Ilford AC XC Champs. 28th December – Race day instructions.  

Dec 232024
Subject: Ilford AC XC Champs. 28th December – Race day instructions.
Message from Billy Green December 23, 2024 10:02
All Club e-mail messages can now be viewed via the Ilford AC web site link at


The race starts at 10:30.
Can I ask anyone who has kindly offered to help set up gets to the hut to help Alan Pearl load up at 8:30.
When setting up, If I am not yet back from marking/checking the course, we go out through the normal exit (through the bog) and come back the same way (not using the path we use for Essex League) and then run anti clockwise around the field and back into the forest
As per a separate email, if I have requested your help with on the day entries / race recording can you be in place about 9.00 am – I’m assuming the handing over of race numbers and cash machine has been arranged.
If you have kindly offered to marshal, please be on the field ready to grab your high viz and be led out by 9:30am latest.
I’m unable to allocate positions until the actual day as I am getting a few dropouts and offers to ‘possibly help’ so I will have to work with what I have on the day.
Finally, please arrive in plenty of time, as if the field is wet, I won’t be opening it up for parking so you may need to find off street parking.
Alan Pearl has however offered to give a lift to Ilford AC members from the Country Park to the start area. Please contact him directly if you want to take him up on this.

Finally, a very big thank you to those who are helping on the day. Your help is very much appreciated.
The race wouldn’t go ahead without you.

Merry Christmas one and all


If you need to respond to this email please do not reply but contact Billy Green separately