Press Report 9th February 2016  

Feb 092016

Colchester Garrison
Sunday 7 February 2016

Ilford AC produced some encouraging performances in the final round of this season’s Essex Cross-Country League held on the playing fields at Colchester Garrison last Saturday when placing 4th in the senior men’s match and 5th in the senior ladies, their best positions of the season.

The ladies raced over 6km on a parkland course on a windy afternoon. Despite being weakened by 4 of the team being delayed in traffic after an accident closed the A12 and were therefore unable to reach the venue, the ladies still managed to close a scoring team in one of their best performances for several years. Leading the way was team captain Jenni Sheehan in a best ever 11th place in 23mins 24 secs. She was supported by Bree Nordin in 27th with 25m 22s and Mel Jones one spot back 25m 41s. The team was closed by Julie Gillender who battled her way to 65th to give the team a 5th place finish.

The Ilford men fielded a strong squad headed by Blair McWhirter, who is looking sharper by the week, in 3rd spot with 28m 28s for the 9km event. Malcolm Muir came home 9th, regaining fitness following an autumn injury and both Steve Philcox and Paul Holloway were in good form for 35th and 36th respectively in 31m 31s and 31m 45s. Sam Rahman ran one of his better races over the country for 41st in 32m 14 and Kevin Wotton closed the scorers for the Ilford team in 47th with 33m 11s. The team were rewarded with a season high 4th place finish in the match. Neil Crisp was half a stride behind Wotton with the same time. Terry Knightley liked the drier grassland course for 56th in 34m 03s and Rohan Alexander had a rare run over the country in 34m 51s for 63rd. Two long standing stalwarts of the club were next home; Tony Nixon in 72nd and 35m 41s and Andy Catton 77th with 36m 03s, both being bloodied by some low hanging tree branches on route. The squad were completed by Gary Floate 96th, 39m 32s, and Ed Skinner one spot behind him in 40m 09s.

In the earlier junior races the Club were well represented in both the under 13 and under 15 age groups. In the under 13 boys race Bradley Deacon was first home for Ilford in 21st closely followed by Matthew Hick in 23rd with Evan Johnstone following in 35th. The under 15 Girls saw Isabella Hick finish in 22nd and in the boys under 15 Jack Halil was 31st.

Over the season Ilford finished 8th in division 1 of the senior men’s league and 5th in the senior ladies. In the separate Veterans league the men were
4th and the ladies 7th. There were also some very encouraging performances from the Club’s emerging Young athletes which bodes well for the future.

Individually Bree Nordin was the winner of the F55 category for the ladies and Andy Catton took the M60 group gold with Tony Nixon in silver position.



Sunday 7 February 2016

Ilford Acs Nicola Hopkinson took to the roads for the hilly, windy Watford Half Marathon and showed her preparations for the Tokyo Marathon at the end of the month are going well as she recorded 1h 45m 58s for 103rd female finisher and 23rd in her age category.

Wednesday 3 February

Sam Rahman of Ilford Ac ran in ht 2 of the indoor mile at Lee Valley Indoor Athletic Centre and started strongly to be up with the leaders. On the 3rd of the 8 laps he took the race on. Sam powered on to win the race in a new personal best of 4m 58.59s.

Elsewhere on 31st January Our Turkey breeding reporter relates some carrot crunching yarns :-

Ilford AC (Norfolk section) today fielded a full squad to compete in the Freethorpe 10 mile race, organised by Great Yarmouth & District Athletic Club and held on the rolling country lanes in and around the village of Freethorpe in the Broadland District of Norfolk.
The wintry grey sky, cold wind and light rain didn’t deter the 600 runners as they set off on what is a tougher course than its location would suggest.
The most notable run of the day for the Ilford squad and first home was by Paul Emery who, having been beset by a long term injury, had the privilege of donning the coveted Blue Hooped vest, in an open race, for the first time since the 11th June 2013.
He was pleased with his time, unofficially 01:21:22, and was pleased to get round following a recent heavy cold and lack of training. He now looks forward to the Broadland Half Marathon on 13th March 2016.

