Malcolm Muir  

Jul 212013
Malcolm Muir

Name:  Malcolm Muir Born: 02.05.74 Date Joined IAC : July 1999 Personal Bests: Track 100m 13.5 200m 28.2 400m 58.1 800m 2.05.6 1500m 4.15.6 3000m 9.03.6 5000m 15.40.0 10000m 33.04.6 3000s/c 10.14.7 Road 5km 15.40 5 Miles 26.06 10km  32.06 10 Miles53.36 Half Marathon  71.31 20 Miles 1.53.53 Marathon 2.35.26 Notable Performances:  4th inter-counties half 2007 and essex to win essex team gold! Representative Honours: Essex for the road 10km,half and 20m track for 5000m xc for inter-counties and the fell inter-counties! My Biggest Disappointment: Not breaking 2.30 for marathon (yet) My Most Embarassing Moment:  Getting beaten by ladies! Typical Weeks Training: Train every days no speed work but lots of tempo runs ave 50miles a week! Favourite Sessions: 5xpints …Read More