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  Press Report 9th August 2016  

Aug 082016
Press Report 9th August 2016

Orion Forest ELvIS Five Saturday 6th August The fifth leg of this summer’s ELvIS series was incorporated into Orion Harriers Forest Five series over a challenging off road course over 5 miles through Epping Forest on a hot sunny morning. Thomas Grimes of East London lead home a near record field with a fine performance. The Ilford AC challenge was headed by the in-form Steve Philcox in 5th spot in 30 mins 17 secs which won him the Over-40s trophy despite competing in the over 50s category. Next home was Paul Holloway with a powerful run taking him to 9th spot in 30m 41s which was the true top over 40 run of the day and was therefore unlucky not …Read More

  Press Report 2nd August 2016  

Aug 022016
Press Report 2nd August 2016

Brooks Last Friday of the month 5K Hyde Park Friday 29th July Ilford AC had 5 runners in the July edition of The ‘Brooks last friday of the month 5k which took place at 12.30pm in warm breezy and fairly humid conditions. The race was notable as it saw new series records in both the W80 and M80 age groups. The field was of a high standard with the first 10 runners home breaking the 17 minute barrier. Many congratulations to Ilford’s Pam Jones for the W80 title whose time of 31.04 for 232nd place set the inaugural age group record for W80, having previously been the W75 record holder (still the record) set, remarkably, exactly 5 years previous. Ilford’s …Read More

  Press Report 26th July 2016  

Jul 262016
Press Report 26th July 2016

Newham 10k On a very hot and humid Sunday morning in Londons East End, 4 Ilford athletes lined up for the annual Great Newham 10k run which finishes with a lap of the Olympic Stadium. Runners were warned before the race started to not go for PB’s or attempt a sprint finish due to the extreme conditions. The route seems to change every year, although it may well be that the park changes every year so it just seems different. The course is quite a twisty one with more than its fair share of inclines to deal with and offers no shade at all. Ilford was lead home by an impressive run in the circumstances by Rohan Alexander in 43:59 …Read More

  Press Report 18th July 2016  

Jul 192016
Press Report 18th July 2016

Newman Hilly 5 Wednesday 13th July 2016 Ilford AC successfully hosted their showcase event at Chigwell Row last Wednesday evening with the 26th running of the Newman Hilly 5 which was also the 4th race of the extremely popular Elvis series. Well over 200 runners took to the trails of Hainault Forest over a 2 lap course of just over 5 miles on a cool but pleasant evening which provided almost near perfect running conditions although recent rain had made the terrain a little muddy underfoot. As always this event shows the club at its best and even with an army of volunteers and marshals was still able to put out 21 runners and dominate the men’s race. At the …Read More

  Press Report 12th July  

Jul 112016
Press Report 12th July

Felsted 10k Over 400 runners lined up for the Felsted 10k on a muggy morning last Sunday. The race which starts and finishes at Felsted school is held over a fast flat road course with some gentle undulations. It was also the Essex 10k championships and the 4th county Grand Prix Race for 2016.. Ilford AC had 12 runners competing in these championships with Malcolm Muir returning from a lay off the best of the bunch coming home in 18th place with 36.15. He was followed in by Sam Rahman, 24th in 36.56 and Paul Holloway 32nd in 37.37. Other Ilford men’s times and positions were Steve Philcox, 39th 38.26, Neil Crisp 42nd 38.32, Terry Knightley 58th 39.43, Declan Cullen …Read More