Press Report 27th February 2024  

Feb 262024

Brighton Half Marathon
Sunday 25th February

Sunday saw the 34th edition of the Brighton half marathon and in attendance was husband and wife duo Tarik and Carlie Qirem.

The 13.1-mile route, mainly along the seafront, takes in some of the city’s best-known sights, including Brighton Palace Pier, the Royal Pavilion and the colourful beach huts of Hove.

The pair started the race together in almost perfect conditions. Tackling the only major hill in the race during the first two miles saw Tarik split off, demonstrating his London marathon training is paying off. Ticking off the miles and showing that her training is coming back after an eventful 2023, Carlie surprised herself and him by catching him up at mile 9.

As always in Brighton, you can never trust the weather to play ball. In the final few miles with a turn back along the sea wall straight into a headwind, made the final 5km back to the finish line a real battle for the pair.

Finishing together in true style, Tarik achieved a fantastic pb in 1:37:23, by over 90 seconds, and Carlie came in just outside her pb, by 30 seconds, in 1:37:28.

London Winter run (10k)
Trafalgar Square
Sunday 25th February

On a  cold Sunday morning, Ilford athletes Mandy Reid and Billy Green lined up alongside 20,000 other runners for the ‘10k London Winter run’,  which is an annual event through the city of London, organized by Cancer Research UK

The 10k route which starts on Trafalgar Square and passes such iconic London Landmarks as St Paul’s Cathedral and St. Mary-le-bow church (home of the famous Bow Bells) before finishing on Whitehall alongside The Cenotaph, was lined with Polar bears, penguins and yetis – or at least people dressed up as such!

First home for Ilford was Billy Green, on one of his rare outings nowadays, coming home in a respectable 51m 51 secs.
Mandy Reid, who showed how well her London Marathon training schedule was going, ran a terrific race to finish in 53 mins 45 secs, and achieved a new Personal best over the distance.

Both runners dedicated their runs to former teammate Nicola Hopkinson who lost her own battle with cancer recently, and a message was placed on the memory board in her name.

  Nicola Hopkinson Tribute  

Feb 202024

Message from Club Chairman Ernie Forsyth:-

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart (broken ) that I pass on this devastating news
We have been informed by Robin Davis that Ilford AC stalwart, Nicola Hopkinson, has passed away after a long and brave battle against cancer.
This is terribly sad news for everybody who was fortunate enough to have had their lives touched by Nicola. Our love, condolences, thoughts and prayers are with Nicola’s family. 😓😓


    Please leave your tribute to Nicola below and it will appear on this page shortly or if you refresh:-

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    Tributes to Nicola

    Kareem Beckett-Edwards
    R.I.P to Nicola I remember when I used to come athletics with my brother and dad and she would always be so positive and always full of respect. Always there for everyone and was always saying hello to me and my brother. My condolences go to her family may she rest in heaven
    Pauline Tester
    RIP Nic - A life well lived. I will miss our walks, runs and swims together. A great IAC member in all respects.
    Paul King
    Such tragic news
    My thoughts are with Nicola and her family x
    Steve Uttley
    I communicated with Nicola many times and she was extremely diligent in all she did. I'm extremely sorry she has died. Steve Uttley
    Launa Broadley
    Nicola, you will be missed greatly. You have been a tremendous support in helping others realise their potential. You are one of my biggest cheerleaders and I appreciate You. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many over the decades. Now it is time to wish you goodnight. RIP ?
    Dianne & Neil
    Nic Hoppo, our dear team mate, friend and past president.
    Nic always supported IAC using her skills on the subscriptions. You were fab at getting people to pay on time. Also always helping the club organising race entries. Nic attended Track & Field judge courses so that she could help out at the track meets in recent years.
    Nic ran some fantastic marathons, xcountry Triathlon’s and cold water swims. Amongst her successes and achievements Nic was named on the Majors wall of fame.
    We always loved hearing about Nic’s adventurous holidays invariably involving some sport!
    We will remember you while running along the hospital path and park at Seven kings where we used to meet you especially during your treatment and covid to walk and chat.
    You were very positive and brave throughout the last 4 years, an inspiration to us all. You left us too soon.

