Tribute from Gordon Crouch  

Nov 062013

Dear John,

Did we( you,me  and Alan Cearns ) really dismantle Brian Meadow’s car as he drove along the M.3.( or was it the A.3.?) at speed. My only excuse is that we were young and foolish. I would like to point out that I was the only one who attempted to restore order, by stopping the rear seat from being thrown out the window…….I did once catch sight of the famous John Cleese walk and I know that it brought the house down………chatting to you at Basildon the day before you broke your thigh, you saying it felt a bit sore… diligently you worked at your recovery, how relieved you were when the rod was removed.

Your very special coaching manner, your intimate knowledge of the finer points of sprint coaching.( Clearly shown in the development of John Kenny.) Gentle chats in the pub about all manner of things educational and the development of your career in physiotherapy.
My thoughts and support go to your mother and family.
You will be sorely missed by Ilford A.C. and me.
Rest in Peace