Frieda Keane  

May 012021
Name:  Frieda Keane

Born: 10 July 1963

Date Joined: April 2017

5k-     27.29

5m-    45.26

10k-   57.35

10m-  1.36.55

Half Marathon-  2.08.38

20m- 3.32.10

Marathon- 4.48.22

First Club Race- Dagenham ELVIS in the pouring rain

Favourite Race- Difficult- I like our Hilly 10, Parliament Hill and have a soft sport for the rather un-scenic Roding Valley Half

Notable Performances- I finished the London Marathon without walking, and I also got 2 Essex Road Racing Medals which shows that even slow runners can win something (being older and turning up helps!)

Biggest Disappointments- my disappointments don’t last long fortunately, though the whole of the last year was a disappointment racing-wise obviously.

Typical week’s training- Monday short run, Tuesday track, Wednesday Harriers, Thursday my own run or Hills in the summer,  Saturday Park Run, Sunday long-ish run, and I swim once or twice a week.

Favourite Sessions- I like them all actually. Always good company and lots of encouragement. 

Favourite Race Distance- 10k, 10 miles, Half Marathon.

Favourite Event- Cross Country, though I also like a scenic road race without cars.

What advice would you give youngsters- start earlier than me!

Most famous athlete you trained with- Pam Jones of course.

How would you improve the sport- It has been said many times before, but more running at school level and cross country outings for pupils.

Favourite Athlete- Haile Gebrselassie, Jessica Ennis and Ed Moses (I saw him run at an athletics festival in my home town when I was a teenager and was very impressed)

What other sports do you follow- I like World and European Cup Football, and I watch most sports at international level (Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Gymnastics, Rugby, Skiing….) apart from Boxing and Motor racing. 

Best Country Visited- Australia

Favourite Food and Drink- Anything Mediterranean, and dry white wine.

Favourite TV shows- Fawlty Towers, recently I liked “Unforgotten”, and a German crime program called “Tatort”

Last Film seen- In the cinema “The Good Liar”, TV “Burn After Reading”

Last Book read– “In the Company of Men” by Hisham Mathar

Favourite Band/Singer– I love the Beatles and 80ies music- The Specials, Madness, Darts. Also The The and (yes) George Michael, The Pogues and Talking Heads and Joe Jackson and Nina Simone. 

Last Album Downloaded- “Dart Attack”

Last Concert Attended- “Carmen” at the English National Opera

No pets!

What are your aims for next year– I just want to get back to my pre-Marathon form and do some races again.


Have you ever entered or taken part in a race and felt at disadvantage because you are a female?

Only when I had to run 10 instead of 8 k at Basildon XC to “run equal” with the men!

When and why did you move to England, and other than your husband and children do you have any other family members from you side of the family that live here?

I originally came to work in Scotland in 1989, moved to Wales for 6 months and to England in 1991. I went back to Germany for 2 years and came back for good in 1995 after I got married. My brother Hanno lives in Liverpool with his Australian wife Sarah, and their triplets are all still in England. 

What made you start running initially? 

I have been running a bit on and off (more off) since my twenties and started more regularly around 2013 when I had more time because it was the easiest sport to do and I enjoyed it- just a pair of trainers and out! It does not require much technique at my level. I took part in one 5k race and was hooked. 

Favourite running shoe?

I am another fan of Brooks (Adrenaline) but have tried out the Hooka Arahi recently and really like them as well. I use both.

£300 Trainers voucher. One pair of Nike’s latest spring loaded trainers or a few pairs of your favourite brand(s)?

Definitely 2 pairs of Brooks Adrenaline and one pair of Hookas! Any supershoe would be completely wasted on me.

Are you a big follower of athletics in general or just the major events?

Mostly major events- I absolutely love the Athletics World Cup and visited 5 days in a row when it was in London a few years ago. 

If you were trying to persuade someone to join Ilford AC, what aspects of the club would you emphasise to try and convince them?

The club is outstandingly welcoming and friendly, and everyone fits in, no matter how slow you are- and if you are fast, there is plenty of competition! What I appreciate most is the encouragement from my team mates. 