    We miss you loads,
    Dianne & Neil.
    Sharon Honey
    It was such a privilege to know Nicola as a friend and fellow runner. She epitomised everything that is Ilford AC and was always so upbeat and lived life to the full. I was fortunate to go for many walks with her in the last few years and she always insisted my dog Poppy came along too. They had a very special bond. We will miss her. RIP Nic xx
    Diarmuid MacDonnell
    Rest in peace, Nicola.
    Your spirit lives on and whenever we wear the Ilford vest you will be there with us roaring us on! Our gratitude is eternal.
    Dave Ainsworth
    Much missed Nicola was a lovely lady and a truly committed stalwart of our Club. A most diligent Membership/Subscriptions Officer. Her loss is so, so sad. Dave Ainsworth
    Carol muir
    nicola was such an inspiration to everyone,always there to support everyone with their running and social events. She great support for me at my 100,250,500 parkrun .she will missed by everyone. R i p nicola.
    I don't think I saw Nicola looking unhappy. She was always friendly and chatty. She will be missed.
    Nicola was such an inspiration to us and an all-round athlete who achieved so much. She always had a smile on a face and had such a warm and friendly personality. She will be greatly missed. RIP Nicola
    Nic… I know for a fact you would have collared a fellow travelling soul for a lift to the pearly gates where, accompanied by your entry box of tricks and multi version forms, you would have met with the supreme and ultimate Entries Secretary St Peter manning the desk. Besieged by your endless and muddled witterings and after a quick check that the quality of your warm-up was in order he would henceforth have waved you through without further delay. Rest in Peace dear friend. ❤️
    Sally Gillam
    It is hard to process the fact that Nicola is no longer with us. We were great friends from about 2003. I first really connected with her when we were running up the hill to the Bald Hind on a long training run for the London Marathon and I mentioned I was looking for someone to climb Kilimanjaro with. She had agreed to come before we had reached the top of the hill. That led onto many holidays together whether running or for travelling. In the last week as I have been thinking about what to write in this tribute, I have thought of so many memories of the fun we had together.
    She was a great runner especially over the marathon distance. She was also conscious of the pecking order so when we ran Le marathon du Medoc to celebrate our 50th birthdays (a full marathon with hills, wine stops and compulsory fancy dress – Nicola was Twiggy, I was Dusty Springfield – 60’s icons) we ran together, drank at every wine stop - wine and water which meant numerous toilets stops, then we crossed the line together. When we looked at the results, I appeared first by virtue of my surname appearing first in the alphabet. She was a little disgruntled but when I explained, we laughed. Nicola was competitive to the bone.
    As well as being a loyal team runner at IAC, Nicola went onto be an important member of the race organising team, a track and field official, a committee member and an active President of the club. She also gave generously to the club financially. Despite my departure from Ilford, we always kept in touch and she visited me in both Harwich and Paris. She will be missed by many. She fought the cancer bravely and it was only towards the end that her struggles were evident. I know she wants us to celebrate her life and I hope that we will all get the chance to do so at some point. Death is life’s greatest certainty and I salute Nicola for living her life to the full (the 6 marathon majors – respect) and visiting every continent. Rest in Peace Nicola.
    Julie Gillender
    Nicola was a great inspiration to me with my running. She will be sadly missed by everyone in IAC. RIP Nicola.
    Stephen philcox
    I will miss Nicola for her friendship, kind and warm personality.With a passion and talent for running our club will be forever poorer for your passing.R.I.P
    James Huddart
    It was a great pleasure to have known Nicola, she was such a great asset to Ilford A/C & a great inspiration to all the members. She was such a kind, generous & brave lady. Rest in Peace Dear Nicola ???
    Terry Knightley
    I have known Nicola at Ilford AC for well over twenty years and she will be missed by all - RIP Nicola x
    Billy Green
    I had known Nicola for 15+ years and shall always remember how determined she was in everything she did, whether it was chasing up subscriptions, organising races, preparing herself on race day or training for Marathons.
    I did many long training runs with Nicola back in the day, and there was never any awkward silences mainly because she was so enthusiastic and chatty but also because her pace meant I struggled to speak myself.
    These last couple of years I never heard her complain once about her condition or have a 'why me' attitude she just fought it with the same determination she faced everything else.
    On one of our last conversations I told her how much I admired all her marathons and she thanked me and said that they were her proudest achievements.

