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  Ilford AC Press Report Week Ending Sunday 10th November 2013  

Nov 122013

Stebbing Remembrance Day 10 Road Race Sunday 10 November Nearly 500 runners lined up for the start of the Stebbing 10 mile race on a very crisp and windswept Remembrance Day morning. Ilford AC were well represented with no less than 7 men and 6 women competing in this Essex Championship race over a rural course of quiet yet exposed country lanes and track. The eye catching performance of the day came once again from Kevin Newell who continues to improve on his personal bests, this time clocking 58.53 for 14th place. He was ably supported by a strong well packing trio consisting of Steve Philcox 60.41 (24th) Kevin Wotton 61.06 (28th) and Sam Rahman 61.58 (33rd). In the women’s …Read More

  Ilford AC Walking Section Press Report 11th Nov 2013  

Nov 112013

TEAM WIN FOR 4TH SUCCESSIVE YEAR Ilford sent a team to contest the 87th Annual Enfield Open 7 Miles’ Walk at Lee Valley on Saturday afternoon. On route to the venue it was windy with heavy rain descending and entrants assumed they’ be in for an uncomfortable afternoon with a drenching. As it turned out just minutes before the “off”, nothing could have been further from the truth as clouds passed and wind abated leaving faint sunshine, making perfect athletics conditions!From the start on a pleasant 3 times’ “out-and-back” course along a canal bank, Ilford’s Captain STEVE UTTLEY tucked-in behind the leading trio and was ready to pounce should any fail to maintain their pace. But that never occurred so …Read More

  Ilford AC Press Report Week Ending Sunday 3rd November 2013  

Nov 042013
Ilford AC Press Report Week Ending Sunday 3rd November 2013

Billericay Striders 10K Road Race Sunday 3 November Six members of Ilford AC took to the roads in the Billericay Striders 10k road race on Sunday 3rd November. In very windy but bright conditions the Ilford men claimed 3rd team in a field of 592 finishers. In this well organised and well supported race Kevin Newell sprinted over the line in 35:57 in 6th place to lead the team home. Hot on his heels in 7th place came Steve Philcox in 36:22 to finish as 2nd over 40 veteran followed by Super Veteran Terry Knightley in 39:35 for 27th position and 3rd over 50 veteran. New club member Dan Cogan finished in 85th place for 43:03. Nicola Chester lead the …Read More

  Ilford AC Press Report Week Ending Sunday 27th October 2013  

Oct 252013

Wix 5m Sunday 20 October Three Ilford runners competed in the Wix 5 mile road race near Manningtree on Sunday morning. Heavy morning showers had waterlogged the course but did not deter the field of 211 runners. First man home was the in form Kevin Newell who picked his way through the puddles to break the tape in a good time of 28.46 for 8th place. He was well supported by veteran Tony Hyde who ran 30.26 for 18th place. Martin Clarke, nursing a hamstring injury, closed the team in 89th place recording 37.32. Chris Burgoyne of Springfield Striders led the field home in 27.14 from local man Robert Reason of Harwich. Report courtesy of Martin Clarke and The Cowboy …Read More

  Ilford AC Press Report Week Ending Sunday 20th October 2013  

Oct 202013
Ilford AC Press Report Week Ending Sunday 20th October 2013

Essex League Cross Country Braintree Saturday 19 October The first Essex League meeting of the 2013/14 was held at Great Notley Country Park, Braintree. The weather was a mixture of showers and sunshine and the course was quite tight and twisty with some slippery stretches. The Ladies were the first up and their 6k course was over 2 large laps. Mel Jones was first home in 36th [29:08]. She was closely followed by Breege Nordin 38th [29:23]. A little further back was Dianne Crisp 49th [30:25] and Jenni Sheehan 50th [30:26] who closed the team in a very creditable 11th position out of 19 teams. Also providing valuable back up were Nicola Hopkinson 69th [32:34], Pam Jones 106th [39:02] and …Read More