Young Athletes Report 16th January 2017  

Jan 162017

Essex Cross Country League
Braintree 14/01/2017

Ilford Young Athletes had some encouraging runs at the fourth Essex League held at Braintree on Saturday. The snow from Thursday had but gone, but the freezing conditions meant that parts of the course were still frozen and slippery underfoot.
First up was Matthew Hick in the Under 13 race. After a slow start Matthew began to move up through the field and on the twisty part of the course he was flying along. The final part of the course involved a switchback followed by a steep uphill section and long downhill run into the finish.After negotiating the switch back, Matthew flew up the hill and was still taking people as he came into the finish for an excellent 8th place.
The U15 boys have been Ilford’s most successful team this season. However they have failed to close a team since the first match and yet again late illness meant they only had three runners competing. However all three had very good runs. The team was made up of Aaron Samuel, Mungo Prior and Bradley Deacon, all of whom made good starts with Mungo and Aaron being up with the leaders and Bradley working his way through. By the end of the small lap a lead of group of about eight had been established of which Aaron and Mungo were a part. A little further down the field Bradley was making good progress. In the final mile the lead group brokeup with Leon Wheeler of Thurrock stretching away for Victory. Despite almost falling on one of the hills, Aaron had his best run of the season for 3rdplace. Mungo was in his own battle which he just lost on the line yet still ended up in 5th place. Bradley was still moving through the field and powered up the last hill to take 28th place, which was his best position yet in the league and reward for all his recent hard training.
Jordan Hinds was Ilford’s sole runner in the U17 ladies race and after a season interrupted by injury and exams is gradually racing her way back to form. After a steady start she was nicely positioned inthe middle of the field. Her long flowing style is not ideally suited to muddy cross country, but as the race went on she was moving through the field. As with the others the final part of the race involved a steep hill, and the Saturday morning hill sessions clearly paid off as she pulled away from other runners to take a best place in the under 17 category of 11th.

  Young Athletes 11th October 2016  

Oct 112016

One Tree Hill, Langdon Hills, Stanford-Le-Hope
Saturday 8th October

Young Athletes
Although the weather is still warm, Saturday saw the start of this year’s cross country season. The first race was the opening Essex Cross Country League at One Tree Hill in Thurrock. The Ilford youngsters had athletes in three races.
First up was Aaron Hick who is only 8 years of age and was in the Under 11’s race, despite giving away almost 3 years to some of the athletes Aaron had a great run to claim 22nd place.
Next up were the U13’s in which Ilford had three athletes,Matthew Hick made a great start and was always up with the leaders, Mario Dobrescu a sprinter by trade was having his first ever outing over the country.The final member of the team Euan Johnstone has missed a bit of training recently so made a cautious start. As the lap progressed, Matthew continued to hang in with the lead group, but was unable to respond when the first three broke away. However he hung to take a brilliant 4th place in a time of 12.48. Mario was enjoying his first outing over the country and worked his way through the field to finish in 18th in 14.03. Euan did not have such an enjoyable run and took a heavy fall in the forest section of the course, he managed to get up and finish in 31st in 15.43. Unfortunately with only three athletes Ilford did not finish a team.

Mungo-PriorIlford a had a team of five in the U15’s and Mungo Prior and Aaron Samuels both made good starts, Farris Patel got caught up at the start and had to work to get near the leading group, Jack Halil dressed up for arctic conditions was moving, with Bradley Deacon close behind. Mungo and Aaron continued to remain with the lead group as they moved into the second lap, with Farris still trying to regain contact. Further down, Jack was finding the dry ground to his liking and had moved ahead of Bradley.
As they the last part of the course, Mungo had moved into 2ndplace, but believing he still had another lap to go did not sprint on the final hill and ended up finishing 4th.Aaron had a great finish for 10th place, closely followed by Farris in 13th. The team was closed out by Jack in 33rd place,with Bradley finishing strongly for 45th. Ilford finished with 60points which was good enough for second place behind Thurrock in the team event.

  Young Athletes Awards Evening – 30th September 2016  

Oct 022016

The Young Athletes Awards evening was held on Friday 30th September. President Robin Davis was in attendance to present the awards and photos of the winners can be viewed in the gallery and here

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  Young Athletes Report 27th September 2106  

Sep 272016

Ilford Youngsters Triumph at Weekend

Ilford AC Youngsters competed over the weekend with great success. The first big Cross Country race of the season was the Essex relays, held in Hockley. All the major Essex Clubs were competing and there was a large turnout. Ilford entered 2 Teams in the u15s Boys race.
In the A team, Farris Patel ran a great opening leg to run the 6th Fastest time of the day in 9:05 and bring Ilford in 3rd Position. Aaron Samuel ran the second leg and went off very quickly to catch up the 2 leading teams. Aaron has missed some training over the summer but he ignored that fact and went away from the field to run an outstanding leg and give Ilford a big lead.Aaron showed how much potential he has by running the 2nd fastest time of the day in 8.57.
The final leg runner was Mungo Prior , who powered round the course in 9:00,the 5th fastest time of the day , bringing Ilford home by some distance and being crowned Essex Champions.This performance bodes well for the rest of the Cross country season
In the B team, 11 Year old Matthew Hick ran the first leg against much older athletes and ran a very promising 10:21 to bring Ilford home in 11th Position.Matthew handed over to Bradley Deacon, who as usual ran very well in 10:41, to hand over to Jack Halil. Jack , more custom to running shorter distance, ran a great leg at 10.14, to bring Ilford home in 13th position. It was great to see Ilford have so much depth at the U15 Boys age group

