Dennis Briggs  

Mar 212021

Name:  Dennis Briggs

Born:  22/07/1975 (I tell the truth about my age)

Date Joined 08 /09/2016

Personal Bests: 

100m 15.4

400m 80.1 (I got lost)

1500m 5:38.1

5k 20:53

Parkrun 20:55

5 miles 33:32

10K 43:26

10 miles 72:54

Half Marathon 93:23

20 miles 2:33:42

Marathon 3:42:43


First Club Race: Valentines Elvis 5k

Favourite Race: Without a doubt the Essex way. It’s a great team event and a fun packed day that embodies all that is great in the running community.
Ilford do struggle to place a full team. It would be great to see loads of Ilford shirts at this years event. 

Also, I like the Hackney Half, a return to my home town where the whole race was on familiar streets (apart from the QE II park that bit has changed drastically) I actually had people who I knew years ago cheer me on it was a great day.  

Notable Performances: Hackney half 2018. I was aiming for a sub 1hr 40 minutes. But ran out of my skin to come home in 94:14 (6 minutes off my PB) at that time.) I have improved it since but that race I felt personally moved me up another level. 

Biggest Disappointment: Well, it has to be 2020. It started out so well 3 races 3 PB’s I was feeling great. Then it happened.
Training for the London marathon that was then postponed (twice) is both disappointing and demoralising.

Typical Weeks Training at your peak. 

Monday: 30 minutes easy (no more)  

Tuesday: Track

Wednesday: 6-8 miles tempo

Thursday: Hills 

Saturday: 6-8 miles tempo

Sunday: 10-16 miles forest run. 

Favourite Sessions: I enjoy the Track and also group hill training. It’s great training with teammates. I also enjoy running in Hainault Forest on Sunday (or every day during lockdown 0.1)

Favourite race distance 10 mile / 1/2 marathon 

Favourite event – Track, Road or Cross Country
I prefer Road races but I don’t mind Cross country. 

What advice would you give our current crop of youngsters?
Pay attention at school, you obviously have intelligence as you chose running. If you get good grades you will get a high powered office job and will be able to do all your adult running in your 2 hour lunch break.

Who is the most Famous Athlete you Trained with or would like to train with:
I’m lucky enough to have trained with Pam Jones. Although I haven’t technically trained with him I was quite starstruck when I saw Dalton Grant at the track.
I like training with anyone but Gaye Young is my favourite.

How would you improve the sport?
Total Ban on all cheaters. 

Favourite Athlete or Sportsman:
Mo Farah, Ronnie O’sullivan

What other sports do you follow?
Football, rugby, cricket.

Best Country Visited?

Favourite Food & Drink?
Sunday roast especially after a long run.
Tea and I love a glass of water. 

Favourite TV Shows:
Friends, Walking dead, Only fools and horses, 24,

Last Film Seen?
Jumanji the next level

Last Book Read
A street Cat named Bob. 

Favourite Band Singer:
Foo Fighters, Biffy Clyro Fleetwood mac,

Last Album Bought or Downloaded
Fleetwood Mac 50 years don’t stop. 

Last Concert Attended:
Kyle Minogue Golden album tour at the London O2 

Any Pets:  not currently. 

What are your aims for next season?
To get fit enough and to run in a proper normal race. 

Tell us a Joke:  

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?
He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

How do crazy runners go through the forest?
They take the psycho path. 


Brentwood Half my last race.
It’s strange who you meet in the forest.
Caterham rotary half marathon July 2018 on my birthday
Gravesham CycloPark 2017
Vitality 10k 2017. A great race through London.
Being awarded “most improved runner” Dec 2017 a proud moment I don’t normally win many things.
 Parkrun duties at the boathouse valentines park my favourite marshalling point. A Satha Pap shot.
Southend half 2018 post race.
Mile 13 at the 2009 London Marathon why I started running.
 2012 London Marathon at charity postrace reception

Up the Gunners!!!
What made you start running in the first instance and did you do any other sports seriously before?

I was originally inspired into running by watching the London marathon on tv. I played a little football, not part of any proper team.

What schools did you go to and did you do sport at them?

I went to Kingsmead Primary School then Hackney Free and Parochial c of e secondary school. Apart from PE no sports were played at either school.

What is your current occupation and does that allow you to fit in your training easily?

