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  Photos from Essex XC Champs – Hadleigh  

Feb 212013
Photos from Essex XC Champs - Hadleigh

  Road Times 2012 – 31/12/2012  

Feb 212013
 Road Times 2012 - 31/12/2012


  Press Report -17/12/2012 – Essex XC Gloucester Park Basildon  

Feb 212013

Essex League Gloucester Park Basildon 15 December There were 11 athletes from Ilford AC in action in the latest round of the Essex Cross-Country league last Saturday at Gloucester Park Basildon. The recent rains made the normal tough hilly course much tougher as the conditions under foot were very wet and boggy. The senior men raced over 8.1km, which included the hilly section, which features four tough climbs, on each of the 2 laps. Leading home Ilford A C was Tom Gardner on his first appearance of the season in 32nd spot with 31m 53s. Backing him up was Kevin Newell, in excellent country form, finishing 41st in 32m 47s while Steve Philcox came home 47th with 33m 21s. There …Read More

  Press Report – 11/12/2012  

Feb 212013
 Press Report - 11/12/2012

South of England Masters Cross-Country Championship There was a small squad in action for Ilford AC at the South of England Masters Cross-Country Championship at the weekend at Claybury Park, Woodford. This was the second successive week that the club had raced at this venue, however the course was different and conditions on this occasion were wet with soft going making the running energy sapping. The deleted squad, due to injury, illness and other commitments, was reduced further in the first race, the Men M50-69 event, when Andy Catton had to put up with a calf injury. The club still managed a team result as Steve Parker led home the team in 80th spot in 47m 04secs for the 10km …Read More