Jordan Hinds  

Jul 182020

Name – Jordan Hinds

DOB – 06/04/2001

Date joined Ilford and why – I think I joined around late 2015 because I really enjoyed running at school.

Personal bests – 

200m 29.57
400m 62.28
800m 2m 20.40
1500m 5m 10.85
Parkrun 20m 42
5k 20m 32


First club race – I think it was an 800m race at a Woodford Green Open Meet.

Favourite race – My favourite race was the Essex Schools in Chelmsford because I came 2nd and achieved my personal best for 800m.

Notable performances – Coming 2nd at Chelmsford and qualifying for Inter Counties where I came 3rd. Coming 1st in the Mini Marathon trials at Lee Valley. Coming 1st in the Valentines Park 5K and getting my personal best for that distance and winning a prize.

Biggest disappointment – One of my biggest disappointments was coming 9th in the Essex Schools Cross Country because I just missed out on qualifying for English Schools and I feel like I could have done better in that race. On the day of Inter Counties I was ill and unable to make up for it. I was running well during that time and believe I was capable. After that, I regret not balancing school and running better because I ran many disappointing races as a result and realise that I could have done better. I hope I can make up for it now as I want to achieve the times I used to, and I also have more free time.

Typical weeks training – I train with the club on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and I also swim.

Favourite session – I enjoy pyramid sessions and 400m sessions such as 10x400m on the track. I enjoy hill training at Hainault Forest in preparation for cross country.

How would you like to improve the sport – It would be good if local councils could do more for sport in schools to stop talent going to waste.

Favourite athlete – One of my favourite athletes is Dina Asher-Smith because I met her at the Muller Anniversary Games and she was really nice to me.

What other sports do you follow – I have been swimming from a young age and really enjoy it.

Best country visited – Spain

Favourite food – Indian food

Drink – Lemon and lime drinks

Favourite TV – Killing Eve

Last book read – Frankenstein for a uni essay

Last Concert – I saw Beyoncé at Wembley in 2016

Any pets – 2 cats – Bertie and Chester 





What training have you been doing during lockdown with tracks closed?

I have been training at the park with the club.

Were you a great runner at school and did you race there? What school did you attend, and did they encourage your athletic ambitions?

I enjoyed and was good at running since primary school. I raced a few times, but my school did not hold or enter many competitions. The secondary school I attended was Loxford. My PE teachers acknowledged that I was good at sports, but my school did not really prioritise sports which was slightly disappointing.

As you also like swimming have you ever thought about doing a triathlon?

Yes, I would like to try one, but I have not had the opportunity yet.

Greatest influence on your running career?

My mum because she was the one who took me to the club in the first place.

Why did you join Ilford AC as opposed to other clubs?

I live close to the club and once I joined, I really enjoyed going because of the coaches and club members.

What running shoes do you wear for that track? Length of spike?

Trainers – Nike Zoom Fly 3

Track spikes – Nike Zoom Victory Elite 2 – length of spike – 6mm

Favourite cross country race?

It is hard to choose my favourite race. One cross country race I always remember was Gloucester Park because it was snowing so much that day and I also did quite well in that race.

Are there any cross country races you have particularly disliked?

I cannot think of any races that I disliked. Racing 8k the first couple of times was quite challenging because I was not used to racing that distance, but I did not dislike the races.

Have you ever experienced a cold Horseheath cross country race?

Yes, I have raced there a few times. It is definitely the coldest and windiest race.

Greatest rival at Ilford AC and from other clubs?

As there are no other girls at Ilford who are my age and race the same distances, I do not have someone from the club who I am constantly competing with.

Do you spend quality time stretching or foam rolling as part of your regime?

Yes, I have an electric foam roller which is really helpful.

Are you strict with your diet or do you basically eat what you want?

I need to improve my diet, but I do eat fairly healthily.

Ultimate running ambition?

I would love to get much further in running but right now my ambition is to achieve a new personal best for 800m.

What are you studying at university and how has the first year gone, other than being interrupted by Covid?

I am studying English and History. The first year was good and I am happy that I now have a lot more time to focus on running. I enjoyed going to the university cross country races and being introduced to new courses. It was disappointing that the university track races had to be cancelled though and that the year was cut short.

Your mum attends lots of your races, is she your biggest supporter?

Yes, she really enjoys watching me race.

As you are getting older now, do you think you will try some longer races on the road? (when racing returns)

Yes, I think I will enjoy road racing because people say my running style is better suited to the road and track rather than cross country. I enjoy cross country as well though.

You mention Indian food, can you cook yourself and if you had a dinner party what would you make?

I am not that good at cooking to be honest so I am not sure what I would make.

Well done Jordan on your achievements so far. How do you think your needs are met by the club, do you feel that you get full support and if not, how can that be improved to help you reach your full potential?

I am very grateful for everything the club has done for me so far. I feel like it has done everything it can to support me and help me reach my potential so I cannot think of anything it could improve on.

Favourite distance on the track?

My favourite distance is 800m.

Does your lane position in a race affect the way you start a race, and do you have a favourite lane?

As I usually run 800m and 1500m, the lanes do not impact me that much. When I used to run 400m, I liked being on the outside lane/lane 6 because I liked the feeling of being in front even though I technically wasn’t. I know the middle lanes are meant to be better though.

If you don’t become an international athlete, what job would you most like to do after university.

I am still thinking about what I would like to do. Even though I am studying English and History, I am still very interested in careers in sports.

Very few females of your age group compete at cross country, and you are often the only club female member in some races. Is it difficult pushing yourself when for large stretches you may be on your own, and why do you think there are so fewer females competing at cross country, especially in your age group?

Even though I do not train with girls, I feel like I am still able to push myself during training. I am familiar with the girls from other clubs because I regularly compete against the same people which is helpful as I know what I should be aiming for. Roughly knowing what girls are the same speed as me and who are quicker helps me push myself during a race. I do not really know why there are not many girls my age who compete, I do not think cross country is promoted enough in schools or tv which could be a reason.

What was your opinion on the cross country race distances being increased for females to bring them in line with the male distances? Would you have preferred to leave it as it was?

I do not mind running longer distances, but I would have preferred if it remained the same because I am more familiar with racing shorter distances and know how to approach them better. The shorter distances also allow me to use the speed that I build up during track more as well. But I feel like I will enjoy the new distances once I get used to them.

If you won a prize to attend just one event at the Rio Olympics, with a front row seat and you got to meet the winner – what event would you pick?

If I could have gone to the Rio Olympics, I would have chosen the men’s 100m final so I could have met Usain Bolt. Even though I prefer longer distances on the track, he is the athlete I would have wanted to meet most.

How old are your cats and are they indoor cats or are they allowed out? Do they get on with each other?

They are only 8 months old and are allowed out. They mostly get along, but they also fight sometimes.