Press Report 6th July 2020  

Jul 062020
Press Report 6th July 2020

The Essex 6 – 12 stage relays are held every July in various Essex locations, however as with many races this year the event, although cancelled as a mass participation event, went ahead as a virtual event meaning Ilford AC could once again put themselves up against the best runners Essex had to offer The relay consists of long legs at 5 miles, and short legs of 5k. A scoring men’s team had to have 6 runners going long and 6 going short, whilst the ladies scoring team consisted of 2 on the long leg and 4 on the short leg. Ilford AC entered 2 men’s teams and 3 ladies’ teams. The run could be done any time over a …Read More

  Andy Catton  

Jul 032020
Andy Catton

Name:  Andy Catton Born:  Yes definitely (Ilford) Date Joined: 18th June 1967 – club founder and my Godfather, Edgar Moon, knocked on the door on my 14th birthday membership form in hand. Oh that’s a bit of a give away for the previous question !      First race for club: Had memory failure on this but fortunately I had the foresight at 12 to start a racing diary. My very first proper competitive race was an inter school xc at Buckhurst Hill on 22nd Sept 1965 which I won; but my first race in Ilford AC colours was apparently a Southend AC young athletes 3 x 2.5 miles road relay on 21st October 1967 running 3rd leg starting 20th and …Read More