    We'll all miss you Nicola xx
    Such a cheerful, friendly lady - always a smile on her face, she was an inspiration to many of us through her running & her attitude to life.
    RIP Nicola x
    Steve Parker
    I will miss Nicola. Always smiling. We spent a lot of happy times swimming and on long bike rides, often stopping in a tea shop. We rode the Surry London 100 mile together and she said she was on a mission. Such energy and determination. I drove her to and from hospital many times for her treatment. Not once was she ever depressed about her condition.
    She is an inspiration in so many ways to all of us.
    Tony Nixon
    When someone who is a real cornerstone of the club passes on it brings an extra sense of loss to all club members. So it is with real sadness that I join our fellow club members in paying my respects and passing on my love to Nicola and family. Tony
    RIP Nicola , so sad to loose one of the genuine good guys too soon ❤️
    Peter Spelman
    I count Nicola both as a valued friend and a brilliant runner. She was a massive inspiration to me with her willingness to travel all round the world to compete in marathons. Nicola willingly gave a lot of her time and energy to Ilford AC and made a real difference to the club. She will be missed!
    Danny Holeyman
    I only knew Nicola for a few years but within a short space of time of meeting her I realised what a selfless person she was and how dedicated she was to the Club and the Sport. I have fond memories of her time as President and presenting young Ryan with one of his club trophies. I also recall tracking her performance in the Boston marathon with great interest and admiration. It takes a special person to have the determination to be a six star major marathon finisher. The club is a better place for Nic having been involved - thank you for that Nicola. You were taken too young but I’m glad you are at peace now.
    John Batchelor
    Terribly sad news about a lovely, friendly lady who put in such great service to our Club and was clearly a shining light to all. RIP Nicola
    Nicola had such a great way to be cheerful and lift your spirits with her stories and never ending chatter. She had a wonderful way of making you feel positive about how you were performing with your running and would offer helpful tips to help you improve. She was incredibly proud of Ilford AC and never missed an opportunity to invite people to sign up after a couple of weeks of training with us. I thoroughly enjoyed her enthusiasm and her high energy levels and her running achievements were honestly amazing.
    Alan Pearl
    Fond memories of our training and fund raising for the 2019 London Surrey 100mile bike ride, where you completed your London Classics. A top all round athlete and invaluable Ilford AC club administrator and volunteer. Ultra competitive but with a heart of GOLD.

    Rest Peacefully Nicola x
    Melinda Jones
    Nicola I will miss our runs, our swims, our walks, our cycles and most of all our social get togethers. I feel blessed that we were able to ski in France last year as your last holiday wish. Your courage was inspirational during your treatment. I feel privileged to have known you. Rest in peace Nicola and do a lap for me in Heaven.
    How do you begin to write a tribute when the pain and sense of loss is so raw.
    Nicola and I spent so much time together travelling to and from hospital appointments, track and field competitions and various races. We spoke at great lengths about her diagnosis and cancer treatments. I believe that Nic felt that as a former cancer sufferer I may have been able to discuss the mental, physical and emotional effects of this horrible disease.
    The best advise that I could give Nic was to be positive, rely on friends and family and don't be afraid to ask pertinent questions about her treatment. I know that Nicola really appreciated the support that she received from friends and family, whether it was accompanying her to appointments,taking time for a telephone conversation or a walk over the park.
    I am sure that Nicola's stubbornness and sheer will to fight this disease and not let it dominate the goals that she had set for herself extended her life when many others would have succumbed to it a lot earlier.
    Nicola's passion for life was never in doubt, whether it was running, cycling , swimming or skiing, Nic was a fierce and successful competitor admired by all.
    Whether Nic was competing, judging
    Or carrying out administrative work she always gave her very best.She was a great field judge, brilliant administrator and an integral part of the Ilford AC family.
    Spending time with Nic was always a great pleasure and it is very difficult to come the realisation that we will not see her again or hear her constant chat or see her big smile. I will always smile when I remember Nic and count myself blessed to have known her and spent time in her company.
    Our deepest condolences to Nicola's family, friends and Ilford AC membership.
    It will take us all a long time to process this loss.
    Rest in peace Nic, nobody could have fought harder for so long
    We will miss you so much and try to live our lives mirroring your determination and passion.
    Blessed memories
    Frieda Keane
    Nicola welcomed everyone to the club.
    Her positive attitude and desire to make the most of every day throughout her illness will remain an inspiration- just like her marathon running.
    We will not forget you xxx
    Susan, Rhys and Ronan
    In our few years at Ilford Athletics Club Nicola has stood out as an amazing club member who firstly warmly welcomed us all and then regularly gave so generously of her time as a Field Official at so many matches.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with all of Nicolas family and friends. Rest in Peace Nicola.
    Akwasi :Nkrumah
    Sorry to hear, and our deepest Condolences to the family. In the short time of knowing Nicola, she has been smiley and welcoming. Rest In Peace...
    Claire Levey
    Such sad news to hear for such a lovely lady. RIP Nicola. My thoughts and prayers to your family and friends. You will be missed by all your friendds at IAC x
    what an individual Nicola is. Really very sad to hear this devastating news. Nicola is very helpful, very kind and most positive person. My heartfelt condolences to Nicola's family and friends. Its a shocking news to the club and her club mates. My last interaction with nicola was during the ELVIS club 5 miler in July last year. RIP my friend
    Joe Ramen
    Your memory will live on as this tree blossoms and grows.
    Sam Malekout
    So sorry to hear this news. Nicola was such a big part of Ilford AC, always really friendly and a pleasure to be around. Rest well Nicola ?
    Desperately sad news.
    Nicola was a former club President, long serving committee member, membership officer and a talented runner. She will be very sadly missed by all at IAC


