Press Report 7th December 2020  

Dec 072020
Chingford League
Redbridge Cycle Track
Sunday 6th December.

The Chingford League continues to pull out all the stops to get races on during these difficult times and on Sunday, for the second time this season they got a permit to race, this time at the Redbridge cycle track.

Races look a little different at the moment with a series of smaller socially distanced races taking part over the course of an afternoon and results being collated late into the night by the hard working organisers.
Despite challenging hills and cold wet weather the 26 Ilford AC athletes who took on the challenging 5k course on Sunday all enjoyed themselves in the first race of the day at noon.

Alex Richards led from gun to tape and despite taking the field on a longer course due to a wrong turn (3.26 miles) he produced a winning time of 16.51 closely followed by Tom Gardner in 17.00 minutes.
Rhys Edwards ran a great race finishing 3rd Ilford athlete in a time of 17.45.
First female was Sameena Ahmed in 21.21 very closely followed by Jordan Hinds in 21.44.

Full list of runners and times:- 

Alex Richards 16.51
Tom Gardner 17.00
Ryhs Edwards 17.45
Gary Coombes 18.02
Paul Holloway 18.21
Sam Rahman   19.05
Dan Holeyman 19.02
Steve Philcox  19.10
Haydn Newland 19.58
Diarmuid  McDonnell  20.11
Terry Knightley 21.03
Sameena Ahmed  21.19
Jordan Hinds  22.46
Tony Young   22.37
Anna Crawley  23.07
Breege Nordin  23.14
Andy Catton  24.00
Alison Sale  24.50
Gaye Young  25.05
Steve Cheal  25.28
Rob Sargent 26.29
Julia Galea  28.31
Bradley Brown  28.47
Frieda Keane  29.48
Pramila Munro  30.00
Kim Baxter  33.53