B. Matthews. Norfolk correspondent

  Press Report 2nd February 2016  

Feb 022016

South of England Cross Country Championships
Parliament Hill Fields
Saturday 30 January

Ilford AC’s young athletes section continued it ‘s resurgence with another excellent turnout in the South of England Cross Country Championships held last Saturday at Parliament Hill Fields, the traditional home of English Cross Country. For somethis was to be their toughest test to date with the course’s infamous hills and strength sapping mud as ever in abundance. Opening the Ilford account were four boys competing in the U13 event, an age group in which the Club has not fielded a team for some years. Leading the team homewas Farris Patel in a creditable 59th place. He was backed up by Matthew Hick in , 147thBradley Deacon in166th, and Euan Johnstone in 260th. In the u/15 girls race Jordan Hinds finished 156th with training partner Isabella Hick in 231st. Jack Halil competing in the u15 boys unfortunately turned his ankle on the muddy course but ran on gamely to finish in 270th place. The u/17 boys found the course hard going with Usamah Patel who was carrying a knee injury pulling out and Ahmed Abdullec who did not feel too well had to settle for 30th place.

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The senior men’s race featured a strong 5 man Ilford squad competing with over 1000 runners over 15km of a challenging hilly course which was as usual very wet and muddy at this time of year. Leading the Ilford challenge was New Zealander Blair McWhirter, who is beginning to come to terms with English cross-country courses recording 140th position in 57m 34s. Malcolm Muir was close behind in 152nd with 57m 54s and not for the first time Paul Holloway showed good form in 356th with 63m 40s. Neil Crisp battled hard to finish 529th with 67m 35s and Sam Rahman completed the Ilford runners in position 555 and a time of 68m 34s.

Three Ilford youngsters Bradley Deacon 1st u/13 boys Euan Johnstone 3rdu/13 boys & Katie Deacon have been selected to represent the borough team inthe Finals

  Press Report 12th January  

Jan 122016

Essex Cross-Country Championships
Saturday 9 January 2016

Ilford AC’s Ahmed Abdulle produced a marvellous run in wet and slippery conditions to take the Essex under 17 title at Claybury Country Park on Saturday. Staying with the lead group on the first lap the Ilford man started to make his move on lap 2 with Woodford’s Canaan Solomon in close pursuit. Ahmed judged his finish to perfection coming home with 9 seconds to spare and well clear of the rest of the field.

The Senior mens team were at full strength for their 12km championship with Tom Gardner continuing his good form coming home in a storming 13th in 41m 37s to lead the Club to an excellent 5th place in the team competition. Malcolm Muir showed he has regained fitness after injury to finish 19th with 42m 48s and Blair McWhirter battled through the field to finish 24th in 43m 18s. Paul Holloway had a strong run recording 45m 22s, with Steve Philcox next home in 46m 47s for place 60 and Sam Rahman completed the scorers in 67th with 47m 43s. Neil Crisp and Kevin Wotton were close together throughout the race with the former just edging the decision in 78th with 48m 40s. Wotton was next over the 12th January line 4 seconds later. Completing the team for Ilford were Robin McNelis (94th 50.52) and Terry Knightley (129th 54.53).

The Senior ladies squad were understrength in the 8km ladies race missing both Krystle Balogun and Mel Jones but nevertheless put in a good account of themselves to finish as 10th team in the county. Captain Jenni Sheehan led the way in 41st spot in 38 mins 36 secs, with the ever reliable Bree Nordin next in 49th with 40m 22s. Nicola Hopkinson came a determined 61st with 42m 30s and Nicola Chester stepped up to complete the team scorers recording 50m 15s for place 94. Julia Galea was one spot back with 50m 38s and Doris Gaga came home 103rd with 54m 22s.


