Apr 282021

Subject: THE ESSEX WAY 2021
Message from Billy Green April 28, 2021 15:27
All Club e-mail messages can now be viewed via the Ilford AC web site link at


THE ESSEX WAY 2021 is now open for entries, so get those legs filled up on the following link:-

The password is towie (The only way is Essex – Get it!!)

As it is every year the race is the first Sunday in September, and after the last leg a group of us will be meeting up for Fish and Chips by the sea in Harwich.

Details of the race, and the ten stages can be found here:-

It has been proposed that each stage/leg will set up its own WHATSAPP group to discuss parking, overgrown routes etc so that the day goes as smoothly as possible.
Over the next few months if anyone wants to do a recce of any stage/leg let me know and I will organise something.

The good news is that the preparations are for a NORMAL race, (not waves or chip results as most ‘Elvis’ clubs seem to be preparing for in the Elvis series) so if you want a normal race where the first person to finish wins and if you pip someone at the line then you have actually beat them then get entering and lets fill up those legs.



If you need to respond to this email please do not reply but contact Billy Green separately