Steve Parker – Part 2  

Mar 272023


Name: Steve Parker
Born: 25/05/56
Date Joined IAC: 5/06/07

Pam Jones suggested I join because it’s a welcoming & friendly running club. Pam was right.

Personal Bests:

Track :
5000m 20.25.4 Ilford 28/06/2011
5k 20.20 Barking Park 25/08/2008
5 Mile 33.29 Ingatestone 28/09/2008
10k 41.32 Southend 04/10/2009
10 Miles 70.10 Great Baddow 17/05/2009
Half Marathon 90.11 Docklands 02/04/2000 & Disney 09/01/2011
20 Miles 2 hours 29mins 29 secs Great Bromley 06/03/2011
Marathon 3 hours 10mins 49 secs London 13/04/08


First Club Race: No real idea. I think it must have been a cross country like Basildon, as it’s the first time I remember wearing our club vest. It was too big for me.

Notable Performances: Winning an Essex gold at the Halstead marathon, a silver at the Great Bromley 20 mile and a few bronze medals to make the set. An Ironman (2.4-mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a marathon to finish) The London Classic (100 mile bike ride, London marathon and the 2 mile Serpentine swim). Winning a Gold at the Vets Champs Battersea Park. A silver & bronze in the Kent Coastal Half Marathon, 2nd in age group in Steelman Triathlon 2012.

The London Classic, all done.
Thanks Alan

Representative Honours: G.B. Masters in Germany, Denmark & Finland.

Most Satisfying Performances: Completing the Ironman at the age of 58. The plan was to do the race before I was 60.  Racing 44 marathons. Getting through The Tough Guy Challenge in one piece, The Thanet 20M 01/03/09 in 2.29.22 A very hilly and tough course.

Tough Guy ???

Billy & Steve test the Stadium ready for the Olympics

The IronMan big finish

My Biggest Disappointment: Not taking up running earlier in life and not quite getting under 3 hours for the marathon.

My Most Embarrassing Moment: Whilst out running I started to trip but found a nice soft piece of muddy grass to fall on which was next to a bus at a bus stop and saw that the whole bus was wobbling with laughter.

Typical Weeks Training: Mon. Rest, Tues. Fartlek, Wed. Pool swim, Thurs. Club session or 10 mile run. Fri. Rest, Sat. Open water swim (Summer only, I’m not as brave as Mel). Sun. Bike ride.

Favourite Sessions: Rob’s or Billy’s club session and an open water swim

Who is your Greatest Rival: Any guy with a 65 pinned to his back


Favourite Race: Bournemouth 10K

We ran as a club and stayed for the weekend. Most of us won our age groups and Kevin Newell came third overall.

Such a great weekend away in Bournemouth.

How would you improve the sport of Athletics: Make Athletics a more important part of school life, so people grow up with it as part of their lives.

Favourite Athlete or Sportsperson: Chrissie Wellington


Favourite Race distance: Half Marathon.
In two races, The Docklands Half & The Disney Half, I ran the same time to the second at just over 1. Hr 30 min. A few seconds quicker & I would have beaten the 1. Hr 30 min barrier.

What other sports do you follow: Moto G.P. Speedway, Triathlon

Best Country Visited: New Zealand

Favourite Food and Drink: Skate and mash, rhubarb crumble and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc

Favourite TV Shows: C.S.I, sport programs, a good documentary

Last Film Seen: Elvis

Last Book Read: Dead Men Don’t Tell Tales by Guy Martin.

Favourite Singer/Band: Queen

Last Album Brought: Now Serving Royal Tea Live from The Ryman by Joe Bonamassa

Last Concert Attended: Queen and Adam Lambert June 2022

Do you have any Pets: A few fish in the pond.

With you going on the first leg, who else would be in your dream 4 x 400m team: Haile Gebrselasse, Paula Radcliffe & Billy Green

What are you aims for the next season?