      Press Report 20th February 2024  

    Feb 202024

    British Masters Indoor Championships
    Lee Valley

    After so many issues with injuries over the season, Krystle Balogun went into last weekend’s British Masters wanting to race well, but without too many expectations..

    Competing in the 200m Krystle made an explosive start to the race, always being in contention of a medal, and not only did she exceed all her expectations but she finished with a silver medal and a personal best time of 26:48.

    Speaking afterwards Krystle was eager to dedicate her run to former club President and long serving club member  NICOLA HOPKINSON who sadly lost her long battle with cancer last week.

    Krystle said 

     “In the 10 years I’ve been in the club, she was a lovely kind hearted person, who really dedicated a lot of her time to the club, organizing races, collecting subscriptions, being a race Official in so many Southern leagues and events, and training for marathons. I have fond memories of running in Cross Country races with her in the women’s team, in relays and Elvis league runs, before transitioning from middle distance to eventually sprints.


    Pulse Under the Lights 5k
    Battersea Park

    3 Ilford Athletes made their way across town to Battersea Park to compete in the Pulse Under the Lights 5k last Friday.
    First up was Alex Richards, who continued his rich vein with a great run to take first place in the 2nd wave of runners.  His time, very impressive 14.52, was not only a 46 second pb, but is the 5th fastest ever, by an Ilford athlete, for a road 5k.

    Mungo Prior who as been suffering with both injury and illness recently had a solid comeback run with a time of 15.45

    Jordan Hinds was in a high quality women’s elite race. Jordan has struggled a bit this winter with a hip injury which has affected her track work, but on the road she is flying and produced a very good run, knocking 4 seconds off her pb in clocking 18.38. 
    This moves her up to 7th fastest on the Ilford ladies all time 5k road list.

      Press Report 12th February 2024  

    Feb 122024

    Hainault Forest
    Saturday 12 February


    The final round of this winter’s Essex Cross-Country League was staged by Ilford AC over a very muddy course at Hainault Forest, The club had a very good turnout of runners participating in this round throughout the age groups.

    First race of the day was the U13 boys and girls race, which was over a distance of approx. 3k.

    Barney Perkins ran a gutsy 13:26 for 20th place backed up just 12 seconds and 3 places later by Khalif Ali.
    For the girls, Hawaa Patel ran 17:22 for 24th female place.

    Next up was the U15 boys on an approx. 4k.
    Sam Horsley, who last week ran a brilliant 7th place in the South of England Championships, ran another great performance to claim 2nd place in a time of 14:07. Aron Berhe was next in 18th place in 16:07, closely followed 2 places later by Ryder Islam in 16:25. Luke Thake came in 33rd in 19:39 with Jayden-Kyle McDermott closing the squad in 37th in 20:34

    The next race was the U17 Men and Women, held over a 7k course.
    Aaron Hick led the Men home in 10th place for 20:29 followed just one place later by Samuel Crane in 20:49.
    James Thake completed the Men’s team, who finished 4th on the day in a time of 23:17 for 21st place.
    Leila Louder, making her cross country debut on probably the hardest course of the season, was Ilfords only female in the race, but she ran an impressive 30:00 for 10th place in the women’s category.