  Press Report 5th January  

Jan 052016

Ilford AC 10 MIles Cross Country “Race for Kev”
Hainault Forest
Monday 28th December

Over 150 runners from all over the county mixed with runners from local clubs to pay tribute to Ilford athlete Kevin Newell as Ilford AC successfully hosted their 10 miles cross country event (“Race for Kev”) over a very muddy traditional 3 lap course at Chigwell Row on Bank Holiday Monday. Kevin sustained a serious brain injury when falling from a ladder last January and now requires full time care. Competitors responded in typical fashion to the call with the tribute event raising a substantial donation to Kevin’s charity.

With the unseasonal weather continuing the beautiful sunny day that greeted the runners did little to disguise the seriously challenging nature of a boggy and well “churned up” course,it also having been used on Boxing Day.

With the race also doubling as the Club’s own 10 mile Club Championships Ilford runners featured highly with Tom Gardner once again demonstrating his current fine form cruising through the mud to win in 61.44. He was chased hard for the first 2 laps by veteran Malcolm Muir who finally had to settle for 2nd in 63.25. Supervet Stephen Philcox was 3rd home for the club in 7th place overall and 66.36. A good run by Paul Holloway brought him 9th place in 67.15 and following him home were Sam Rahman, 13th in 69.07, Kevin Wotton,16th in 72.23, and Neil Crisp, 17th in 72.24.

In the ladies race 2 unattached runners led from the start, Gemma Hockett and Faye Beechener, with Ilford’s experienced over 55 Bree Nordin tracking them closely. By the 2nd lap Hockett had pulled clear but Nordin had superbly eased herself into 2nd, a position she consolidated at the end to record 83.10. Next home for Ilford were Jenni Sheehan and Mel Jones who had run in tandem for the whole of the race and shared identical times of 90.23 at the end.

Other Ilford runners with times and overall positions were Bradley Brown 40th 82.09, Terry Knightley 43rd 83.05, Stephen Parker 66th 88.50, Declan Cullen 69th 89.02, Rachel Halpin 93rd 100.31, Billy Green 94th 100.31, Baldev Singh 111th 109.21, Doris Gaga 125th 124.47,

Race Organiser Martin Clarke was extremely pleased with the success of the event together with the numbers of runners and supporters and was also delighted to accept a cheque for £500 at the presentation afterwards raised separately by Ilford’s friends at East London Runners. With the total funds raised likely to be well in excess of £1000 it is now planned to hold the event annually over the Christmas holiday period.

Quick Hick Wins Boxing Day Handicap.
A record field of 17 brushed aside the excesses of Christmas day to toe the line at the Club’s 7th annual Ilford AC Boxing Day handicap.
The race takes place over 3 miles of some of the muddiest sections of Hainault Forest. First to go off was Doris Gaga and then the other athletes at regular intervals until finally after 11 minutes scratch man Ahmed Abdulle set off.
Ernie Forsyth had quickly overtaken, Doris and was the leader at half way, but 11 year old Matthew Hick was moving through the field, together with his father Wayne. Further back Tom Gardner was rapidly gaining ground. However scratch runner Ahmed had trouble with the local wildlife and had to hide behind a tree to let both horses and dogs go past him.
Entering the last stretch of the race the Hick family were still leading the way and young Matthew held on to win bragging rights. His winning time was 26 minutes exactly, which was 26 seconds clear of his father. In 3rd place was Tom Gardner who ran not only the fastest time of the day 19.46, but the second fastest time in the events history. First lady home was Mel Jones in 4th place in a time of 27.22. Other places were:- 5th Steve Philcox 21.01, 6th Neil Crisp 22.49, 7th Bradley Brown 24.46, 8th Sam Rahman 21.30, 9th Ahmed Abdulle 20.51, 10th Jenni Sheehan 26.25, 11th Ernie Forsyth 31.13, 12th Declan Cullen 27.58, 13th Martin Clarke 29.04, 14th Nikki Fairbairn 33.04, 15th Doris Gaga 35.37, 16th Billy Green 32.49, 17th Rob Sargent 34.19

Round 4 Epping Forest
Saturday 2 January

Ilford AC opened 2016 opened with a good turnout and some excellent results from both the junior and senior sections of the Club .The 4th round of this winters Essex Cross-Country League was held on an extremely challenging muddy course in Epping Forest.