To try and have a full year uninjured. I have had knee problems for the last few years. So, keeping injury free would be a step forward and maybe a last hurrah the following season. I would like to finish the big three. Two down, London Classic and Ironman, but I still have unfinished business with the World Marathon Majors.


Tell us a joke

A man walks into an exotic pet shop, he says to the shop keeper, I would like a very unusual exotic pet please. The shop keeper says how about a rhino sir?  the man says, no thanks you sold me one a couple of weeks ago and I have trouble getting him through the front doorway.  The shop keeper then suggests a seal. The man says, I already have a seal that lives in the bathroom, which makes it very difficult to take a bath. The shop keeper then says I have the ideal pet, what about a lion?  the man says, no thanks, we had one of those and it went up the curtains and my wife was not at all pleased.  The man then asks, have you got a wasp?  the shop keeper seemed quite bemused and says sorry sir, we don’t stock wasps. The man says that’s funny; you had one in the window last week.




1. What was the training schedule for the Ironman?

I.M. schedule was.

Monday 42 miles on bike & 30 min pool swim.

Tuesday Ilford track session.

Wednesday 60 min pool swim.

Thursday 60 min easy run.

Friday 70 miles on bike.

Saturday 70 min open water swim.

Sunday 14 mile run.

2. For Ironman which event did you enjoy the most and performed the best in? 

It had to be the run I enjoyed the most. The swim was busy with 2000 swimmers going around the buoys. The bike I was worried I was going to get a mechanical problem.

3. How old were you when you started running? 

37 but more seriously when I turned 40

4. Which of the marathon majors have your completed so far (in addition to London), and which was your favourite?

Berlin, Chicago, New York & Boston which was my favourite as there is so much enthusiasm from everybody you meet there.

5. What schools did you go to and did you do sports at them?

Langtons & Bush Elms. I did all the usual sports, but I wasn’t sporty in those days.

6. Has there ever been a runner either at Ilford AC or any other club, who you would consider you had a friendly rivalry with? Someone you aimed to either keep up with or beat in a race?

It would have to be Bree & Andy Caton. I very rarely got the better of Andy though.

7. Favourite place to run. Either in training or for a race?

That would be Hainault forest. So many runs with club mates & races.

8. What did you think of the recent Elvis film?

I enjoyed the Elvis film a lot. I think Tom Hanks played a great Colonel Tom Parker. (No relation)

9. Favourite Olympic moment?

Watching the 1964 Tokyo Olympic marathon. I couldn’t believe people could run that far.

10. Have you ever done parkrun? Do you have an opinion on parkrun?

As a first step into running I think it is great. I have only run one parkrun to celebrate Carol Muir’s 100th (I think) different race. Unfortunately I got lost & runners followed me. Sorry Jenni.

11. Five people you’d love to meet (dead or alive) and spend some time with?

Nigel Mansell, Steve Redgrave, Freddie Mercury, Brian Blessed & Diana Rigg.

12. You chose Billy Green in your dream 4x400m Relay team. Would you make him go last so that the whole stadium could cheer home the final runner?

Yes of course. Billy would be my anchor man. He is dependable, turns up & gives his all for the team, usually crossing the finishing line with a smile on his face.

13. Do you have a favourite running shoe, how many shoes do you have on the go at any given time and your opinion on cheaty shoes?

Including spikes & studs I have 4 pairs. Regarding the carbon cheaty shoes, the Genie is out of the bottle. They should have been banned straight away, but saying that if I was still a competitive runner I would probably buy a pair.

14. Can you remember what made you take up running in the first place?

I was working in engineering. After a wile I moved into an office job. I put weight on, so decided to take up running.

15. Any pets

Only fish in a pond now. We did have a big black cat a few years ago. He used to bring us presents. Birds, frogs & once a sausage.

16. Favourite Radio Station?

Planet Rock, but I am getting a bit fed up with all the betting & money draws they have.

17. Other than your own running, would you say that you follow athletics enthusiastically or casually?

I only seem to find time to follow athletics casually I’m afraid.