    Penultimate race of the day was the Senior women’s race, again held over an approx. 7k course.

    The ladies were led home by Jordan Hinds, who has had a good Cross country season, in 11th place in a time of 26 mins 52 secs.
    Next home was Anna Crawley in 29 mins 42 secs for 37th and Carlie Qirem in 40th  with 30 mins 01 secs. The scoring team was completed by Alison Sale with 31 mins 18 secs for 52nd  spot  and 3rd in the F55 age category on the day. 
    Dianne Crisp in 83rd place in a time of 36:11 earned her 2nd place in the W60 Category on the day.
    The other Ilford ladies in action were:  Pauline Tester 66th 33 mins.17 secs  Frieda Keane 101st  41 mins.02 secs Julia Galea 104th  42 mins.12 secs and Launa Broadley 109th 46 mins.31 secs

    The senior men raced over 8 km and first home for Ilford in their squad of 18 runners was Alex Richards, who is in top form at present, in 2nd place in 27 mins 47 secs.
    Rohan Edwards was next home in 33rd with 31 mins 06 specs and Malcolm Muir 53rd in 32 mins 57 secs . Josh Adler took 60th spot in 33 mins 48 secs and Dylan Harrod placed 62nd with 33.53 secs. 
    Steve Philcox closed the scoring team in 34 mins 37 secs for 75th and 3rd in the m55 age group in this race.

    Further down the field Andy Catton finished as 2nd in the M70 category in 188th place in 44 mins 01 secs.

    The rest of the Ilford team in action were: Seb Parris 86th  35 mins13 secs  Dan Holeyman 87th  35 mins14 secs  Akwasi Nkumah 98th  35 mins 50 secs  Dave Thomas 127th  37 mins.39 secs Neil Crisp 129th 37 mins 45 secs Steve Horsley 163rd  41 mins.24 secs  Tarik Qirem 174th  42 mins 17 secs  Bradley Brown 183rd  42 mins 57 secs  Steve Lacey 201st  45 mins.58 secs and  Jim Tilbrook 223rd  53 mins 46 secs

    In the match Ilford ladies had a good day finishing 7th and that placed them 10th in league and secured their division 1 status next year.
    The men were also 7th in this match and finished in that place in division 1 this season.

    Individually for the series there were 1st place age category awards  for  Steve Philcox  (m55) and Andy Catton (M70) and husband and wife Neil and Dianne Crisp both were placed 2nd in their respective 60 age category

      Press Report 6th February 2024  

    Feb 062024

    Victoria Park
    Saturday 3rd February


    The 6th and penultimate round of this season’s Chingford League was held at the traditional February venue of Victoria Park. The race was over 5 miles on a flat, fast figure of eight circuit of the park and Ilford AC had a large squad of 21 in action.

    The Ilford Ladies race in division 2 of the league and are currently challenging for promotion to the top league.
    Jordan Hinds ran a new personal best time of 32 mins 09 secs for 4th in the second tier and there was also a new best time for Anna Crawley in 7th spot with 33 mins 47 secs. Carlie Qirem placed 15th in 35 mins 32 secs with Pauline Tester recording 38 mins 52 secs for 32nd.
    Alison Sale came home 35th in 39 mins 26 secs and Mandy Reid closed the scorers in 46th in 43 mins 1 secs.
    There was an unexpected personal best for Launa Broadley of 47 mins 54 secs after a fine run in 63rd.
    Also in action for the ladies were: Dianne Crisp (55th) Frieda Keane (66th ) and Julia Galea (68th)

    In the match Ilford finished 4th team and with just the relay to go are placed 3rd ,1pt behind Mornington Chasers. The fixture will decide which club is promoted to division one with Barnet for next season

    Best of the 11 Ilford men in action was Danny Holeyman in 20th in 30 mins 34 secs with Josh Adler recording 31 mins 03 secs one place behind on his distance debut. Next in with a new best time for the distance was Steve Chissell in 33 mins 27 secs for 31st, and Neil Crisp placed 34th in 33 mins 41 secs. Tarik Qirem was another racing the distance for the first time finishing in 34 mins 02 secs for 36th. The last scoring runner for the club was Bradley Brown in 48th with 36 mins 02 secs. 