First up were the Club’s youngsters who all performed to a very high standard with some outstanding results. In the U17’s Boys race , Ahmed Abdullah led the race from start to finish to win by nearly a minute. In the U15’s Boys race Mungo Prior competed in his ever first ever race for the club and came an amazing 5th position.In the U15’s Girls Jordan Hinds came 12th,which was her highest position this season.In the U13s Boys Ilford had 4 athletes competing and the team battled to a 3rd position overall. First home for Ilford was Farris Patel,who improves with every race ,coming in a excellent 6th position .Backing Farris up was Bradley Deacon in 17th and Matthew Hick in 19th. These were their best positions of the season so far. Euan Johnstone also battled through to 43rd place to earn the team a credible third position.

The senior ladies raced over 6.7km with the Ilford challenge headed by Jenni Sheehan,who improves with every race and clocking 33 mins 19 secs for 22nd place. Just one place behind was Bree Nordin with the top F55 category run of the day, 23rd in 33m 31s, while Nicola Hopkinson put in a strong run for 35th in 35m 57s. The scoring team was completed by Rachel Halpin with a good run for 51st in 35m 59s. The team placed 5th in the league match, their best of the season. Backing up the team were Julia Galea in 65th (42.35) and Doris Gaga 69th (42.56) in a field of 83 finishers.

The men’s race was over 7.6km and Ilford’s Tom Gardner was in excellent form coming home 7th in 29m 02s, while Kiwi Blair McWhirter finished a fine 14th in his English cross-country debut in 30m 03s. Malcolm Muir returned to action after injury to finish 20th, and 3rd in the M40 age group, with 30m 34s and Steve Philcox was 35th, 2nd in the M50 category, in 32m 00s. The Ilford scorers were completed by Sam Rahman in 62nd with 33m 53s and Kevin Wotton in 34m 18s for 67th. In the Essex League match the men matched the club’s ladies with a 5th place finish. The club had another 5 finishers with Neil Crisp 69th in 34m 21s and Robin McNelis recording 35m 06s in 78th. There was a rare outing on the country for Gary Floate in 125th with 41m 13s and the team was completed by Steve Parker in 132nd (42.04) and Ed Skinner 137th (42m 49s). There were 165 finishers.

With one more round of the league to go at Colchester the men are placed 9th in division 1 and the ladies 7th in the top tier. On the individual rankings Tom Gardner lies 2nd in the senior mens competition, with Neil Crisp 8th in the M50 category. Andy Catton and Tony Nixon, both not in action this weekend, are 1 and 2 in the M60 age category. For the ladies Bree Nordin heads the F55 rankings and Nicola Hopkinson is 9th in the F45 category.


  Press Report 15th December 2015  

Dec 172015

3 Ilford AC Athletes entered into the Christmas Spirit on the seafront at Shoeburyness on a cold, grey and drizzly Sunday morning for the 5th Annual Southend Five Mile Rudolph Run. The race was held over an out and back course on the promenade and In a field of over 330 Runners comprising of many dressed as Santa’s, Elves, Reindeers and Christmas Trees.

Ilford AC Super-Veteran, Terry Knightley ran a seasons best for Five Miles this year in 31 Minutes and 31 seconds to secure 9th place and win the First Veteran Over 55 Prize. Knightley won the inaugural race in 2011.Following him home in 17th position and winning the First Veteran over 40 Prize was Bradley Brown in 33 minutes and 12 seconds.
Next in for 270th place was club photographer Kim Baxter in 56 minutes and 55 seconds.
Ilford AC also had 2 athletes in Sunday’s Mo Farah 5k/10k series of races held in London’s Olympic Park.Krystle Balogun ran in the 5k where she recorded 4th female in a chip time of 20.19.Peter Spelman competed in the 1st of 2 10k races finishing in position 454 with a chip time of 54.10.Krystle Balogun ran in the 5k where she recorded 4th female in a chip time of 20.19.
The following photos are from the Rudolph Event.