On Sunday the Valentines Park Charity 5k Elvis race was held. Over 200 athletes started the race. Ilford ACs 15 Year old youngster Jordan Hinds competed in the race,coming off a track season , running 400s and 800s , with great success.Jordan went off slowly being caught up at the start of the race and was 5th place after the first lap. In the second lap, Jordan picked it up and started to catch up the female athletes in front of her and outsprinted the field to win the Adult female race in a great time of 20:32. This was a big personal best and a great achievement for a 15 year old girl and once again bodes well for the up and coming cross country season.


  Young Athletes Report 30th August 2016  

Aug 302016

Essex Track and field Championships
Southend 27th August 2016

Ilford AC had a highly successful day at the final day of this year’sEssex Track Championships at Southend last Saturday. The meeting consisted of afew individual events, but most of the meeting comprised of relays in which Ilford contested eight and picked up medals in six of them.
First up were the women in the Under 17 4x 100 where the teamconsisted of Isabella Hick, Jordan Hinds, Ayshah Lawrence and Ellie Wright. The competition was pretty stiff and they did great to reach the final, where theytook 8th place.
Next up were the under 15 boys also in the 4x 100. TheIlford team of Jack Halil, Aaron Samuel, Mungo Prior and Farris Patel are allmiddle distance runners and the step down to the sprints was a bit of a shockto their systems, but they did well to take 5th place.
The Under 17 women were back up next, in the 3x 800m.Isabella was on first leg and made a fast start and got the team intocontention on the first lap, however her fast early pace took its toll on thesecond lap and she drifted to 5th place. Ellie who is not over keenon running the 800m ran the second leg and despite losing one place ran asteady leg. Jordan flew off on the 3rd leg and was rapidly closingdown on athletes ahead of her, she passed one each lap bringing the team home in 4thplace. However as the U15 were also in the same race Ilford claimed 2ndplace and silver medals in the U17 category.
Like the women’s race the U15 boys and U17 men’s 3x 800 wasa combined race, Mungo ran first leg for Ilford where the Colchester athlete made aflying start and soon established a huge lead. Mungo stayed with the pack andhanded over to Jack in 4th place. For the first lap Jack was content tosit in with the group, but at the bell he surged to the front. However the tworunners went with him, whereas previously he has faltered down the backstraight, this time he hung in there and kicked again over the last 100m tohand over in 3rd. Farris went on leg three. By this time the longtime leaders Colchester were struggling and soon Orion moved into the lead withFarris moving into second place, a position they held until the finish. Howeverin turned out the Orion team were U17’s so Ilford took the gold medal in theU15 category.
The women’s 4x 300m followed and once again Isabella ranfirst leg and against strong opposition handed over in 4th place.Ayshah who has never raced further than 200m and was nervous before the startran a great second leg retaining 4th place. Jordan pulled out allthe stops on the 3rd leg and matched to catch the 3rdplace athlete and handed over to Ellie level with Orion. The last leg runnerfor Orion made a very fast start and created an immediate gap over Ellie, anddespite Ellie closing in the home straight, Ilford had to settle for fourth.However when the results were read out the first place team were disqualified,moving Ilford up to 3rd, which meant across the three events all thegirls, had received a County medal. Which clearly delighted Ayshah who keptsmiling the rest of the day.
Aaron Samuel who is just back from a long holiday and behindin training ran a great opening leg in the Under 15 boys 4x 300 bringing theteam home in 3rd place. Jack had another storming run flying alongthe back straight and handing over in second place. Mungo ran third leg and maintainedsecond place which, which meant Farris ran the anchor leg and bought the teamhome in a hard earned second. Like the girls every one of the boys received acounty medal.
The senior men’s 4x 400 contained a team of middle distancerunners who used this as an end of season blow out. Jack Maher ran first legand came home in an excellent 2nd place, before handing over to AlexRichards who held onto second place. Ahmed Abdulle who rarely runs anythingshorter than 1500m showed he has a turn of speed by maintaining 2ndbefore handing over to Simeon Balsom. Simeon who ran close to 50 seconds in a recent leg match trieddesperately to catch the Chelmsford athlete ahead of him and got to within 15metres but ultimately had to settle for second place.
The final event of the day was the rarely run Medley relaywhich consisted of 200, 200, 400, 800. Young Temi Adershorn ran the first legfor Ilford, and although he prefers the 100m ran a great opening leg cominghome in 3rd place. Jack took the baton on the second leg and ran agreat bend to move the team into second place. Having only just recovered froma great leg in the 4x 400 Simeon was called upon to run anther 400m andalthough he got close to the Chelmsford athlete there was still a gap of 20 metreswhen he handed on to Ahmed . A fast start was made by Ahmed and he halved thegap on the first lap, but going into the wind on the back straight the Chelmsford athlete just managed tostretch the gap out again which he helduntil the finish.
At the end of the meeting Ilford had one Gold Medal, 4Silvers and one Bronze and everyone that competed won at least one medal.