek it would be when they first meet the Borg…

9) Other sports you have done? At school I was into Javelin, got as far as representing Barking & Dagenham at country sports games, cant remember my PB. I actually used to train at Cricklefields when I was 13-14 years old.

10) Greatest Current Rival athlete in the world of running ? I would always seem to have battles with the same people at the Essex champs races mostly Springfield Striders guys like Stuart Raven and James Smith.

11) A quick question for Sam You haven’t mentioned parkrun, Are you a believer? Do you do them? I’ve done a few park runs over the years, just Barking, Valentines, Rapaels and Mile End. I think they are good to do occasionally when there’s no races on, but I’m not keen on the idea of doing them every weekend.

12) Hi Sam great Who’s who.  You have a great relaxed style of running which is ideally suited to middle and long distances.  I was wondering if this was your original style when you started out or if you trained yourself to run this way. Not something I’ve ever thought about, Im sure my style has been refined over the years of doing track sessions week in week out.

13) What made you join Ilford AC ? And did you run for any other clubs ? I was with Dagenham 88 from about 2010-2012 which is where I met coach Robbo. I remember doing a track session with Ilford and thought it is more me, plus I went from one of the faster runners to slower runners which was good for me to develop.

14) How has having a coach benefited you? sometimes when I doubt myself I remember that I’ve done all the training and know that I have it in me to get the job done.

15) Do you supplement your running with any other form of exercise. Yes, when the pools are open I would swim twice a week, I also do some light weights, more recently I’ve been doing Team Thie circuits.

16) Do you have a healthy diet, and do you eat any specific foods that help your training. At the moment my diet isnt great, but when I’m racing I eat pretty well and the closer I get to a big race I clean my diet up.My guilty pleasures are beer and chocolate.

17) Are you a fan of gels, and if so what is your strategy (one before a race, and at set intervals? Just when you feel you need them?), Yes for 20mile races and marathons only, I only use High5 energy gels (orange flavour), for a marathon I would have one at 5m, 10m, 15m and 20m.

18) Six fantasy dinner guests, alive or dead and why? Natalie Portman (because she’s gorgeous), Donald Trump (funny guy says it how it is), Leonardo De Vinci (love to know how his brain works), Eliud Kipchoge (to get running tips) and Yoda (to learn the ways of the force)

19) Favourite ever Olympic moment? Mo winning the 5000/10000 at the 2012 games.

20) If you could attend this years Olympics what event would you most look forward to being at? I guess the 100m as its the blue ribbon event of every olympic games.

21) Did you ever play football, and have you a favourite team? no never really played foot, having a mess about on a sunday morning with my mates while drinking beer doesn’t really count. When asked what time I support I say West Ham, but only because most of my mates support them and they are the largest club to where I live.

22) What made you start running in the first instance and did you do any other sports seriously before ? I’ve ran for as long as I can remember, but what got me more into racing was when I was about 25-26 I did a sponsored 10k run around the Tower of London while running I realised I was overtaking almost everyone and thought I might be good at this so then moved onto the Great North run in 2009 which I did just wearing speedos…

23) What is your employment and how do you fit your training around it? I’m a sales manager for a large freight forwarding company in Tilbury managing 5 people, as its more office based I’m almost always able to get a run in before and after work, my Mrs is pretty relaxed about me being out all the time running.

24) After the pandemic if you could have a ticket for any gig – Who would you go and see? I would probably go V festival with my mates and get out of my head for a couple of days.

25) In a basketball shootout of 20 shots who do you think would win out of Anna Crawley and Andy Catton? I would say Anna

26) Have you ever done a race that has been going so badly that you considered feigning an injury? Yes I a few marathons, 2013 London marathon I blew up at 16m and was walking by 18m, I was looking at every train station thinking I could just slip off and go home, but I then remember I needed my personal belongings which were in the truck at the finish line.