What made you join Ilford AC as opposed to another club? 

A big pull were the Harriers because the run starts 5 minutes from my house. I never thought I would do more than just come along on a Wednesday night, and next thing I was on the track…..I also live in Ilford and am proud to wear an Ilford vest.

What is your job and how does it fit in with your training?

I work as an anaesthetist, so I put people to sleep for their operations and look after them before, during and after their surgery. I sometimes miss training because work finishes late and I have to work a few Saturdays a year, but mostly it works out.

Favourite Park Run and why? 

Valentine’s of course- meeting all my friends. And its so close to my home.

Greatest Running rivals? 

They have outran me all! 

Ultimate Running Ambition?

I would absolutely love to run a Marathon in my hometown of Cologne but may have to settle for the Half.

What sports did you do before running?

I played hockey as a child (so badly we lost 0:12 when I was in goal for one match) and always liked swimming. I have tried most things at uni- tennis, skiing. scuba diving, volleyball, none of them with great success.

What school did you go to and did you do athletics there?

I went to secondary school in the middle of Cologne- there was an athletics day nationwide each year we all took part in. Running wasn’t too bad, but I was terrible at throwing a small ball much to the embarrassment of my brothers. We did a bit of running and long jump in the summer.

Favourite Football Team and Why?

1.FC Köln is my local home team (they are awful)

and Borussia Dortmund, which was my father’s team (he came from there).

And best of all- the German National Football Team **** (rubbing it in a bit here). 

Favourite and Least favourite Cross Country Course and Why?

The Hilly 10 with Parliament Hill a close second. Nothing like mud! I did not like the longer Basildon 10 k course.

Who is your favourite Dr Who?

I admit I never watched it!

Do you think that swimming helps your running?

I wish- it certainly keeps me fit when I am injured.

6 Dinner guests, dead or alive, who would they be and why? Would you cook and if so what is your signature dish?

My late parents and my late sister-in-law Uta, and my brothers and other sister-in-law Sarah- Morgan would be there so I didn’t need to invite him- and we could have a long family catch-up session. I would make roast lemon chicken and roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings and vegetables.

I am always fascinated by how many people across Europe speak good English. Did you find that listening to English/American groups helped and did you watch English speaking programmes dubbed into German and pick up words and phrases from that?

The music really taught me a lot, I used to write down the lyrics of songs after listening and repeating them on my tape recorder with a dictionary. Films were all dubbed, so I did not really learn from them- I cannot stand watching English or American films dubbed into German now, it sounds awful!

Why is David Hasselhoff so popular in Germany? 

“Knight Rider” was a big hit before he started singing which helped- Germans like this kind of pop music……

June 21st. You are offered a ticket for a no masks/no restrictions full capacity “Darts” concert followed by an 80’s disco at Islington Town Hall. Mandy Reid, Alison Sale, Billy, Dennis and Ernie are also going. Are you going?

Oooooh yes!

Is it a myth that German people do not have a good sense of humour but are very reliable-You have a good sense of humour but are remarkably unreliable. (Having a good sense of humour, you will know that the remark about you being unreliable is a joke!)

There is a type of German (square glasses, sandals, rucksack) who has no sense of humour, and they are also often found in offices and hard to deal with. Germans are more formal and officious.  All my German friends are a good laugh though and prove the opposite! 

Growing up in Germany was there a ‘stereotypical Brit’

There was- wearing checkered suits, living in a damp castle drinking weak tea and eating overcooked food and always very polite and fair. The other type was the holiday-maker in Spain- bright red with sunburn.

When running the London Marathon how did you motivate yourself to keep running when you felt tired?

Mile 19 Ilford AC water station was a real boost and kept me going for another 2 miles (Mile 20 was my fastest)- after that, it was just willpower until the end.

What is your favourite/traditional German food you like to make?

Waffles with hot cherries and whipped cream, local speciality from the part I come from.

What gives you job satisfaction? 

A patient who wakes up happy and pain free  or a well organised operating list.