Press Report 25th April 2023  

Apr 252023
Press Report 25th April 2023

LONDON MARATHON Sunday 23 April Among the almost 48600 finishers in this year’s London Marathon were 11 runners from Ilford AC. Leading the way for the club was Paul Holloway who cruised to halfway in 1 hour 24 minutes and kept his pace steady in the second half to finish in an excellent 2 hrs 52 mins 50 secs which placed him 15th in the M55 age group. Double Olympic walker Neringa Masilioniene has successfully changed code to running over the last few years for the club and ran an excellent 2 hrs 53 mins 10 secs for 75th in the female race, which also placed her as the 3rd fastest ever female athlete over the distance for Ilford AC. …Read More

  Press Report 17th April 2023  

Apr 252023
Press Report 17th April 2023

Manchester Marathon Sunday 16th April 2023 The Manchester marathon was held last weekend. The race was held over the usual fast flat course from the Old Trafford cricket ground running into the city for a short loop before heading out to Altrinham and back to the finish at the cricket stadium. Ilford Ac had three members running with Dennis Briggs being the first of the team home, coming in at 3 hrs 24 mins 04 secs. Dennis ran a good even paced race, going through half way in 1 hr 41 mins and set a new personal best for the distance by over 18 minutes. Craig Livermore, who was next home, ran through halfway in a faster 1 hr 34 …Read More

  Press Report 10th April 2023  

Apr 102023
Press Report 10th April 2023

SEAA Relay Championships Stratford 2nd April 2023 Ilford AC saw 23 of their athletes travel to the Olympic Park in Stratford last weekend to compete in the Southern & Eastern Athletic Association (SEAA) relay Championships. It was the first time in the club’s history that they had fielded both a male and female team at the event, quite fitting in the club’s centenary year. Furthermore, it had been twenty years since the club had last fielded a team. The day commenced with the U15 boys 5K race at 11am. The club had three representatives in the race – Samuel Crane, Aron Berhe and James Thake. This triplet run their socks off with Samuel finishing in 9th place (17.49), Aron in …Read More

  Press Report 4th April 2023  

Apr 042023
Press Report 4th April 2023

WORLD MASTERS INDOOR AND NON STADIA CHAMPIONSHIP Torun, Poland Further afield Ilford AC endurance coach Rob Sargent has been taking part in the World Masters Indoor and Non Stadia Championships, being held in the indoor arena in Torun, Poland with the road and cross country being staged in the adjoining area. Robs first race of the tournament was the cross country, which was raced on 2 km loops in the park which featured several stiff climbs per lap. Rob took part in the M65 age category 8km event on a cold afternoon with snow flurries through the race. The course was a tough challenge and Rob finished 28th in 56 mins 36 secs. The following day, the 10km road race  …Read More

  Press Report 28th March 2023  

Mar 282023
Press Report 28th March 2023

Cross Country finale – Inter Counties and English Schools Champs Whilst most members’ Cross-Country season finished several weeks ago, Ilford’s rising young middle distance star Joseph Grange has been representing Essex in two prestigious Cross-Country races.  First up was the Inter Counties held in Loughborough, and to even make the Essex team as a lower age athlete was a tremendous achievement. The race started well, and Joseph established a good pace to follow closely the leading group; after two kilometers, however it proved to be a notch too fast and Joseph was forced to slow down, still completing the race 67th position in a field of nearly 300 runners and only half minute after the fourth Essex scorer was impressive.  …Read More