One Mile Handicap goes virtual  

Nov 022020

Subject: One Mile Handicap goes virtual
Message from Billy Green November 2, 2020 10:33
All Club e-mail messages can now be viewed via the Ilford AC web site link at

With current restrictions meaning we can’t go ahead with the physical One mile Handicap, we have decided to go virtual.
Run / Walk a mile anytime over the weekend, send me the results and I will collate them and do a write-up.

If you let me know you are taking part I can use Gary’s magic formula to come up with actual and Handicap results.

For fairness, although I wont be checking up, please don’t run down a steep hill, run 4 x 400m on a track with rests in between or submit a mile that was in the middle of a longer run!

If you need to respond to this email please do not reply but contact Billy Green separately