I am a Fabricator Welder. I manage to get to most training sessions so I would say yes, it is.

Greatest Running Rival?

Can’t say if I have been doing this long enough to have a rival. There isn’t much rivalry for the 83rd place in races. lol

Favourite Park Run and Why?

I have only done 5 different parkruns, so Valentines is my favourite. It’s a good flat course I’ve ran it 30 times and volunteered a few times as well. Its has a good size cafe for the post parkrun tea.

First Single and Album you ever bought?

I cannot Remember to be honest sorry I never had a favourite singer band as I grew up.

Did you know you shared the same Birthday as Terry Knightley being 22nd July albeit 15 years apart ?
Do you think knowing this will affect your running career?

Yes, I did know this. No, I don’t think it will affect my running career. Unless you can only have one person per birthdate in a running club. In that case I would have to leave and join D88 where I would get worse at running but better at raffles.

What’s your worst Injury and how did you overcome it?
24th  September 2013
Torn ACL/MCL and damaged meniscus of the left knee. Which I suffered when a car hit me when I was waiting to turn right on my scooter I took nearly 2 years to get back from that. Everything apart from my ACL (which has no blood supply so will never heal) A month after that I got a Ballot place in the marathon.
I had to wear a knee brace as debris within the knee would get stuck in the join and cause my knee to give way I had surgery to remove the debris and give the damage a once over thankfully although the ACL was damaged I didn’t need major surgery.


What is the best gig you have ever been to and why was it so good?

Kylie Golden tour o2 arena. I’m a long-time fan of hers and we had great seats which makes so much difference.
Look at her go

Do you think Arsenal were lucky to get that 3-3 draw against the mighty hammers recently?

Arsenal are lucky for any points they get this season.

What do you Love about Ilford AC?

The camaraderie at races I love how everyone waits at the funnel to cheer on their teammates or at cross country how the lady’s cheer on the men. it always gives me a boost I do a lot of my overtaking when I see them. All the wonderful people it has brought into my life. Fantastic support from everyone I have made some good friends and I’ve improved as a runner.

Well done Dennis a really good Who’s who. It has been great to see you come on in leaps and bounds since you joined Ilford AC, both in your running and personal achievements.  How much more do you think that you can improve and what are your future targets. Well done again and keep on being a great supporter and great example for others in Ilford AC

Thank you. I’m not sure how much I will improve I will just train and see. Future targets sort out my 5k PB I ran a faster 5k in a 5mile race and also my 10 mile PB I’ve been chipping away at it for years. But I know I can do better again I’ve ran a half marathon at a faster pace (3 times)

How did you find it writing a report about your running?

I’m no wordsmith so a tad challenging for me.

What is your motivation to keep you going when it gets tough whilst running?

I break it up in my head like “lets get to 8 miles first” then “now were at the halfway” etc. if I’m tired on a run I will promise my legs I will slow down. But 30 seconds later I’m running the same speed as before because I lied to them. They are so gullible

What have you learnt after completing each of your marathons?

Need more than 12 weeks of training. Don’t run in a massive costume.

What inspires you to achieve your running goals.

When you have run a race well it does make you feel proud especially when I wearing an Ilford vest.

What other marathons would you like to compete in?

NYC marathon

Why did you join Ilford AC?

It was a choice between Woodford green and Ilford. I chose Ilford solely because of the hut and forest runs.

Fantasy dinner guests, alive or dead, and would you cook for them or get your mum to do it?

Kylie, Emelia Clarke, Dennis Bergkamp David Bowie and Maggie Thatcher. No one would cook we would order an uber eats

What is the longest you have ever waited to start a race whilst the race director gave out instructions, and do you remember who it was?

I’m normally standing too far back to see the race director.

Favourite Olympic memory?

Jessica Ennis the poster girl of 2012 Olympics (no pressure) winning the 800m to win heptathlon gold then Gooner Greg Rutherford winning long jump gold and another Gooner Mo Farah winning the 10,000m what a night.

Is there any performance in your running career you are particularly proud of?

The Hackney Half (see my who’s who). Another race was the Chingford league Vicky park 5 miles 1 Feb 2020. I ran a great race for a PB of 33:32 when I first told Rob he didn’t believe me.

When Boris allows it, name the first 5 people (other than Gaye) that you plan to hug.

Billy, Sameena, Frieda, Ernie and anyone else who needs one.