    There were two other runners recording new personal bests for 5 miles; Nick West with 36 mins 06 secs and Sean Costello in 39 mins 51 secs, whilst Jim Tilbrook ran his best over the distance for many years, finishing in 77th place in a time of 40 mins 18 seconds

    Also in action were: Craig Livermore (56th) Steve Crane (66th ) and Ed Skinner (83rd )

    Like the ladies the Ilford men were 4th in their match and as they are currently 2nd in the division will be pushing for promotion at next month’s relays on Wanstead Flats.


    Ilford AC had14 young athletes at the Chingford league race.

    In the U13 boys race there was another 1st place for Barney Perkins in a time of 12:29, a victory that confirmed him as a series winner in the competition.
    Teammate Khalif Ali ran an excellent race in 12.40m for a terrific 3rd place on the day and an overall 4th place in the Chingford league series.
    Elias Furreedan was the next Ilford athlete to finish in a  best time of 14.28m and 12th position.
    Making his Ilford debut and finishing in 15th position was Daniel Guiba in a time of 15.32m.

    For the U13 girls Hawaa Patel, making her debut, ran a strong race and with a fast finish managed to seal an impressive 4th place in a time of 15.07.

    Ryder Islam led home the U15 boys team finishing in 2nd place in a time of 14.39m. Backing up his teammate in 5th position was Aron Berhe finishing in 15.05m.
    3rd U15 athlete was ever improving Luke Thake in a good time of 18.27m
    Two U15 athletes were making their debuts in this competition and both ran very well.
    Ethan Guiba finished 19th  position in 20.24m and Adrian Sematimba  ran a steady 21.00m finishing in 20th place.

    In the U15 girls race debutant Diya Kaur ran a consistent and strong race to finish in 6th place with a time of 21.10m.

    In the U17 boys’ race there was an impressive victory for Samuel Crane in 13:28 whilst Aaron Hick finished 4th in 15:42

    Leila Lauder was Ilford’s sole competitor in the U17 girls race and had an impressive victory in a time of 18.24m, an impressive improvement on last years’ time of 18.45m.

    Goodwood Motor Racing Circuit
    Sunday 4th February

    The British Masters 10km Championships took place in Sussex as part of the Chichester 10km. This race has a large strong field of over 1000 of which 241 were entered in the various age categories of the British Masters.
    The race started with a lap of the Goodwood Motor Racing circuit, before going out onto the nearby country lanes to finish back at the start\finish line on the circuit.
    On a dull overcast morning Joel Denning was best of the 4 Ilford AC athletes in action coming home in 40 mins 32 secs for 18th in the M45 group, while Joanne Reeves crossed the line in 45 mins precisely to place 9th in the F45 category.
    Highest placed in the age group for the club was Andy Catton in 8th in the M70s with 46 mins 17 secs and Rob Sargent completed the squad in 13th in the M65 group with 58 mins 30 secs.

    The men combined as a M45 composite team and placed 5th in that category.



    Alex Richards continued with his impressive indoor form at the South of England champs at Lee Valley last weekend

    Prior to his race in the London Champs the previous week, his pb stood at 1.58, which he reduced to 1.56.84

    In the Southern Champs, he went even better. There were 3 heats and qualification was tough with only winners guaranteed to reach the final. Alex was drawn in heat 1 and made sure of his place in the final by winning his heat in an indoor pb time of 1.55.24

    The final was held 3 hours later and included some sub 1.50 athletes. The pace was quick from the off, but Alex was in a great position around the tight indoor bends and was in either 3rd or 4th position to start.

    Jack Higgins from Tonbridge won the race in 1.49.17, but Alex ran great 3rd and 4th laps, to not only gain 3rd, but set another pb of 1.53.23. If he can achieve a similar time outdoors he will be amongst the top 10 fastest ever Ilford athletes over 800m

    Isle of Wight

    In a field of over 500 runners Ilford stalwart Malcolm Muir gave his usual gutsy performance to finish an impressive 20th place in a time of 1 hr 3 mins 04 secs, a time that placed him 2nd M45 on the day